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White Phosphorus

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Posts posted by White Phosphorus

  1. What about if there is no intersection, and the road is twisty? In some game my command delays were as high as 140sec just to be able to tell them to follow the goddamn road until you get to the bridge!. Which in reality should be, only 3 or 4 commands. I.e. go here, turn left, go there, turn left, go through the next intersection, and you'll see the bridge. But in the game its, 5 meters to the left, 5 meters to the right, 5 meters to the left, 5 meters to the right, 7 meters to the left, 100 meters strait (oh god thank you!), 10 meters to the left, ten meters to the right, and so on. And if you don’t take the time to plot that properly, the trucks will drive off the road into scattered trees, and into soft ground and constantly bog.

    Vehicles will seek the path of less resistance when dealing with impassable terrain and will plot their own moves. Why can’t we define the concept of less resistance. And say, follow only open or better, or follow only road or better.

  2. The infantry seem to lack any sort of intelligence when fighting tanks. I mean, if they attack it and screw up, shouldn't they keep throwing everything they've got until it's dead, or at least run off before it can traverse its turret. But they just sit there, waiting for it to turn around and blast them with canister at point blank range. Infantry go berserk when fighting other infantry at close range, as their ammo expenditures indicate, but when fighting tanks, they go brain dead.

    In fact, I am disappointed by the lack of any sort of morale effect of armor on infantry. For example, Steel Panthers had tank fright. Where infantry would try to get away from a tank if all anti-tank weapons have been expended, and there are no AT weapons near by.

  3. Well, if the higher HQ isn't pinned, and theoretically has command over the troops, then I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be allowed to take over. The problem is that you have to move the platoon leaders away. And the distance is determined by their command rating, which is supposedly beneficial, but in reality makes things more difficult. The distances that a higher CO would have to travel in order to take over (on the individual level that we don't see, if the HQ squad is very close to the platoon) would not be big enough to cause any trouble under fire (and it is usually very light considering that everybody else got through OPEN ground no problem), however the distance that you have to move your entire toon HQ is quite large, and is enough to make it draw fire.

    [ November 07, 2002, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: White Phosphorus ]

  4. I am tired of panic mongers leading my platoons, since usually their troops never make it across open ground even when ordered to human wave. And they never rally their men fast enough to be effective again. I am of course referring to the no morale bonus toon leaders.

    Is there any way of temporarily transferring the command of a toon to a higher level HQ that has a morale bonus? Because usually both the leader and his platoon will crawl back for cover, where they proceed to freak for the rest of the game, making it very difficult to separate the men from the panic monger. When things aren't too bad, the toon leader can be ordered to screw off somewhere out of comrange. But effective leadership is most needed under fire. And removing HQs can be very difficult when they are constantly hitting the dirt (especially when they have the command bonus). So is there any way of temporarily transferring command, to someone more competent short of area fire execution?

  5. I've encountered this problem with tank hunter teams as well. A Stug pulls up to a light wooden building with an TH team in it. They throw 3 molotovs at it in rapid succession, and do nothing for the rest of the turn (no problem). They then throw they last molotov and a grenade in rapid succession and then do nothing for the rest of the GAME! Despite having plenty of grenades (which they are supposed to dump on the tank according to the doctrine).

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