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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Building on the above suggestion by Nmargie; 1. A chance to activate (by chance or by using diplomacy chits) the US Navy for Naval actions after USA war readiness exceeds 75%. ----- Activated US Units can only attack other ships/subs units unitl the US Navy enters the war. ----- Activated Naval units of a Neutral USA can not perform shore bombardment. ----- Attacking an activated US Naval unit in a sea hex (as opposed to a port hex) does not require a declaration of war. ----- Activated US Naval units movement is restricted to the ocean hexes north of tile XXX until the US enters the war, thus eliminating the chance that they can be sent to guard Gibraltar or reinforce British forces in the Mediterrean. [ July 31, 2005, 07:31 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. Cool, so its totally changed from SC where the AA tech applied automatically to all resource hexes. It also means that the choice of which city to use bombers against will have an impact on how much AA damage they take.
  3. Idea: Allow players to purchase one level of AA tech for individual city, port or resource tiles. Then the UK could purchase an extra level of AA tech for London, without waiting for an advance in AA technology (which benefits every city/resource title). This would reflect a decision to allocate more AA resources to selected national resources.
  4. I agree with what you are saying. What I was trying to present is a simplified method, that would not require a lot of complicated programming and yet vary the game for those that play against the AI. Take case 3 for example. The bomber strategy is essentially a bonus that gives the AI a free bomber unit every six months (1 in 1939, 2 in 1940, 2 in 1941, 2 in 1942 and 2 in 1943)and forces the Allies to respond to this threat, perhaps even leading them to divert resources towards AA tech. The key as you mention is that the AI has to know when to rethink the bomber strategy and "NOT" to waste MPPS reinforcing bomber units that have been severely damaged. That said, the AI also needs some fine tuning so that it will know how to properly use the bomber units, something that it does not know how to do in SC1.
  5. A simple way to implement this would be to create personality files that the AI would select randomly from at the start of each game. This would add variablity to games vs the AI. Example (in Sc1 terms) AI UK Personality 01 --Opening Strategy - Attack Ireland, Send Egyptian fleet to Atlantic --Research Strategy - Jets and LR AI UK Personality 02 -- Opening Strategy - Send UK fleet to Italy to Sink Italian Fleet. -- Research Strategy - Jets and AirDefense AI UK Personality 03 -- Research Strategy - Bombers and Long Range -- Bonus Units - 1 Bomber every six months.
  6. Perhaps at the start of the game the AI secretly selects a personality that will guide its actions - perhaps one that favors a conquest of North Africa or perhaps it is one that favors a Sea Lion or one that favors a large armored force or lots of airpower. [ July 24, 2005, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  7. Desert Dave Thanks for the information. Its going to be interesting to see how HC handles intelligence, not so weak that players ignore it and not so overwelmingly powerful that it becomes a mandatory tech to invest in. The intel tech is also a tech where the catch-up bonus should not apply, in my opinion. Why? I would like to give the AI a bonus in Intel without having the human player receive a bonus to their research in this area. Example: AI Beginner: Intel Tech Level 0 for AI AI Intermediate: Intel Tech Level 2 for AI AI Expert: Intel Tech Level 4 for AI --------------------------------------------- For the AI levels I would like to see 5 variables; 1. Difficulty (Green to Expert) 2. Computer Experience Bonus (+0 to +2) 3. Computer Intelligence Tech Bonus (0 to 4) 4. Computer Diplomacy Bonus (0 to 4 chits) The computer diplomacy bonus would give the AI player (either Germany or the UK) a bonus number of Diplomacy chits at the start of the game. Green through Beginner = 0 Bonus Chits Intermediate = 2 Bonus Diplomacy Chits Expert = 4 Bonus Diplomacy Chits 5. Alternate History (0 to 1) Alternate history is where the AI would receive zero to one randomly selected bonus, and the human player will not know which one until he sees a popup Screen at the start of the game that recounts the history of Europe since WWI. In my view, such a feature would add much replayability to the game. Random Alternate History Options for the Allied AI: 01. Republicans defeated the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War. [spain Allied with USSR] As a consequence of the above event Spain begins the game allied to the USSR. Now the human player taking on Russia, must also be prepared to deal with an hostile Spain. Futhermore, attacking Spain early in the war automatically brings Russia into the war. 02. Stalin was assassinated before the military purges occured. [Russia starts game with 2 HQ units of Generals that were executed by Stalin, these generals are not available in the normal game] As a conseqence of this event Russia begins the game with 2 bonus HQ units: Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky - Rating 7 Iona Emmanuilovich Yakir - Rating 6 03. Japan joins the Allies. [Russia receives Siberian troops early] 04. Norway decides to join allied alliance. [Norway joins Allies] 05. France Extended Maginot Line to the Ocean. [France starts war with fortifications in all tiles along the Belgium border. This event present the Human Player with the problem of how defeat France when it is protected by a much strengthened line of fortifications. Random Alternate History Options for the Axis AI: 01. Spain Joins Axis. 02. Turkey Joins Axis. 03. Germany mobilizes for Total War. [Germany starts game with Industrial Tech Level 2]. 04. Germany launched secret campaign to build U-boats. [Germany starts game with 3-6 Sub Fleets in the Atlantic] 05. Japan Invades Russia in 1942. [No Siberian Transfer] 06. German Military Coup. [Germany receives bonus Tech Chits.] The effect of this event is to give Germany 3 bonus chits in industrial tech and 3 additional bonus research chits to reflect the mobilization of the German economy for war. [ July 16, 2005, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. Thanks for the update. I wonder if the Axis AI will use different naval production strategies? ( Not buy the boats or buy some boats or buy a ton of boats)
  9. Is Counter-Intel a new tech or just another use of the Intelligence tech? If Counter-Intel is a new tech I assume that it will as stated reduce the tech catch-up bonus and reduce the effects of your enemy's intel tech. Will it also reduce the chance for partisans? I also assume that the Intel Tech will counter any Counter-Intel Tech. Does the Intel Tech, if it is a seperate tech, give a bonus to the Research Catchup Bonus? ----------------------------------------- I would like it if I could purchase Partisan Activation in a conquered country for a hefty price - 600 MPP if small (Switzerland) and 900 MPP if large (Spain). Intel tech would reduce the cost of partisan activation (-5% per tech level) and Counter-Intel would increase the cost of partisan activation (+10% per tech level). This would make the appearance of partisans less predicatable. [ July 14, 2005, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. Road, Railroad and Bridge Tiles Roads for lower level games - ie battle of the Bulge Railroads for higher level games - ie American Civil War Bridge Tiles to cross water tile sides.
  11. Interesting. Can't disband Navy units. That will certainly help the Axis and make the French defense more predicatable - ie no more scrapping ships to purchase a HQ, an armor unit or more corps. Infrastructure research and weather. Most interesting.
  12. I see, so the map can be expanded another 136 tiles to the East and cover the vastness of Siberia, the steppes of Mongolia, the Himalayan mountains and reach the shore of the Pacific. So in this vastly expanded Russia one could accurately recreate the Siberian Army forces of the Russian Army, and give the Russian player the option to operate them West. However, each unit operated west increases the chance for the Japanese forces (eliminate Iran add neutral Japan to Korea and Manchuko) controlled by the Axis Italian Player to activate and attack. Of course, if Japanese forces advance into Russia it increases USA war readiness. Note, Japanese activation does not increase USA war readiness but Japanese units moving adjacent to Tiles XX,XX,XX and XX do and Russia DOW Japan decreases American War Readiness. Note: There are very few cities in this great expanse of Siberian Russia (and they are all along the route of the TransSiberian Railroad), and much of the terrain is covered by Forest and Marshes, and Mountains once one gets farther east. I reckon that across the whole of Siberia east of the Urals that you will find only 4 decent sized cities, that means that any attacking force will be suitably weakened by a lack of supply while the terrain will force them to advance on a narrow front. [ July 11, 2005, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  13. Perhaps I can write a script that says; 10% Popup: News Flash: Empire of Japan announces withdrawal of its forces from China along with withdrawal from the Triparte Axis Alliance. President Rooosevelt lifts the ban on the sale of oil to Japan. USA War Readiness Declines 20% USA Gains 2 Carriers and 2 cruisers. I wonder if the effect of this would be balanced for gameplay purposed in SC2 And for those newcomers to the Forum, here's an interesting concept: [ July 11, 2005, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. At that point in time, they thought they were winning the war. France, Belgium, Greece, Norway, Yugoslavia was conquered and they had advanced far into Russia. Britain was standing alone in the West. [ July 11, 2005, 07:52 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. In SC1 the Axis AI followed the same strategy for conquering counties in the opening game. I would like to see the AI in SC2 able to choose from multiple deisgner/player created strategies stored in a text file or create its own permutations of this (and track the success rate of each one). A text file strategy would list the countries in the order that the AI would attempt to conquer them. The AI would use this to guide its opening game moves and Declaration of Wars. Text File example: 01. Poland, Belgium, France, Denmark 02. Poland, Belgium+Denmark, France (attack Belguim and Denmark at the same time) 03. Poland+Denmark, Belgium, France, Norway, Sweden. 04. Poland+Denmark, Belgium, France, Vichy France + Vichy Algeria, Norway This would add variery to the AI opening moves and make it less predictable. [ July 10, 2005, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. Any news on the naval war? How does it play out? Do the playtesters see an incentive for the Axis to battle for the Atlantic?
  17. 1. The AI in SC1 does not change its strategy, but the game is fun and plays rather quickly. In SC2 I am looking forward to a more unpredictable AI. 2. What really adds to the game is the PBEM and TCIP play options.
  18. I believe that the game will have the cost or number of operational moves affected by the Infrastructure Tech. Personally, after Sc2 ships I would like to see HC release a version that would support rail and road tiles for improved modeling of lower scale scenarios - ie Battle of the Bulge, American Civil War [ July 09, 2005, 11:15 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. In my view Germany and Italy would not have declared war on the USA if they were losing the war in Europe. The USA entered the War in Europe because Germany and Italty; foolishly, declared war on the USA in the name of solidarity with their Axis partner. Historically, Japan attacked USA first, USA declared War on Japan, UK Declared War on Japan then Germany and Italy declared war on USA.
  20. If there are any additional orders for land units perhaps; "Hold at All Costs" order to recreate the orders given to Axis and Russian units by their all knowing leaders. This units would never withdraw and could be destroyed in place. "Fighting Withdrawal" order so that units so ordered would withdraw at the first sign of combat. Even if they did not lose any strength points they would withdraw 1 tile at the first sign of combat.
  21. AI Note: The AI in the Fall Blau campaign the AI always follows the same strategy, it would be more interesting if the AI would alter its strategy at times. For example: It always operate 2 air unts west from Russia early in the game. Why not keep them in the East to aid the German assualt in Russia. Why not operate units guarding cities far behind the lines to Russia? Perhaps a simple strategy selection such as; 50% Defense Strategy on Russian Front 50% Offense Stategy on Russian Front Or perhaps breaking the game map into user definable strategic areas - aka Weather Zones - so that the AI can better function with user customized maps. The AI can select a strategy to follow in each area. Example: Western Front - Offense/Defense/Minimal Garrison/Empty Eastern Front - Offense/Defense/Minimal Garrison/Empty Central Front - Offense/Defense/Minimal Garrison/Empty Nordic Front - Offense/Defense/Minimal Garrison/Empty Med Front - Offense/Defense/Minimal Garrison/Empty Thus the AI might select a Offensive Strategy in the Eastern Front, a Defensive Strategy in the Western Front, and a Minimal Garrison Strategy in the Central Front. It would track, via an internal counter, which combination of strategies had the most success over time. With a minimal defensive strategy it would only garrison those cities that are critical to the defense of an area. Example: With a minimal garrison strategy for Central EuropeThe AI would not garrison Munich or Budapest, but would garrison Berlin. Example: With a mimimal garrison strategy for North Africa the AI would only garrison Tripoli and Tobruk while withdrawing excess units back to Europe. Example: With a defensive strategy for North Africa the AI would maintain enough resources - ie 2 corps and a HQ unit(?) sufficient in size to halt any allied conquest, but not enough to defeat the allies in Egypt. Excess units would be withdrawn to Europe. North Africa 1. Minimal Garrison - 2 Corps 2. Defensive Garrison - 2 Corps, 1 Army 3. Offensive Strategy - HQ, 3 Army, 3 Air Units, 3 Corps (to take Egypt and Beruit and Iraq). 4. Empty - Withdraw all units from North Africa [ July 06, 2005, 04:24 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. Another complaint I have is that the German AI tends to build new units far from where they are needed. Then it needlessly spends MPPs to operate them elsewhere. Example: In the Fall Blau campaign the AI continually build new units around Munich and then operated them elsewhere. Why not build units in Russia where they can be used to hold the line while also saving the cost of operating units to Russia. [ July 06, 2005, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  23. I believe that in SC2; Only the more expensive amphibious units can conduct invasions, normal transports must land at ports. The longer a transport unit is at sea the weaker it becomes.
  24. A simple request, I think, in SC2 I would like the Axis AI to know if the UK is undefended and few surface ships are in the area and act on this information a percentage of the time if forces are not needed elsewhere. Example: Human Allied player launches D-Day, all UK and USA forces are in France, while no forces have been kept in England besides a lone Bomber. The AI may, 50%, decide to act on this and conduct an amphibious invasion of England with 2 corps that it can spare. Then enusing threat may cause the Allied Human player to weaken his offensive in France, less the UK fall. As for the Percentage chance for the AI to use this information: its 0% at Beginner AI, 75% at Intermediate AI and 90% at Expert AI. Thus: ----- Is UK undefended? --------At Beginner AI 0% AI knows this condition exists. --------At Expert AI 90% AI knows this condition exisits. ------------Then it must decide what to do given that it knows this and its strategy. ------------------------------ In fact, relating a [%] to the AI level would allow one to easily configure the various AI's to consider specific scripted alternatives, thus making the AI smarter not just stronger at higher levels. Example: For North Africa you might have a withdrawal script where the Allied AI would withdraw outnumbered units from Egypt via the Horn of Africa. The Beginner AI would have a 0% to access this script and would never evacuate even it was outgunned. The Intermediate AI would have a 75% to access this script. The Expert AI would have a 90% to access this script and would evacuate at the last moment if it knew reinforcements were not going to arrive in time to change the tide of battle. Thus the AI becomes smarter as the AI level increases. [ July 05, 2005, 11:11 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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