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Fetchez la Vache

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Posts posted by Fetchez la Vache

  1. It's bleeding ARSEMONKEY you bunch of precambrian rejects!

    I don't know, you give a load of wannabe yokels a perfectedly good language and they suddenly think they can go ahead and start making up new words that the rest of the English speaking world recoils at in horror.

    *heads off muttering to find a monkey*

  2. Well I wasn't intending to comment about RT MP play since I haven't tried it in CMSF, but I do fully understand the problem therein. I would hope for a TCP/IP WEGO option but that's already been discussed to death elsewhere.

    To be honest I always got slightly annoyed by the inefficiency of WEGO with those 'wasted' seconds at the end of every turn and personally enjoy RT more.

    With the minimal order delays we have in CMSF it is certainly easier than CMx1 WEGO, I agree. It's also less immersive when you try to control more than one combat group. However I still stand by my assertion that CMSF has not become a click-fest, albeit only within the scope of SP.

  3. Perhaps not my most erudite post ever! But yes, I feel that showing all spotted icons when deselecting is still rather Borg-ish and doesn't work well with only showing a selected unit's spotted enemy. There's two levels of information going on here don't you think?

    I can understand why it is done like this since you could labouriously select all the units and get the same info with the current spotting model.

    I think BF have made a great step in the right direction and should keep trying to perfect the system. How about not allowing multiply selected unit's spotting to stack at all? Or only allow those that have a time-dependent high level of communications?

  4. Sorry chaps but I have to disagree about CMSF being anything like a click-fest. On Veteran level you can pause the RT mode anytime and issue orders - isn't that simply WEGO with flexible order intervals? However I do fully sympathize with your viewpoint and I personally don't play Elite level because of the lack of pause option.

  5. As you probably should know mate, on here the humour does tend towards the dry side. So unfortunately you apparently spitting the dummy is like a red-rag to bull. :-D

    Anyway, thanks for some chuckles. I think none the worse of you, but I do suggest laying off the "fag hags" and "assmonkey" comments. Anyway, it's "arsemonkey"...


  6. Lt Bull,

    I am surprised that you apparently think I am complaining in an unproductive manner. I believe that I made a suggestion in that enemy units not seen by the selected unit, but seen by another friendly unit, should be made transparent (or greyed out). This is the type of approached used in ToW and I feel it works well.

    I'm also trying to point out that I (in agreement with others) find it strange that I can gain more information about the enemy's position and composition by not selecting any unit. During play I am always clicking on the map in order to gain maximum intel before re-selecting a unit to issue orders. That simply doesn't feel right in my opinion.

    Maybe another solution IS to not display any enemy icons if no unit is selected?

  7. I'm in agreement with Other Means in so much that it's rather becoming a memory test if, by de-selecting a unit, you can see a 'summary' of all spotted units. That's still too Borg-like for me, but a great improvement nonetheless.

    Also the ability to see dust-trails without even a "?" icon is a tad odd. :)

    I would like something similar to ToW - those units which can be seen by the selected unit are solid colour, others have some degree of transparency. Then unidentified units can be left as a "?", whereas unidentified units are given their respective icon - with some possibility of misidentification!

    I would also like some degree of customizing the size of units and icons: the CMx1 unit size toggle was excellent I think; and I find the current icon size a bit large sometimes.

  8. I got just a mash of overlying units as shown in the reviewer's screenshot when trying to rush one of the entrances in the Airport scenario in the campaign. Didn't look very impressive to be honest. And then one of the MGS's managed to get 'stuck' in the base of the control tower.

    Collision detection needs improving.

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