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Posts posted by jon_j_rambo

  1. Brian --- Hey, buddy. I'll play any year, any side. But, I prefer Campaign games so I can do my own thing. If you want 2-games at once, no problem, I'll be the Allies. Send me your German move. You know what gets interesting? Playing about 5 games at once & trying to remember details: Where the heck are the British cariers? Which game had British naval units hanging out by "the Rock"?

    You know what really sucks? When you make a "mouse error" by clicking too quick or slipping mouse, thus screwing up a kill or failing to grab a key objective.

    jon_j_rambo >>>>>>>>>> OUT

    [ November 23, 2002, 02:19 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

  2. Hello Batavian,

    Yes, my statements are true about my "system" playing the Germans. I win everytime. I'm currently playing 3-games right now (human vs human). I've waxed 4 players via PBEM so far (human vs human). I guess when I defeat opponent number 5, I become an Ace.

    I acquired my skills by playing an old buddy of mine several games via PBEM (human vs human). I created my "system" from those initial games. I've experimented vs A.I., but to adjust my skills for my opponents.

    To answer your question: Yes, the Axis should win ever game (human vs. human) & are without excuse if they don't.

    Sorry for the delayed response to your question. I traveled all-day Thursday, played golf Friday, & going to a wedding Saturday. I have played some turns tonight after setting up the computer where I'm staying for my vacation. How's this for loyalty: I traveled over 600 miles with my SC-disk, installed it & patch, & got internet service just to play SC-PBEM at night during my vacation.

    jon_j_rambo@yahoo.com >>> I win everytime as Axis

    P.S. --- Far as "the comment above: The Axis is moderately ahead" Is that a joke? Dude, my "system" is BULLETPROOF!!!!!!!!

    [ November 23, 2002, 02:10 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

  3. There are some interesting ideas posted here. It doesn't matter what you do even if you're successful.

    Bottom Line:

    1) Germans are in full control. Don't rush anything.

    2) Americans are worthless, they're no factor.

    3) The game needs changed before

    4) The Allies are toast.


  4. My 2-takes on "The Maginot Line."

    # 1) As Germany, NEVER attack it. It's a waste of time.

    # 2) If you're the Allies, you can do something interesting as France if your opponent believes in my point #1. You need to know when to "Get Out" -A.Horror. If Germany has taken the LowCountries & has slammed into French soil...considering sliding a piece out in the very, very Southern part of "The Maginot Line."

    Maybe you can bait him (Rambo likes to bait people) to waste a unit. But obvioulsy don't let the Germans waltz (do German's waltz?) where you don't want them. Also, if your "ass is grass" (excuse the French, ha-ha), move everybody out of the M-Line before they get cut out of supply anyhows.

    Great Subject >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

  5. Rambo's takes on these 5 items (FROM the AXIS point of view)

    1) Take over as many neutral countries as possible. NO, NO, NO... That's all I will say without getting into specifics. There's more that meets the eye than just the cash. Who, when, & why you wipe-out a neutral is more important than the money (& future money). I prefer to run a tight-ship. No pork-barrel spending for Rambo.

    2) Keep you units within reach of a HQ. YES, YES, YES... This is a must. HQ belong where the action is. Always get the HQ into the front line action. Operate them, spend the fee for moving them up! Bait the enemy into attacking them. Keep them in your cities. I have complete break-down documents where HQ's go. There are a few AWESOME locations for the Germans to place their HQ's. This even includes which German General. Hints: Remember the spacing in Egypt, the cities of Russian with rivers & this will determine (pre-determine for me) who goes where. Another good question: As the German's where do you put your Generals for the Kick-Off turn against Russia.

    3) Get you experience up. Sure experience is important, but don't let it OVER-CONTROL your plan of attack. There's a fine-line here, that's something you need to draw. (see patent list)

    4) Don't leave your valuable left in 3+ hexes. TRUE, TRUE, TRUE... If you care about the unit, be careful about "In Harm's Way" -The Duke

    5) Invest in Tech early. YES, YES, YES... This is absolutely the most important thing. The next question is: How much? When? What? Do I split it up? I have a complete gaming strategy help-card on this subject which can be yours for $9.95.

    jon_j_rambo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

  6. Okay, I'm back...Just got done golfing, I shot 2-over. Is it okay to post a golf score among friends? Over-par isn't bragging, Tiger Woods would shoot 8-under so "please don't cry" -a song by Asia.

    I'm only going to address a few issues today, so no Top-10 list; it will be limited to Top-5 list:


    # 1) I run a clean gaming camp. You guys are trying to make me into a demon or something. Why don't we let one of the foul mouths (or is it fowl mouth?) post's show their hearts:

    Originally posted by I/O Error

    You've got to be f*cking kidding me "rambo".

    You're the "crowd favorite" around here because we're all having a BLAST proving you wrong. There's a huge ego trip deal involved. We were practically SHOVING EACH OTHER to be the first to say, "Well no Rambo you're absolutely wrong and have no grasp of history about WWII because of the following intelligent reasons." I mean Holy Christ, everybody from the grogs to the newbie wargamers enjoyed THAT thread.

    Why don't you stop the "F-Bombs" & leave "Jesus" out of it? Oh, that's right, you're the preacher & great historian. Sporto, "clean-up your own backyard" -a song by Elvis


    # 2) I would like to thank you for copying my style! Imitation is the greatest flattery! I love Top-10 lists! Thanks for "cutting me down, then using my methods (that's C++)". But really, I copy David Lettermen. At least I give credit where credit is due. Out of respect & pride I will avoid the newest & fastest growing posts so you guys can talk about your hereos: top 10 best commanders of ww2


    # 3) I would to personally thank my biggest fan & supporter for using my self-delared word OVER-RATED / UNDER-RATED

    Originally posted by JerseyJohn

    Joe Stillwell in the Pacific, or actually South East Asian Theater, was very underated


    # 4) I also appreatiate you guys are bonding together. The weak minded of you need to be part of something so now you can say "WE" in regards to the Forum.


    # 5) To all you War Hereos out there. Why do you insist on pounding your G.I. service record at me? (or whatever Army you served in). I don't get it. I wasn't alive during Vietnam, I'm not a draft dodger, & I have nothing against you. Why would I call myself Rambo & have a beef with the U.S. Servicemen & Servicewomen? I sure don't worship German Generals. For that matter I don't glorify violence, I'm more Quaker than anything.


    And all the Congregation said "Amen"

    RAMBO >>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

  7. JerseyJohn --- Take a deep breathe......You have gone off the edge. I'm going to address things STEP by STEP so you can understand.

    # 1) You obviously didn't like my "I don't loose as Germans" thread. That's tough luck pal, because 38 REPLIES (minus probably a couple of me within that thread) I ALSO GOT 9 E-MAILS from people prasing that post. I'm involved in 6 games & putting others on hold. If you had a clue you could had told me (like 3 others) that it's not spelled "loose" it's "lose". I'm trying to help your confidence.

    # 2) You obvioulsy didn't like "History, I'm talking about History". Once again, this was a fan favorite with 58 replies. 85% of the crowd responses put me in my place. My "takes" on D-Day were probably my biggest blunder. Stukas bombing haystacks was hiliarous!!!

    # 3) You didn't like "Top-10 movies"; well, tough luck again. Movies for guys who like movies got 28 replies & has now gained me 2 new links I can search for movies & a dozen or more war movies that I will now rent. I think that's a fair exchange of information.

    # 4) I NEVER ADDRESSED you as "Yo-Hans-Boobie"! Hey stupid, I was addressing "YoHan", get it? The W-2 form crack came as a result of "gee, you have a yahoo.com e-mail". The "Yo-Hans-Boobie" comment is clean humor & comes from the movie "Die-Hard".

    # 5) I NEVER TOUCHED YOUR POSTS. Why would I? You're making me look like the SuperHero. Plus, I'm too stupid to hack anything, remember, I'm a Rambo. I have never touched anybodies entries! You're the one trying to censor people. The Moderator can see my I.P. address & can see who is messing with things. My guess

    # 6) All my material is clean. I've never had my posts edited by the Moderator; but somebody elses was probably because they don't understand not to cuss or have a potty mouth.

    # 7) You have a weak mind & character! Why you can't even address me face-to-face. You cry like a little tattle-tale to "Dear Hubert, this Rambo guy is a stud & making me look bad". It's funny, then you turn around & post German soldier pictures like your a tough guy or something. The whole time you hide behind your computer. I don't hide behind the computer; I meet my opponents "in the Game" (EA sports take) & I address my opponents directly, straight forward, & in a clean manner via the Forum.

    # 8) Whether you like it or not. I'm the crowd favorite on the SC-Forum! I've got 6 new games going on. Other people in the world aren't cowards, they e-mail me & challenge me! I even see people are starting their own Top-10 list (props to Letterman).

    # 9) You have my whole purpose wrong. I've brought three things to the table: Challenge/Love for the game, Humor, & new subjects. I started acting like this because of all the weirdos postings all the "Yak, Yak, Yak" pretending to be some German General Reporter or something stupid.

    # 10) And finally, I had to make a number 10, just to have another Top-10 list; I must say you are weak. I'm jon_j_rambo & I stand by my comments: "I will not loose as the Germans" "I have Top-10 take on History" "I have Top-10 list on Movies." Those are only threads I've started.

    jon_j_rambo@yahoo.com >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

  8. Immer ---


    Thanks for the normal sounding post & reply; it shows you're listening to me. That is good. You're beginning to know your role.


    quit imitating a gutter-mouthed radio punk
    gutter-mouth? Is that like a fowl-mouth or something? Nice try, but my smack is clean; so don't play the "moral card".


    I knew a guy who bragged around like you way back in my Army days. He lasted two weeks
    What am I bragging about?


    who ducked service in Vietnam
    Now you play the "military card"? I was 3 years old when the war ended. So I guess I did duck out of service.


    Let me make myself clear. I run a clean organization & gaming club. You guys have been stuffing this Forum with a bunch of boring stuttering-junk. Then when a "Professional" gamer like myself, that's right a "Professional", comes along, you get all upset. My advise is for you to clean up your act.

    Quit posting a bunch whacky stuff like,"I was standing by a goat and felt the breeze like a circus in town by the Taxi Driver of my dreams which took me back to a place.....Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Barbarann, Went to a dance, looking for romanace....then lets go to a dream where I was but the goat was there with the tank."

    If you wouldn't post whacked stuff, you wouldn't get hassled so much.

    Why am I doing this? As a favor to this Forum & website to give gaming a better image. That we aren't a bunch freaks.

    In conclusion, "Know your role, & shut your hole". Think before you post.


  9. Yeah, Brian. "Pearl Harbor" is a new movie & all that...a little mushy...but even Rambo needs some mush. A Bridge of the River Kwai did make honorable mention. "Put them in the Hot Box", I think "Cool Hand Luke" got the box too.

    Check your e-mail for my move. Poland & Denmark are toast, but you have a couple of nice juicy U-Boats to sink.

    I use this type of naming convention, since I've got many games going on at once.


    Anymore takers? I'll play either side.


  10. Originally posted by General Billote:

    Is there any doubt which character Rambo would play in "Lord of the Flies" ? Why don't you try reading one of his stories instead of complaining about them.

    That's funny. You guys idol-worship the Germans & glorify violence...write AAR's about it.....And, suddenly I'm an uneducated "Jack" from Lord of the Flies.

    Who have you read? I've read 'em.

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