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CMX2 Borg

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Everything posted by CMX2 Borg

  1. Yeah, great...we of the Collective can see we have our work cut out for us. Sometimes, you just don't even wanna aCMilate some mother's son... Resist all you want, Junior, the Collective no longer cares...
  2. Ah yes, but the CM Borg has been assimilated by M. Hofbaeur. Check out these scintillating posts: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=recent_user_posts;u=00002265 Feel his creepy Germanic power emanating through his one word replies and lack of wit or sense of humor. The Borg are actually Germans! We thought we could fool you. We are ashamed.
  3. So with the departure of the faithful to the CMBB board, the CMBO forum now becomes 25 incarnations of the Peng Thread? Talk about aCMilation! The CMBB Borg removes our cube-shaped hat in admiration and green-eyed jealousy. We have much to learn from you lot.
  4. Shows what you know....unless you are admitting to being the CM Borg, which is us, which you can't be since we are not you. But considering the Germans are historically the second most assimilatorial group (following only the Borg in their capacity for inflicting suffering on others and demanding homogenousness among its subjects) one can see where you are coming from. But thank you for turning a thread devoted to saying nice things about CMBB into a pissing match. Perhaps you would like to return to your GIC-sycophants now, and let us go back to sycophanting for CMBB.
  5. Full Text Follows: <FONT COLOR="#A58F50"> With so many negative waves burning up the Forum, perhaps it is time for 331 of 9808 to add some positive thoughts to the forum so that we may continue our quest for universal acceptance of CMBB as all that is good, sweet and right in this and any other galaxy. a) Graphics. The new graphics are simply stunning; even starting from the very basics of grass and sky, add doodads, waving trees, and wind into the mix and you have a winner. Hi res uniforms, new rank differentiations, AWESOME looking tracer and explosion effects, simply outstanding. Deanco's interface doesn't suck half as bad as some of the dreck he foisted on the community before (KIDDING....THE BORG KIDS!!! WE LOVE DEANCO...with so much info to cram into the interface we can't see anyone having done this better - and look forward to his unpublished stuff going onto websites soon.) What about those houses that have floors in them now, and can be looked OUT of. What a dramatic improvement! We are astonished and thrilled. Gameplay - from variable turn endings to improved MG mechanics to what appear to be improved and more realistic rates of fire, penetration data of AFVs, to the willingness of anti-tank troops to commit to close assaults, simply stunning. c) Stuff we don't even know get to see yet - the importing of maps and forces in QB maps, the improved size of the maps.... And on, and on, and on We are not going to dilute this opus with a "but couldn't you" or "but in future you should". We are going to leave it there because that is how impressed and grateful we are. To anyone who dares crack this code and still wants to quibble - WE ARE COMING FOR YOU. YOU WILL BE CONVERTED TO OUR WAY OF THINKING. YOU WILL LOVE CMBB AND EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. YOU WILL NOT DISSENT, YOU WILL BE ACMILATED AS WE, THE COLLECTIVE, HAVE BEEN ACMILATED. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME FOOLISH UNDERLINGS IN YOUR PATHETIC, PEDANTIC, PEDESTRIAN ARGUMENTS BEREFT OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL. <p align="right">!gnimoc era ew wonk tub uoy ot teg ot regnol evitcelloC eht ekat yam tI .edasurc lanoitanretni na otni etabed dopirt-orp ruot gniuniynoc ton rof sknaht ytraeh a dda ew ,ailartsuA ni sdneirf ruo ot dnA</p> </FONT> We will conclude with a sincere thanks. Don't let the bastards grind you down.
  6. We like your style, kid. You are on your way to being aCMilated.
  7. "I"? "I"? You pathetic, indiscriminate, unfeeling clod! You are not fully aCMilated. Report to detention area www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=9 for reaCMilation! We approve of your comments; we do not approve of your attitude. You have been warned. You will soon be we. "I" will become "us". Together we will dictate the future of the wargaming market.
  8. This constant barrage of independent thought is NOT ACCEPTABLE. This never-ending stream of "I hate the interface, why can't we have pictures of naked dancing panda bears" is tireless, relentless, and unnecessary. BFC have worked hard to bring this Collective into being; you have all been brought into it quite unwillingly but don't pretend for a second it gives you the right to complain, quibble, or even dream. You are not Madmatt. You are not even Deanco. You will NOT be selected to be a member of the Hive Brain. Rather, you will play CMBB and you will like it! You will become one of us. Resistance is futile. The Collective will not tolerate your mewling and whining any longer. You will be aCMilated. Mods are irrelevant. Grognanical Discussion is irrelevant. Your enjoyment of CMBB will be added to our own. Did I mention you will be aCMilated? Suck it up and together we will rule the gaming universe. GI Combatters will tremble in their dens at our approach. They too will be aCMilated. It is only a matter of time. Bickering is futile.
  9. <font color="red">DO NOT FEIGN IGNORANCE! IT WILL DO YOU NO GOOD! YOUR DISTINCTIVENESS WILL BE ADDED TO OUR OWN. </font> (I'm telling you to spell all the words on your site correctly! The layout is solid and professional but the spelling errors make it look like a Kindergarten extra-credit project. Too bad, because you have a great start.) RESIST US NO LONGER! YOUR VOICE WILL BE HEARD ONLY AS PART OF THE COLLECTIVE! <font color="gray">Edited because the Collective made me. </font> [ September 04, 2002, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: CMBB Borg ]
  10. In order for the information on your website to be properly aCMilated, perhaps a spell check program would be in order. Your distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile. Claiming poetic license is even more futile. Your individualistic spelling practices WILL be subordinated to the greater good! You WILL overcome and adapt, in order to survive. You will become one with the CMBB Collective. [ September 04, 2002, 10:46 AM: Message edited by: CMBB Borg ]
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