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Captain Pies

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Posts posted by Captain Pies

  1. Like most things that receive a lot of hype this game is a big disappointment. I'm very glad I didn't buy it. What makes me laugh is reading the other threads, the things people are requesting for a patch are all in CMBB and CMAK already. Certainly they are not as pretty but they do deliver the gameplay.

    I think BFC have been quite canny. This game will sell well to the twitch crowd and be a nice little earner for not a lot of work on their part. Those twitchers that have a real yearning for a decent WWII sim but have been living in a cave for the last 6 years will be steered towards CMBB, I reckon the sales will jump a bit on that one. Both of which mean they have more cash flow to put into CMSF and Charles' jar juice. When the WWII module comes out for CMSF there will also be a ready made bunch of bored TOWers wanting the next best thing. So there is a positive side smile.gif

  2. I'm definitely with Colin on this one. My philosophy is to buy the best available now even though it was slightly beyond my means and it will be good for at least a couple of years without an upgrade and it's already ready for 64 bit OS, Hyperthreaded apps and SLI/Xfire games. All of which will be standard in the next couple of years. It can then be cheaply upgraded as prices come down. Basically spend now to save later. Rather than wasting money on the latest upgrades as I go along. BTW My graphics card is an MSI one which I can thoroughly recommend

  3. I've just gone for an AMD Athlon 64X2 4200 on an ASUS A8N SLI motherboard with a GF7800GT PCI-E graphics card. It will handle anything currently out there so should easily handle CMSF even if they code it for the current generation of machines rather than the last. As time goes on and prices come down I can bung in another 7800GT in SLI mode to almost double the graphics power. That's the plan anyway and you know what they say about best laid plans.

  4. Perhaps this is a little premature but I'm sure I'm not alone in planning to buy a new PC to accomodate CMX2's anticipated thirst for processing and graphics power. I'm just wondering if I need to go for an Uber PC or a run of the mill job with a decent graphics card? I'm guessing the latter considering BFC's target market but a ballpark configuration would be a nice guide for myself and others who will need to upgrade their current machines.

  5. As a private pilot I'd say that plane was going pretty slowly, maybe 100 knots which is probably fairly close to stall speed for a plane of that size without flaps down (which I can't see in the movie). Worked out very roughly, he fires for about 2 seconds and in that time flies for about 10 or 15 plane lengths, say 100 meters which gives 180kph or about 100 knots.

  6. I was lucky enough to get to largest military show in Europe this weekend. You can find some of the piccies I took here

    The Tiger is fake, The Spw251 half tracks are Czech built, but everything else is genuine.

    The show is just awsome with about 1700 vehicles on display and moving in the arena. I only got round about a third of it in a day and can thoroughly recommend it to anyone in the UK for next year.

    Official site with hundreds of photos of this years show and previous years is here

  7. APDS is Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot. Basically a heavy metal (these days DU) penetrator encased in a sabot casing to bring it up to the calibre of the weapon firing it. As the round leaves the muzzle the sabot peels off leaving the penetrator to contine to the target.

    I'm not sure but I think APCR is a solid shot with a tungsten or similarly heavy metal core to aid in penetration.

    An ammo grog will probably be along shortly to answer your question more fully smile.gif

    [ March 04, 2005, 02:41 AM: Message edited by: Captain Pies ]

  8. Errrrr nope. It's the arse end of the universe as far as militaria goes. Goonhilly is worth a look and of course the Eden project is an absolute must. Both are easily reachable from Lands End. Slapton Sands is the only place I can think of that has a military connection that's within a few hours drive and there is nothing to do other than look at the Sherman they salvaged.


    Eden Project

    [ March 03, 2005, 05:12 AM: Message edited by: Captain Pies ]

  9. I will second the Cabinet War Rooms/Churchill Museum, you can't miss those. You could do that and HMS Belfast in a morning and save the afternoon for the IWM. Depends how much your Mrs is willing to take :D .

    Personally I wouldn't bother with Chartwell, the time would be better spent at Duxford if you are going to make a trip a little way out of London.

    Bovington would take about a day but if you overnighted somewhere you could do Portsmouth on the way back. Don't miss the submarine museum there.

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