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Posts posted by Amona

  1. TURN 4a, November 26, 1939

    Entry levels: Italy 91%, US 5%, USSR 33%

    MPPs: Germany 463 UK 357 France 323

    War Diary of OKW:

    Massive preparations going on for Operation Fall Gelb, the offensive in the West. Units are massed along the LC border, airfleets are repositioned for the coming battle.

    OKH still opposes the operation. Heated discussion with Fuhrer. Fuhrer calls Brauchitsch and Halder defaitists. Brauchitsch wants to resign, but Fuhrer didnt accept.

    Chef L (Chief of countrys defense, Gen.Jodl, centerpiece of OKW) supports Fuhrer, is convinced of success. France is weak and not willing to fight.

    Finally, bad weather has the operation postponed.

    OKM reports:

    U-30 wolfpack failed to report in. Last reports indicate heated pursuit by large escort forces of french and british origin. F.d.U. is not pleased, but Fuhrer seems not disturbed about the events. Asked about readiness date of Bismarck BB. Knows every technical detail of the ship. Chats amiably with Adm. Raeder (head of German navy).

    Ministry for armament and ammunition reports:

    138 MPP collected.

    VOELKISCHER BEOBACHTER reports on Side 3:

    Brother of British Premier Chamberlain was a madman. Tried to raise bananas in the Carribic, failed miserably.

    Parole of the day by Chief of German press:

    ... we have to do everything to distract the Volksgenossen from the fact that nothing happens in the West. Questions have already arisen about our forces doing nothing. We cant reveal our plans, so lets provide stories about the allied leaders, there inability to deal with a modern war, their personal misconduct and so on. Bleichmann will hand out some material for you...

    Personal Diary of Gen.Halder (chief of staff of OKH):

    The Operation in the West will commence soon. This is madness. HE must be stopped...

  2. TURN 3a, OCTOBER 29, 1939

    Entry levels: Italy 78%, US 0%, USSR 30%

    MPPs: Germany 549/ UK 207/ France 208

    War Diary of OKW:

    Operation Oderuebung (Oder exercise) to secure Denmark and the Baltic Approaches is conducted.

    Mainly an affair of OKL and OKM.

    Surface forces of the Kriegsmarine, centered around battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau provide shore bombardment, while virtually every operational plane of the Air Force hit targets in Kopenhagen.

    II AK finishes the defenders, and the already on transports near the shore positioned units of XI AK take the city. Denmark surrenders.

    All parts of the Wehrmacht worked together brilliantly like a big machine. Fuhrer very pleased. Neutrals naturally disturbed, and Roosevelt held a speech again. But as Marschall Goering puts it: The Americans know how to produce razorblades and refrigerators, but tanks and warplanes are another matter entirely.

    All quiet on the Western front.

    OKM reports:

    Despite F.d.U.s wishes to continue raiding missions near the Canadian coast, U-30 is ordered, by direct intervention of the Fuhrer, to engage and destroy Norfolk cruiser division.

    After fierce fights with escorts, only 30% of Norfolk group remain above the waterline.

    But U-30 wolfpack is down to 60% strength in will probable be lost soon, as british forces are closing in from all directions.

    Contact lost with U-29 wolfpack. US-papers are full of stories about big battle near the US-coast between German subs and french warships. U-29 probably lost completely.

    Ministry of armament and ammunition reports:

    313 MPP plundered from Denmark.

    136 MPP collected.

    Pk-correspondent Fritz Kruger (PK: propaganda company) in Der Adler (The Eagle, magazine of German air force) :

    "... fire and smoke are showing us the way to our targets. Beneath us, our warships, the mighty Scharnhorst in the center, are delivering round of round with deadly accuracy.

    We belong to the second wave of our Geschwader (air wing/group), our mission is to suppress the danish defenders on the coastline and destroy fortified positions around Copenhagen. Needless to say, we have very strict orders to engage only military targets. With our very accurate targeting equipment, our Heinkel bombers will do just that.

    The AA-fire is very weak. Hauptmann(captain) Schweins, the pilot, adjusts the plane slightly. We are coming in without difficulty. There is our target, a massive fortification, against all rules of war and humanity build directly across of a hospital..."

    DNB (German news agency) anounces a dementi of Minister Goebbels:

    German bombs did NOT hit a hospital in Copenhagen. The so called hospital was an ammunition depot.

    The Minister presented eyewitnesses to prove this, which were led to the international correspondents by friendly members of the Gestapo (German secret police).

  3. TURN 2a, OCTOBER 1, 1939

    Entry levels: Italy 68%, US 0%, USSR 30%

    MPPs: UK 293/ France 218/ Germany 223

    War Diary of OKW:

    Fall Weiss concluded according to plan. 4th army and L I extinguish already shaken Modlin corps(@40,13).

    Remnants of polish air forces overrun on the ground by XIX Pz (@41,13).

    Concentrated attack on Warsaw, its garrison(entr.1) is overwhelmed by 3rd, 8th, 14th army, XVI Pz and VII AK. VIII AK took the city and made an attack on Krakow corps south of Warsaw, which is then left alone.

    Poland surrenders and Soviet forces occupy Eastern Poland. OKH objects again. Fuhrer ignores it. Gen.Halder is stated as follows:

    These miles the Russians are now taking will be a problem if we ever have to deal with them and get to Moscow.

    Forces are free to be deployed elsewhere. Allies still do nothing.

    OKM reports:

    Fierce naval battles between our wolfpacks and french and british naval forces.

    U-30 ambushes HMS Exeter-Division and finishes it off finally.

    U-29, on orders of F.d.U. (leader of submarines, Doenitz), breaks contact with french forces.

    11 MPPS worth of merchants sunk.

    Department of armament and ammunition reports:

    250 MPP plundered from Poland. 125 MPP collected.

    German General at the HQ of the Italian Forces reports:

    Italian intelligence reports indicate Allies have moved some of their ground forces in the Med. (Italian war readiness up from 65 to 68)

    Chief of the German press, Otto Dietrich, giving his daily parole to the German press:

    Its correct that we brought the victory over Poland in big letters. But this was yetserday. Now we have to pay more attention to the action of our subs in the Atlantic. These sinking of the Exeter cruiser division is far more remarkable than our victory over the lazy Poles.

    The Volksgenossen ("peoplecomrades", german citizens) must be informed that this shows the weakness of the Royal Navy, which is only a shadow of what it was in the Great War.

    On the other hand, we must prepare the people for the fact that losses in U-boats are inevitable.

    This must be done skillfully...

    Headline of VOLKISCHER BEOBACHTER (peoplish observer?) on October 1:


  4. TURN 1a, SEPTEMBER 3, 1939

    entry levels: Italy 65%, US 0 %, USSR 30%

    MPPs: Germany 120/ UK 405 / France 115

    WarDiary of OKW:

    Fall Weiss commences as planned. Two army groups under Bock and Rundstedt attack Polish forces at the border.

    Polish Pomorze army is shattered by 4th and 8th army, L II.

    Lodz army is taken on by 14th and 10th army, XVI Pz ad L IV. Disintegrates quickly.

    Poznan corps destroyed by 3rd army, XIX Pz, VIII and II AK.

    Modlin corps south of Konigsberg lost 50% strength due to attacks by L I and VII AK.

    In the air only minor resistance.

    Fuhrer is very pleased with performance of our forces. Own losses are slight so far.

    In the West Allies are sitting tight. Fuhrer convinced that this will remain that way. Lively discussion with Brauchitsch and Halder of OKH, who are of a quite different opinion.

    But Fuhrer has always been right so far.

    OKM reports: 2 wolfpacks of subs have taken position in Atlantic. Already 7 MPPs worth of merchant ships sunk.

    Ministry of armament and ammunition reports:

    120 MPP collected.

  5. We play a modified campaign titled JeAm Weiss 39, JeAm for JErseyAMona.

    Modifications to original Fall Weiss are as follows:

    * free research chits:

    UK 1/ USSR 6/ USA 10

    *starting MPP additional:

    UK 250 / USSR 1200

    *Iraq allied with UK

    * additional UK forces Middle East:

    -Wavell HQ, Western Desert tank group, Palestinian corps.

    * additional Royal Navy forces:

    - BB Barham at Alexandria

    - cruiser Exeter at St Johns, Canada

    - cruiser Norfolk near Liverpool

    * repositioning of german subs in Atlantic:

    - 10 hexes farther south

    Agreed on house rules as follows:

    * no Allied DOW allowed prior to US-entry into the war.

    * no Allied attack on Rome to force Italian surrender allowed prior to first turn of 1941.

    * no invasion of US or Canada allowed until UK has surrendered to Axis.

    * no ambhibious invasions allowed at turn of Axis DOW on Russia.

    * Axis must start Barbarossa between first turn of May and last turn of August, in other turns a DOW on Russia is disallowed.

    * Russian winter rule: Axis cant conduct ANY attacks during November-December-January turns of the first winter inside russian boundaries.

    * disbanding units is forbidden throughout the game.

    * limit on max. number of air units (air fleets and bombers combined) allowed in play at the same time:

    - Germany 8, Italy 2

    - UK 8, US 8, USSR 6, France 2

    general rules:

    *everything ON, war in siberia OFF

    *all nations random

    Details of first Axis turn to follow soon...

    [ August 16, 2003, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Amona ]

  6. JerseyJohn, you are simply the Best. I am rolling on the floor again, laughing.

    By the way, what about an Allied answer to my stormtroopers yesterday?

    Oh, did I mention I dont like the dutchgambit, the italiangambit, the ireland gambit, in short, any allied gambit. But playing sitting duck and waiting to be conquered would suit me just fine as your strategy.

  7. Okay. I take the original Fall Weiß.

    I gather there are no rules on number of air units and no additional biding for starting points as Ive read so often about in AARs in this forum.

    Just the real thing.

    So its quite generous to offer me the Axis, but okay.

    I hope, you will encounter no problems with my obviously hideous email-adress.

    The stormtroopers are coming in a few minutes, game-version 1.07.

    Have I forgotten anything of importance? Hermann? Joseph? Sepp? They are silent. So everything must be okay. They would object to me, if anything is amiss, wouldnt they?

  8. Hi Jersey John ,

    alias THE DUKE alias Sepp Dietrich (not Deitrich, by the way), and all other great insane personalities of old.

    Sorry, but I didnt visit the forum until today, because of the mentioned frenzy at my work.

    Please excuse my absence. I liked Sepp Dietrich and his lines about abuse.

    I must go to work now and will not return for the next 8 hours or so. Will have no time to add any japanese postings, just too much work to be done in real life.

    As I said, will be back when the christmas-madness is over.

    I liked the Duke and everything very much, absolutely nothing insulting for me.

    Simply have no time at the moment. Perhaps you can contact von Mannerheim first.

    Will be back to you all soon enough.

    By the way, you will all be beheaded in the name of the Tenno...

  9. All right fellows,

    just want to tell you that I am still around, still would like to take the Japanese if you still want me.

    Will be ready for new posts in January.

    I work in a book store, and its Christmas-time as you all know. So you might be able to imagine what is going on there now.

    Stalingrad and Guadalcanal are battles that come to my mind in comparison.

    In the evenings after work I am usually braindead and even today, on Sunday, I have to go into the store to make the bookshelves presentable again and so on.

    If you like, you can add my Tojo-posts to the official tread.

    Didnt drop a line before because there were no new posts from you either since November 20th or so.

    Perhaps we should contact us per mail:


    All of you a merry christmas

  10. Hello folks,

    the Japanese and Amona are still around.

    Its christmas-time and I work in a book-store.

    Stalingrad was nothing compared to these weeks.

    So, give me time until January, and I will be back with new posts.

    By the way, you could just have dropped me a mail to learn about my situation, couldnt you?

    Anyway, bottom-line: I am still in the boat if you still want me aboard.

  11. I am a little bit out of touch with the storyline.

    Where are we going? What time is it? Already 41?

    What about the narration from the beginning?

    Has Yugoslavia already fallen?

    Did I miss a chapter?

    Questions and more questions.


    The last question: Is there any storyline left or are we just playing out, having abandoned the storyline with General Bilotte and all completely.


  12. "What do you think of this actor,John Waini-something, in the movie you saw yesterday?"

    -"A brute. So unsophisticated, without manners, big and hairy. Disgusting."

    -"You have it right my little apple blossom. Exactly my own thoughts."

    -"Will you behead him like these filthy Chinese?"

    -"In the name of the gods, no. He is not worthy such honor. He is just an actor, and an overrated one at that. A clumsy circus clown pretending to be a warrior. - The day we march into this Hollywood, he will be sent cleaning toilets or something equally apropriate.."

    "Shall apple blossom tend to Tojo-sans needs now?"

    "You may continue..."

  13. General Tojo, his boys and girls, and Amona too have a message for this candidate for cancer, this Wayne guy:

    We should stay away from Fort Apache or your PT-boat around Bataan or wherever the hell you hang around smoking yourself to death?

    Its you who should better stay out of the firing range of the COMBINED FLEET of Nippons empire.

    But even that will not help you in the long run, as, some sunny sunday, its we who will come for you. And when we are finished with you, short of beheading you with the sword that is, even you will no longer know your gender.

    By the way, didnt anyone, at least your wife, ever tell you how ridiculous these big white hats look on your head?

  14. General Tojos eyes himself closely in the mirror.

    He wears German "Jaegerzeug" (hunters clothing) of green color, a quite ridiculous hat inclusive.

    Tojo turns to the three Geishas in the back of the room:

    "A gift from my German friend, Hermann Goering-san. They wear it over there for hunting animals in the forests. It clothes me quite well, doesnt it?"

    A collective whimper erupts from the Geishas. An observer might have difficulties telling wether its of awe in face of the Great little general or sign of a desperate fight to hold back laughter.

    -"Very good, Tojo-san." - "You would look good in everything, Tojo-san." - "It lets your manhood to be seen even stronger than before, Tojo-san."

    -"Well, hunters clothing. That reminds me of my days in China 37, back over there hunting Chinese in the rice fields. Oh, the pleasures of a field command. To be sure, the Chinese women are not ladies such as you. Absolutely no comparison. They used to spit on the floor during lunch, and afterwards... but that is something not to be said in front of beautiful innocent flowers like you three here."

    The Geishas giggle. The giggle is abruptly replaced by whimpers again, as the great Tojo continues:

    "I have to make a gift to Goering-san in return. I was thinking of sending one of you three to him, that he may learn which pleasures a Japanese Geisha can spend..."

    Sweet breeze under a rainbow (one might notice that the Japanese used to name their Geishas as they named their destroyers in the fleet, or the other way round), remembers all three of them watching the weekly news in the cinema yesterday. Seeing this big German there, she had remarked to the others:

    "This man lets one of our Sumo-wrestlers look like a Chineses prisoner of war."

    The reply of the other girls had been:

    "Oh, I didnt know we take any Chinese prisoner alive..."

    They had a good cruel laugh about that then, but know they are not so amused...

    "But maybe I will send him a good Katana instead. Its said Goering-san loves good weapons."

    Sweet breeze whatever sighs in relief.

    You never know what Tojo-san has in mind. A dangerous man, and one with political ambition too, as it is whispered in the house.

    Well, all men are fools. Perhaps he wants to be so great a general and statesman because his little man is so... well ...

  15. In case there is some confusion about it:

    The great General Billotte, by some ugly felons misjudged as "butcher of Belgium", has addressed me, Amona, as "She".

    That suits "Amona", which indeed IS a female character, just fine.

    The Author of Amonas lines, nonetheless, is, I must admit, just another male wargamer.

    "Amona" is a character out of some stories of a more kinky nature made by this sick mind, before he turned to writing for a noble and totally serious storyline called "Free French AAR".

  16. "Your garden is beautiful as ever."

    "My gardener works hard to maintain it."

    "It inspires me to a haiku."

    "Oh, may I hear it?"

    "I have to think it over first."

    Two men in kimonos are sitting on pillows on the floor. There is a borad game between them.

    The left one, bald-headed and wearing glasses, moves one of the numerous tiny pieces on the board.

    "Now your strategy becomes clear. Very subtle indeed."

    "One must use subtle strategies in Go, but in the real world, something less subtle may be more appropriate."

    "Ah, you mean the Burma- and the Indochina-issue?"

    Finally, after several hours of playing Go and exchanging pleseantries, they came to the meet of their meeting.

    General Tojo, the bald-headed one, repressed a sigh. There was, after all, something to be said for the directness of the Gaijin.

    "Dear prince Konoye, we must pressure the decadent British to close the Burma street, in order to get our China incident under control. Furthermore we need to btain bases in French-Indochina. The fall of France and the weakness of Britain gives us a golden opportunity to seize the rotten empires of the white man in Asia. Lets get it on with all our might!"

    "Dear Tojo, your boldness and aggressivness inspires me to a haiku..."

    "Will you use all diplomatic pressure available?"

    "Oh, General, these actions may set up the Americans. You know, the white devils can be so upset about our policies. I made a haiku about it once upon a time and..."

    "These degenerated fools will not stop us. Their president is even a cripple. In Japan he would have been brought on a mountain top to die there long ago."

    "Admiral Yamamoto says they are dangerous. Their industrial might..."

    "As my dear friend, the great German Hermann Goering once said: The Americans may make good razorblades, but everything else is just bluff."

    "Well, I must speak about this with the Tenno. Fortunately, His Majesty and I will meet this afternoon. His Majesty was so very kind to invite me to share my favorite haikus with him."

    Not a muscle moves in Tojos face, while he is imaging behaeding this fool whit his katana, hanging on the wall nearby. If only HE himself would be in charge of the nation, instzead of this yellow bugger.

    Now, there was an idea...

  17. Keep posting these character developments and all.

    I am really enjoying this very much and I am sure others do too.

    Great work you do here. If my English would be better, I would like to participate. But, unfortunately, I cant write sarcastic/humorous lines in English on the same level.

    I trust you will tell us when your own site is online.

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