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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Although the Activation script will activate a nation, I wonder if there is a script which will change a nation from pro-UK to pro-Goviet or pro-German. I ask this as I can think of several cases where I might want to randomly change the default leaning of a nation. Thus I could have Spain randomly activate as a Soviet Minor Ally or a German Minor Ally or a UK Minor Ally. Example: 3% Communists won the Spanish Civil War and Spain is an active Soviet Minor Ally. 3% Communists won the Civil war and Spain is Soviet leaning. 91% Fascists win the war and Spain is a neutral Fascist republic. 3% Spain is an active German Minor Ally and a member of the Axis Alliance. Simarily, I wonder if the event editor will allow one to change a nation from a minor nation to a major nation and a major nation to a minor nation. Example: 98% - Italy is a Major Axis Nation (49 of 50 games) 1% - Italy is a neutral nation and Spain is a Major Axis nation 1% - Italy is a neutral nation and Turkey is a Major Axis nation I also wonder if the scripts will allow one to change the terrain? What would have happened if France did not build the maginot line, but spent those resources on building a stronger army. Thus: Maginot line fortresses are replaced by weaker engineer built fortresses while Fance gains a HQ unit, an armor unit, and an engineer unit. Or what if France extended the Maginot Line thus: France gains Fortifications along the Belgium border and Germany (copying France) gains a bonus Engineer Unit. [ December 31, 2005, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. Pzgndr and Desert Dave, many thanks for the update. Sounds better and better. You guys and HC are really thinking out of the box. One question - sometimes I would surprise my human opponents by making an early attack on Russia if I defeated France early. By early I mean before Russia annexes the Baltic States. It would make for an exciting and most balanced game as the Russian player has few units along the German border. Can one still attempt this in Sc2? If so will the AI sometimes execute this strategy too? [ December 31, 2005, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  3. I will try not to disappoint you and the others who are looking forward to see what campaigns I can develop. In the meantime, its good to hear that Hubert is hard at work on the AI. Any news on the AI? Will it will access a wider range of strategic, operational, and tactical strategies in Sc2? Will it be less predictable? [ December 31, 2005, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  4. As mentioned in another thread (Farewell) by Desert Dave the game Totaler Krieg offers a random pre-war (1914-1938) events generator. It would be most interesting if Sc2 included this as an option. You would select 1939 Alternative History Campaign and the system would randomly select the events that may or may not change the game, in addition to compiling a 1914-1938 History report; with boiler plate paragraphs, that would be accessed from the reports menu. Example 01: The system selects Communist Spain as an alternative history event. Spain begins the game as a Soviet minor nation ally. An Axis attack on Spain increases Russian war readiness and an Axis attack on Russia increases Spanish war readiness. The History Report would replace the standard paragraph on Spain with: "The defeat of the facist forces during the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939 lead to the ascendency of the Communist party in Spain and the formal signing of an Economic Cooperation and Mutual Defense treaty with the Soviet Union." [ December 31, 2005, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  5. Optional pre-game events would be an interesting "optional" (aka FOW, War in Siberia, Show Hexes) feature for SC2 that would vary the standard campaign game. In fact, as Desert Dave mentioned above the Totaler Kreig site has rules that randomly recreate various outcomes of the 1914-1939 pre-war years. Totaler Kreig Living Random Campaign Campaign Example: This site also offers good ideas for modder created scenarios: [ December 31, 2005, 06:40 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. Question: If there are no penalties for not having Russian units on the German border doesn't this allow the Russia to avoid the loss of all those front line units that occurs in SC1? And if so, doesn't this make for a much stronger Russia?
  7. I agree, these three changes will have a major effect on the game vs humans. Though I wonder if the Russian AI will vary its strategy from game to game. Perhaps HC will give the Russian AI 3 or more pre-war strategies to select from. [ December 29, 2005, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. beginner's luck I don't think that allowing Germany to purchase untis for Finland would necessarily help Germany, in fact it might even hurt it. Why? 1. Each Finish unit purchased is one less German unit, and Finish units can't take advantage of German Tech upgrades 2. Build Limits on Finland would limit the number of units that Finland could mobilize. 3. Production time of these units. 4. The longer the war goes on the more experience the Russian troops get. 5. Its easy to bottle up troops in Finland by holding onto Leningrad. 6. The Russian army, if competantly led, may be able to quickly destroy the Finish army. If so, then all German MPPs sent to Finland are gone. In my view Germany might give Finland enough MPPs to reinforce its units, but will never give them enough to buy new units. As you said the beta testers might decide to test this scenario and let us know what they think. The advantage to Russia of taking Finland out of the war early is that it will secure their Norhern front, give their troops experience, and allow them to strengthen their lines along the German border. The real problem for them is that it may also cause Sweden to join the Axis. It should be noted allowing the German player to purchase reinforcements for Finish units recreates Finland's historical skill in holding off the Russian invaders, who were ill prepared for a winter war. Notes on the historical reasoning behind my choices on which countries neutral Russia should be allowed to attack; a. Finland - Historically it was attacked by Russia. b. Sweden - as it feared being attacked by Russia to the extent that it did not aid Finland. c. Romania - It also took some Romanian land, why not more. (Attacking Romania would likely panic Bulgaria and Turkey into joining the Axis) d. Iran - Historically it invaded Iran (in conjunction with the UK) and Russia has always wanted a warm water port. e. Turkey - Conquest of Turkey would give Soviet Russia direct access to the Mediterrean, and these two countries have never been friends. (Given the terrain of Turkey any neutral Russian player would be foolish to attack it.) f. Iraq - Oil, a warm water port and a weak government. (Any Russian conquest of Iraq would end merchant shipping from Iraq to the UK and thus reduce UK production.) [ December 29, 2005, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. On a Historical Note: 1. Russia attacked Finland after annexing the Baltic States, but failed to conquer it, though Finland was forced to give up 10% of its territory. 2. Russia invaded Iran in 1941 from the North while the British invaded from the South. [ December 29, 2005, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. Considering the pre-war situtation, I would think that Neutral Russia should be able to DOW neutral Finland, Sweden, Romania, Turkey, Iraq and Iran; alas this will have to wait until later. That said, such actions would likely have caused other nations to align themselves with Germany for their own protection. It may also have negatively impact American war readiness due to the red scare prevelant in the US at that time. Example: Neutral Russia attacks Finland This may cause neighboring Sweden to join the Axis alliance and will improve German relations with Romania and Bulgaria If Russia is successful in attacking Finland the Northern front is secured against invasion, its economic base grows and Russian troops gain valuable experience. However, diversion of troops to the Finish front will weaken its front with Germany and may cause other nations to join the Axis. Example: Neutral Russia attacks Iran This may cause neighboring Turkey to join the Axis alliance and will improve German relations with Romania and Bulgaria. Allowing such actions in SC2 would open up a wider range of strategies for the Russian player to pursue, although at great risk. --------------------------------------------- Note: If Russia were to attack Finland, the Axis player should see a pop-up on his turn that gives him 3 options if Finland has not surrendered. 1. Declare War on Russia (Finland joins Axis while Germany is drawn into an early war with Russia) 2. Send Aid to Finland (Finland does not join Axis but can reinforce and purchase units at a cost in German MPPs) 3. Ignore the attack on Finland (Finland does not join Axis and Germany can continue to prepare for war with Russia) [ December 29, 2005, 05:32 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. What factors impact upon Russian troop deployment while Russia is neutral? Are their penalties for not deploying units along the German border? Are their deployment restrictions for the Russian player? While Russia is neutral can it DOW neutral Finland? If this is allowed does such an action impact the chance of Sweden, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria joining the Axis?
  12. Does SC2 have a Win Loss scorecard that tracks your record against the AI (aka Civilization, GalCiv, et. al). ie Scenario - Opponent - Game End Date - Win/Loss - Score and a randomly selected pithy comment - ie "You're no Napoleon", "Patton would be proud" - based on actions. Sample scorecard comments: "Otto von Bismarck would be proud." (if Axis wins after swaying Spain or Turkey to their side with diplomacy) "You're no Caesar" (if Axis lose) "You're no Frederick the Great" (if Axis lose) "You're no Napoleon" (if Allies lose) "You're no Ulysses S. Grant" (if Allies lose) "You remind me of General Lee" (if the allied loss comes in 1946 or thereafter) "Patton would be proud" (if USA unit takes Berlin) "The Commonwealth honors you" (If UK unit takes Berlin) "Impatience was your downfall" (if Allies lose after attempting an early D-Day) "Your victory honors Mother Russia" (if Russia takes Berlin with minimal losses) "Your maddness honors Stalin" (if Russia takes Berlin with high casualties) "You remind me of Gaius Terentius Varro" (A dishonored tribune of Rome during the 2nd Punic War) [ December 28, 2005, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  13. Update: At Level 2 the AI is more likely to attack Spain, Portugal,Vichy France, Hungary, and Greece.
  14. UK Preparations for Guerilla War Auxilliary Unit Web Page by Former Member Another article on the Auxiliary Units Article by the BBC on the Auxiliary Units In Guerrilla Warfare Tech terms the UK preparations highlighted above would be equal to Level 1 preparations. The preparations of Switzerland, which built bunkers and forts in the alps and mined all the tunnels would be more like Level 3. [ December 22, 2005, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. In another post it was mentioned that Amphibious warfare did not make the final cut. To take its place I offer for consideration: Guerrilla Warfare. Background: Some governments prepared to fight a guerilla war if they were conquered. This includes Switzerland, Post WWII Yugoslavia and Albania and the Chinese Communist Party. Guerilla Warfare represents preparations for continuing the fight after the government surrenders. Proposal: Each Tech Level in Guerrilla warfare increases the chance for post surrender partisans by 20% and activates post surrender partisans for that major power. At tech level 5 (115% (5x20%) + 15% base chance) this would ensure that at least one partisan unit (100%) and possibly 2 (15%) appear each turn. Tech Level 1 = 35% (15% base + 20%), 2 = 55%, 3 = 75%, 4 = 95%, 5 = 115% for a partisan unit to appear each turn during normal months. In Winter months the chance is 75%(base)+20%/tech level. Adding this option allows a major power to make preparations to continue the fight after their nation has been conquered and forces the conquerer to devote more resources towards occupying that country. No longer could Germany redelopy all of his forces west after defeating Russia. He would be forced to garrison each Russian city. Of course, the Soviet Union would likely be the only country to invest in developing this capability. PS: I would also consider having the chance for partisan units appearing increase by 25% for each partisan occupied city. [ December 23, 2005, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. Does anyone know if the canned strategies listed above be scripted with the AI scripting tools in SC2? Will there be support for a scripted Conquest by Country Road Map for the the AI? ie: Strategy 1: 1st Denmark > 2nd Low Countries Will there be support for a scripted production & research road map for the AI? ie: When Russia surrenders buy 1 chit in Jets if Jets < 5 else purchase 1 chit in Long Range if Long Range < 3 [ December 22, 2005, 07:41 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. It depends, CIV3 comes with a historical WWII scenario too.
  18. Comparing SC2 and Civ3; both have military units, a map based on tiles, production points, research, diplomacy and a map editor. Civ3 also has a WWII Pacific War scenario.
  19. In a recent Sc1 game vs the AI, I let Russia fall to the Axis to see how it handled an invasion of the British Isles. The AI could not mount a successful Sealion invasion of the UK. Why? Though it had a large airforce it kept them back from the French coast and out of range for supporting invading land units. It did not protect or screen transports that carried HQ units; which my British Navy sunk, and thus would land units without HQ support. Nor did it build naval units to contest Allied control of the sea. All of its threatened landings were in the south, none around Northern England. Nor did it take any action to prevent US reinforcements from arriving in England. It obviously did not research Long Range or Jets and thus my UK air fleets remained out of the Axis air strike range. The AI needs instructions for what to build and research once Russia has fallen along with instructions on how to successfully launch and support an invasion of England. PS: It also needs instructions on how to maximize its MPP production by conquering any remaining neutrals in Europe, after conquering Russia. My suggestion is for the Axis AI to consider a random selection of 3 core strategies after Russia surrenders; 1. Conquer remaining neutral nations (Sweden, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Iraq) and territories (North Africa) before invading the UK. 2. Prepare to Invade the UK ------ Research Jets, Long Range and Bombers ------ Build Jets and Bombers ------ Move Jets and Bombers to the English Channel coast when Axis has superior numbers and support them with HQ units. 3. Build a Navy to control the Atlantic and disrupt merchant shipping before invading the UK. ----- Research Gunlaying Radar or Subs ----- Germany builds Ships (Surface ships or subs) in the Baltic. Italy builds subs in the Med. ----- When Fleet is equal in size to Allied Fleet venture into the Atlantic to sink the Allied Fleets and block all shipping to the British Isles. ----- Conquer Spain and Gibraltar so the Italian Fleet can sally forth into the Atlantic to support operations of the German fleet. This gives the following six combinations: Option 1 then 2 (Conquer all neutrals then invade UK) Option 1 then 3 then 2 (Conquer all neutrals, then control Atlantic then invade UK) Option 3 then 2 (Control Atlantic then invade UK) Option 3 then 1 then 2 (Control Atlantic, Then Conquer all remaining Neutrals then Invade UK) Option 2 (invade UK) Option 1 (Conquer all Neutrals) then 3 (Control the Atlantic) then Invade North America, leaving the English isolated on their island. (Yes, I know its not realistic but it would be fun.) Why six combinations? It makes for a more interesting endgame if the Human does not know what to expect and it makes the AI seem more human. :cool: [ December 20, 2005, 08:17 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. Agent Smith, Thank you, and yes, I do have a few ideas for scripted scenario's.
  21. Report Ideas: Diplomacy Spending Report -Accessible at Intel Level 1 -Shows how many chits each nation currently has invested in Diplomacy. Accessible means that the diplomacy spending report button is greyed out until your Intel Tech Level is 1 or higher. Research Spending Report -Accessible at Intel Level 2 -Shows how many chits each nation currently has invested in research. -Example: USA 4, Germany 10, Russia 2, UK 5, Italy 2 Accessible means that the research spending report button is greyed out until your Intel Tech Level is 2 or higher. Military Command Report - Accessible at Intel Level 3 - Shows name, strength rating and deployment theater (?) for highest rated HQ unit of each major power. - Example: Germany - Rommel (9) - Eastern Front USA - Eisenhower (8) - Western Front UK - Montgomery (7) - Western Front USSR - Konev (5) - Eastern Front Accessible means that the military command report button is greyed out until your Intel Tech Level is 3 or higher. Military Command Report (v2) - Accessible at Intel Level 4 - Shows name, strength rating, deployment country and closest city for highest rated HQ unit of each major power. - Example: Germany - Rommel (9) - Russia - Stalingrad USA - Eisenhower (8) - Egypt - Cairo UK - Montgomery (7) - UK - Manchester USSR - Konev (5) - Russia - Moscow Italy - Barri (4) - Italy - Rome Miliarty Command (v3) - Accessible at Intel Level 5 - The highest rated HQ unit of each major power and the uints it supports are visible on the map (ie spotted). [ December 21, 2005, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. Sounds pretty powerful. Lots of choices. Too few MPPs. You can't research everything. Perhaps, no longer will the game be won by researching soley Long Range and Jets.
  23. What do the Amphibious Warfare and Infrastructure techs offer?
  24. Having suggested a few ideas for Genius level events for the Axis AI, here are a few for the Allied AI: AI Allied & Human Axis ------- A. % that Turkey & Iraq join the Allies a few turns after Russia is at war ------- B. % that Spain joins the Allies after the Allies launch a D-Day Invasion. ------- C. % US Task Force appears in the Red Sea a few turns after the US enters the war as Japan never attacked the USA. ------- D. % that the US gets a 20% bonus to war readiness and enters the war earlier. Thus at Genius level an Axis game player may experience eleven possible variations; 1+(4+3+2+1) = 11, during a campaign. [ December 15, 2005, 04:39 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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