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Fetchez la Vache

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Posts posted by Fetchez la Vache

  1. What about the Aussies then?

    Just out of interest where in Oman are you? I spent some time out there based in Mina Sultan Qaboos. I loved the country and loved the people and wouldn't have come back but for Herself not being able to cope with the heat.

    Aussies? Equal third with the Poles and Scots. Too close to call. :-)

    Muscat - we're living in Medinat Al Ilam, so just down Alan Shearer Street from MSQ. Great place and people, as you say. Both of us working so only the kids to go mad over the summer. Sorry, go more mad over the summer. ;-)

    MIght be time for a change soon though, so time to break out the Danish phrase book. Min måde eksplodere i glæde!

  2. Random maps are fun (if you roll a good one) in their own way. I think it is a shame they can't be supported in the CMx2 engine. It's an upshot of the way the game has developed.

    In fact I did (and do) wonder if CMx2 has moved away from what I liked so much in CMBO/BB/AK. I never got into CMSF. Initially I thought it was the setting, which is still a factor I must admit. But later on I realized I didn't really need 1:1 soldiers, or improved graphics or a super C&C structure. I just wanted to play ASL-type games on my computer while hovering 100m above the battlefield. A 'counters with graphics' type game suits me fine, although I always appreciate a proper shot-penetration physics engine going on underneath the hood. Dive rolls are so 80's don't cha know dahling?

    So I have sympathy for the OP in his disappointed, although not the delivery style.

    I am looking forward to CMBN very much. However I also suspect that I will have a twinge of dissatisfaction in that it's no longer exactly what I need. TOW and the Men at War series of games have scratched my itch for games played at eye level. I hope I'm still itchy...

  3. Google suggests Pz IIIL only used by PzDiv 116. This was initially on the wrong side of the Seine and only got to grips with the US 3rd Army in August during the Mortain c/attack.

    You'll have to wait for the Ost Front module, I guess. Soz, because they are very nice looking vehicles. Lovely proportions imo. :-(

    Probably a few Pz III AOP and Command tanks dotted around, but those aren't what you are after, are they?

  4. Whoops, since I managed to get a red card for (I guess) "Blatant advertisements", I'd just like to apologise and point out that I think anyone who buys such a game involving nazi's and dinosaurs is certifiable and the entire game concept is frankly laughable to the extent that I still can't believe it's not an April Fool's joke. No offense to anyone here who's rushed off to buy the (not)aforementioned game, of course. ;-)

    Now, nazi's and ninja zombie dinosaurs? That is an entirely different matter. :-D

  5. The same - or a very similar - procedure would work once they were ashore.

    From what I have read, the markings were only for the Landing Craft 'phase'. Once onshore they would have reverted back to direct-fire mode I reckon. Although maybe they were useful for doing Maths homework?

    I'm also not sure that the CS Centaurs were abandoned on the beach since again I have seen references to them fighting inland for the next 1-2 weeks. But, as was pointed out, several of them were 'acquired' by A/B and other such needy types since the RM Support Group they were originally attached too was ad hoc and really only intended for the landings themselves.

    At some point all/most of the Centaurs were rounded up, shipped back the UK (?) and then re-distributed in a more formal fashion.

    To me, these were the 'Rodin' of the Commonwealth forces. That's why I like 'em. :-D

    (Note that my knowledge and references are mainly about vehicles types and modelling, rather than TOE or actual historical happenings. I'm only really interested in the vehicles themselves.)

  6. Well...

    The idea was for 80 Centaur CS tanks to be mounted on Landing Craft (sans engines) and provide close fire support for the D-Day landings. But Monty liked the idea so much he 'suggested' that engines were put back in so the tanks could be driven ashore as well. See, he could have good ideas you know!

    The turret markings were there to aid fire control while they were sitting offshore in the Landing Craft by lining up the turret with the required bearing. I don't know exactly how this was achieved since I have no idea about how arty is directed. :-)

    Anyway they did a damn fine job and after the support group was disbanded after the landings, the remaining Centaur CS tanks were passed over to various regiments and popped up occasionally thereafter. Nice story.

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