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Fetchez la Vache

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Posts posted by Fetchez la Vache

  1. I think it was recommended to make a folder called "Z" and place the mod .brz files in it. The files are loaded alphabetically and therefore any mods in the folder called "Z" would be loaded last - which is what you want.

    You don't have to call it "Z" I guess. "Z-Force", "Zebedee", "Zee Amerikans Are Coming Hans", etc would all work I would have thought?

  2. Why do we have to see (?) contact icons for dead/wounded enemy? At least that what it looks like to me from the demo, please correct me if I am wrong. And surrendering soldiers possibly as well I think? After pounding the village in Closing the Gap I rushed in only to find I had been apparently providing suppression onto a bunch of dead and wounded soldiers. Hopefully no-one will be bringing war crimes charges against me.

    To be honest I only want to see contact icons for troops actually moving about and generally of an "alive" appearance*.

    * obviously this doesn't strictly apply to nazi zombies in-game

  3. They didn't throw StuGs. That's silly and a waste of a good tractor.

    They just threw wooden logs hard enough to penetrate the KV-1's frontal armour at ranges up to 1000m. That's why you see so many pictures of Finnish StuGs with logs lashed to their sides - they're carrying ammo...

  4. Why not make it possible for non-Rhino tanks to cross low bocage but make it very slooooooow and with a significant probability of bogging?

    If I understand the problem, it's the earthbank part of the bocage that causes AFV's trouble whereas it's the hedgerow that causes infantry trouble. In which case we could perhaps do with 4 different types of bocage:

    1) Low hedgerow, with earthbank

    2) High hedgerow, with earthbank

    3) Low hedgerow only

    4) High hedgerow only


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