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J P Wagner

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Posts posted by J P Wagner

  1. Hey...I still went back and played Kriegspiel even after I moved on to games like Wacht am Rhein or Third Reich...there is always room for a variety of similar topic games...and since PC WWII strategic games will always be far and few between, I won't pass up the opportunity to play all of them..uh...though I wished I passed on buying Hearts of Iron.....

  2. Yes!!!... this is very good news indeed...there have been many threads here at SC which has brought up WIF as part of SC2 wish lists...the map was always a great selling point in WIF...just a guess here, but I would be surprised if we see this game before 2006, though many of the components are already completed so, who knows?...perhaps this will prompt Battlefront to announce some SC2 news soon...I don't think SC2 will be hurt saleswise by this for as JJ rightly pointed out, two completely different games....I, like many, will probably be playing both!... smile.gif

  3. It would be nice to be able to do one of the following when purchasing units for anti partisan duties:

    1. Have the abiltiy to select what strength points you want the unit to start with, and save some funds in so doing...

    2. Have the ability to purchase 5 strength point rear echelon Corp.

    I usually send battle reduced Corp to the rear to serve as anti Partisian units, but being able to purchase either a specific unit or a reduced Corp would be nice....

  4. I was planning to add this to the Cheating thread, because this method of play was mentioned, but decided not to have that topic veer astray. I was wondering though if the ability to sell off units, and then once purchased anew, placed anywhere you please is good for game balance? I think the game would be a greater challenge if this ability was either removed from the game or altered even further .... for example:

    The MMP's are not added to your pool until the end of your turn, thus you could not use these funds to immediately purchase and place new units....

    Cut the funds received even further so that a player would really need to be in a desperate situation to want to take such a hit...

    Have it as an option on the main screen whether disbanding units will be on or off....


  5. I would have enjoyed HOI alot more had it been turn based like SC..even though you can slow the RT down to a crawl, I still found it annoying .....but, I did like the events and tech tree and thought the graphics were well done... I guess that the old addage "different strokes for different folks" will always be a truism in wargaming since all the titles have thier support audiences....

  6. JJ, some expansion of your comments if you please...you start off by saying that "COS is vastly superior" and provide a number of examples why this is so.....you have me attaching my drool cup to my chin as I see the type of game SC should become...then you finish off by saying "in some ways SC is better than either COS or High Command." but then you close shop....besides mentioning ease of play, which is never an issue for me, are there other features in SC that are better than COS, AI competancy for example?... I know there were older threads about COS but I do not recall a direct point by point comparison between the two...since I never played COS I'll be intrested in the comparison.

  7. Didn't CVM once recommend a PENG sticky thread for all non SC related topics for SC forum members to use?...What ever came of that idea?...it most certainly would have helped..by the way, speaking of Missing in Action, where has Aloid gone?....he was one of the biggest supporters of SC......

  8. The game came out over a year ago and if you go back to that point in the forum (around page 89) and scan forward, you will sse that this forum follows the same progression (or regression if that's your take) as many other forums...there is only so much one can discuss about a game and SC has enjoyed a much better shelf life than many other games...there have been a few threads that annnoyed me and I don't hesitate to say so, much to the chagrin of others, but overall this forum has at least kept me here lurking about...the new Winter Offensive scenarios that Bill Macon brought to our attention is reason enough to keep coming back... I presume there is a fine line that the moderators attempt to balance on...on one side there are the vets who are getting a bit antsy about SCII details and at times digress, and on the other side is the hope that new potential buyers of the game will still come to the board...I'm sure the moderators feel potential sales, can be influenced by what a new buyer see's on the forum page...in a way the forum is a form of advertising for Battlefront, and if the first page is cluttered with non SC material, they may believe they might lose a potential sale...anyway the ebb and flow of this forum will continue until some concrete news about SCII is made available....

  9. These are good points..I guess I should impose a bit of self dicipline and withdraw my funds when I reach 2 or 3 tech levels....there are quite a few techs I haven't bothered with simply because I dumped all my funds in a select few and waited (usually in vain) for them to reach tech level 5..

  10. JJ...you endorse 14 year olds looking at pornographic images?....did you see the site in question?...obviously Battlefront saw the need to remove the link as well, so your futile attempt at justification is really pathetic...be a man for goodness sake and realize and admit the mistake....how do you know someone even younger may not have checked the site out?...while obviously such sites can be found, a forum promoting strategic war games should not be one of them...to argue this is really foolish of you...

    [ September 28, 2003, 10:50 PM: Message edited by: J P Wagner ]

  11. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that this forum is intended for all ages...I recommend that the link that is supplied above be removed...if you think I am out of line, then you have some serious problems....Furthermore I doubt Battlefront will appreciate such links on their site....the blatant stupidity (and the endorsement of it JJ) is truly amazing!

    [ September 28, 2003, 10:25 PM: Message edited by: J P Wagner ]

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