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Posts posted by Skolman

  1. I would say the reason why russians loose that often are the scenarios provided with the game.

    Maybe they are historicaly correct but many of them are terrible hard to win...especally for the russians. (Jägermeister,Totenkopf...)

    Anyway i prefer to play the russians too because it´s more challenging.....and if you get frustrated enjoy a battle against rumanian forces in late 41 .(hehe)

    Oi ! Skolman

  2. Can anyone tell me who is firing the coaxial MG (the one mounted in the turret) Is it the loader or the guy who aims the main gun ?

    ...and btw : when i see pictures of U.S. tanks like shermans they all have the flexible MG mounted to fire at the rear....was it possible to fire them forward ?

    Oi ! Skolman

  3. I always was a great fan of the bren or universal carrier in cmbo and i really enjoyed it to see this vehicle in cmbb too in the form of the csaba...i thought the bren carrier carries a bren gun so the csaba possibly carries a "csaba mg".....with this in mind i started a quick battle with some of these vehicles to transport my flamethrowers towards the front...when they came under enemy fire i wanted them to fire back to save my FT´s AND THEN CAME THE BIG SURPRISE...the csaba is f"§$ing unarmed !!!!!

    has anyone some infos or pictures of this vehicle ???? or this there a good website on the rumanian army !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oi ! skolman

  4. Tanks can overrun AT guns for sure , but can´t harm infantry.....However in cmbo infantry (in foxholes) ran away when my tank moved over them.

    You can try it for yourself...create a scenario with a tank that has no machine gun and remove the ammo for the mai gun. then hide some troops that don´t have anti tank weapons in a straigth line in foxholes...set the weather conditions to poor sigth (dense fog)...then let the tank move straigth over them.....the troops jump up and move out of the way of the tank.

  5. Hallo to all !

    At least in my hometown, the VS was armed extremely poor (in april 45)....maybe it depends on the date

    When i see pictures of VS units ,all they carry are Panzerfäuste and normal rifles (sometimes even hunting rifles) except on parades in berlin and in front of great Nazi leaders where you can see plenty MG´s...

    Oi and a happy new year !!!!

  6. It´s true that conscript volkssturm is no real danger...but remember that you can get conscript troops too when playing the allies (even if it´s a rare event) then you will see how well the VS is armed.

    Another point is, that CM is famed for it´s realism and it´s a fact that volkssturm units where armed extremly bad...the extra MG´s where usually picked up by remaining Wehrmacht units.

    The only exception of the guns carried where possibly places like berlin where they where armed like in CM....

    Cheers Skolman and a happy new year !

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