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Posts posted by huhr

  1. I like the game and I hope they work on the wego system in only that they allow you to start your replay of the turn with the fast forward capability right away. I also liked the method of line of sight in previous games. I find the rts method of play is a lot quicker in the game but you have to use the pause button a lot to actually play

  2. i agree with trupp and noobie I liked the old system and this is the second game I bought off battlefront before the bugs were corrected. I bought theatre of war and thats for sale and this one is better. I just hope they support it, I am surprised they dont pick up these things before release. What kind of beta testers do they have? Did they ever play these games and ask the community what they want. It seems some of the complaints and requests are so basic about gameplay and how did they mish this stuff?

  3. ok, i took the chance again and purchased this game before I tried the demo. So far, it looks good, I was curious about the best set up to watch and play the game. I tried the tutorial ambush and was wondering if its located in the manual for assistance ? (i didnt find it) Plus, I noticed that the buildings often get in the way of viewing at levels 1,2, and 3. Is their a way to shadow out the buildings like CM1?

    Just interested in what the easiest method is for viewing.


  4. I never have been a player of the Operations in the game and I am playing a user based Operation. My question is this, at the beginning of a battle in the Operation component it asks you to set up your units within the green based outline. Are you supposed to leave your original troops in the same place or should you move them into new positions. I have been moving my troops into the new forward positions and was curious.

  5. hi coe,

    i have read a few books on Stalingrad and the one I have in front of me is by Antony Beevor and the chapter on Operation Uranus with a great looking map on pages 242-243 shows the Operation from the north through the Rumanian forces sweeping down and then the later thrust of 51st, 57 and 64th Armies sweeping westward toward Buzinovka and meeting the northern armies at Kalach therefore closing the ring. Most units once trapped in my opinion believed that a rescue would be attempted and many units (German) went back toward Stalingrad and therefore the pocket became larger. I would check out Beevor's book which can be looked at at any public library. Lots of stuff out there, i just think Army Group A was just worried about getting there butts back to supplies or else be cutoff

  6. I just posted the game on my Battlefield 2 tournament website and I have all the combat mission games. I noticed that the intro stated something about different turn or play styles in the game? I am curious is you could direct me to the proper location to learn more about the game. Plus, will a demo come out for the game?

  7. I was playing the other day and I had a vehicle with passengers and a anti tank gun attached.

    1. i need to first unload the passengers or detach the gun?

    2. I unloaded the passengers but couldnt get the soldiers to man the gun.

    3. I am doing something wrong

    4. Can someone inform my sorry butt the proper way to do this?


  8. thanks moon i understand your point of view and didnt know the agenda of others, i'll try to play some more and see how it pans out and I wasnt trying to make any specific accusations but these posts can get crazy at times. you guys are trying to do your best and thats about all you can do, i'll just read and see what happens and look for the strategies. I enjoy sc1 and 2 and all the cm games,

  9. Moon,

    I understand your post and I believe the posts are for this purpose to help in the next phase of computer products. I dont agree in bashing the individuals who post since they are the customers of the games. I know at times it gets personal but Krull is giving his honest opinion and we should respect that and hopefully do better next time so he purchases the next game. I know I should have waited longer to purchase but I didnt. I purchased due to the fact that I like Battlefront, plain and simple. I appreciate the fact that a new type of game is being developed. Overall, it looks nice, probably will play better when the patches come out and the camera controls are tough to get around. Perhaps, a little of the empire earth, rise of nations ideas. However, lets all get along and make this type of effort a postive one, respect each opinion and work for an improvement. I purchased battlefield 2 over 2 yrs ago, have all the mods and still love playing it. I play in campaigns and tournaments and I definitely got my $ worth. Great product in my opinion

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