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Posts posted by Panzer39

  1. I believe the fall of France is all in how the allied player uses air power. I performed a successful Dutch gambit but my opponent moved the two Italian air fleets into Germany to attack my position. Them along with his 4 German planes and 1 tac bomber sealed France's Fate. BTW John, I am trying this tactic on you in our PBEM game!

  2. I hope the Chicken votes for me!

    I'm now being forced out of Norway by a horde of Hun from the sky, along with their level 3 Italian cohorts. At least my Siberian transfers have arrived..........however with the Germans knocking on the back door in Turkey, I feel that it is almost over.

  3. I am really getting schooled in my game by the Axis. I think it is partly because the Axis gets to attack and plunder the allied minors of Iraq and Portugal without suffering an increase in USA or USSR war Readiness. Add to that MPP production form Sweden and I know where my opponent is funding his 10 (That I counted) German air fleets and large land force! I am having a hell of a time defending the USSR with German's attacking from Poland and Turkey/Iraq. However, in the scenario's defense, my opponent is a good player and I made the mistake of taking most of North Africa when I couldn't hold on to it (His air did a number on the RAF there and eventually forced me out entirely). I have also underestimated his reach, costing me two Russian cities in the process. I did take Finland though!

    There have also been an abnormally large amount of tech advances in our game.

    If no allied players win, may I suggest a losers bracket??

  4. July 5th 1942......

    North Africa, Spain, Vichy France, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Grease, Iraq, and soon to be Turkey have already fallen to the Axis forces led by Jollyguy.

    At one point the Allies had all of North Africa, now the MED is entirely in Axis hands.

    At least 6 luftwaffe air fleets carry out combat missions over Russia every turn unopposed.

    Rommel is leading a push forward from Turkey.

    Free French and British Forces have landed in Norway as Soviet Forces try to hold out.

    Both England and Germany have reached level 4 jets and have high long range air tech levels.

    [ June 08, 2003, 11:52 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

  5. I like this idea; However I would like to simplify it a bit further.

    1. After the fall of France, the UK gets somewhere around 25% of the combined value of the remaining French units in France. For those units outside of France, the UK get somewhere around 35% of their total value.

    2. These MPP's are nothing special and the UK can do whatever it wants with them.

    3. De Gaule is added to the UK Generals list, but he has to be bought! Maybe make him cheaper than the rest.

    4. Any research advances have a 75% percent chance of going to the UK, however they should also have a 25% chance of falling into German hands.

    5. Any research chits in use would give 25% of their vaule MPP to the UK.

    This is basically a reverse plunder system for France. It could also be used for the UK if it falls to the Axis with the reverse plunder going to the USA.


    [ June 02, 2003, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

  6. I fully agree with John's position but would allow them to reduce ground targets to a third of their normal strength instead of half. I don't think that air power should be able to destroy a unit completely. How often did this happen in WWII? Yes the Germans were decimated often by allied air, however, how often was an entire Army taken out or finished off by air alone. Dunkirk is a good example of air failing to do the work of an army.

  7. Why Sherman got his name on the US main battle tank and not Lee or Grant (well I can see why Lee smile.gif ) always puzzled me. Surely whoever was in charge of such things had to know the Grant's wouldn't be the cream of the tank crop. Now the tank names afterwards have been better, Pershing, Patton, Abrams. I wonder who's next? Powells or Franks?

    Don't get me started with British names.........Matilda and Firefly anyone???

    England also had a funny way of naming BB's. They went from emotions, Revenge, to Royal figures, King George IV.

    Funny thing about naming a ship Bismarck was that Bismarck was very against Germany becoming a Sea Power!!!

  8. If for some reason we are not able to get more hexes in SC2, would it be possible to cut the Sea Hexes in half (one hex sliced down the center to become two? It would be an abstract way to increase the size of the ocean.

  9. I for one really do like the simplicity of SC, while finishing up a PBEM turn my girl friend came in, got curious and after 5 min of showing her how it works, is playing a hotseat game with me. Something this simple to pick up has its merits.

    BUT I also really like some of the ideas mentioned in this thread, especially the ones regarding ship building. Perhaps there could be two sets of rules for SC2, one that plays like it does now, simple. The other one would incorperate ideas mentioned in this thread and others and thus be an advanced mode.

    I know a lot of the people here do not like Hearts of Iron, but in the areas of research and production (by adding a limited manpower pool that slowly rebuilds over time) it beats SC hands down. If only SC2 could combine the best of both................

    [ May 18, 2003, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

  10. One would have to assume like I said in my previous post that the USN lost the major battles in the Pacific (Midway most certianly could have been a loss) and the Japanese had taken large parts of Alaska and Hawaii. I was viewing the possible invasion of North America as an end game option where both Japan and Germany had no one else to fight (Maybe each other on how to divide the British Empire?).

    OR one could give the Kriegsmarine the option of having taken control of the French Fleet after the fall of France and could go even further by saying they were able to get their hands on some parts of the RN after sea lion. All very far fetched but a lot more fun than taking Maine and thus all of the USA smile.gif

  11. North Africa all over again :D I assumed that the Germans already had Naval superiority to begin with. My post had more to do with Rambo's post about not lasting 3 days. I also feel that they would have a better chance with a rolling start than a sea invasion of the East coast. You are also right about the lack of objectives, as I said in my post it is more of a morale thing. I live in Louisiana and have been through Texas a couple of times so I know what you are talking about. Instead, maybe they could go into Texas, head west and stumble across Los Alamos and get the Bomb :D

    [ May 17, 2003, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

  12. What if the Germans rolled up through Mexico into Texas? They would be fighting on very open ground against cow hands :D Now I am pretty certain that the Germans could not conquer the US, that is crazy. But if they gained control of the Gulf of Mexico, and used Mexico as a base of operations? I could see them taking a huge part of the South West before being stopped. Say the Japanese also got into the mix and managed to take Hawaii after the destruction of the US pacific fleet at Midway. They could be bombing the west coast, maybe landing troops in Southern California for a German link up. Add a second smaller German landing in Canada that takes care of the last UK holdouts and rolls down into the states. The US is fighting a three front war :D If anything it would be a very big morale crusher for the USA who has never faced a foreign invasion since its independence.

    I am not sure why the Axis would want to do such a thing, if the UK and USSR are already gone I don't think they have much to worry about from the USA, besides a cold war. I guess an invasion could knock the USA out the war if they take a lot of ground than suddenly stop and say they will pack up and leave for a peace treaty :D I doubt they would get a surrender without the A-bomb.

    In terms of SC2 I would love to see a World Map in order to play something like this out. It would certianly make the end game much more interesting. I already have a vision of Mexico joining the Axis after the fall of the USSR and Army Group Rommel reclaiming the Texas oil wells for them :D

    [ May 17, 2003, 10:50 AM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

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