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Posts posted by Panzer39

  1. My scenario begins in 1941 game time. The Axis starts with all their minors plus Yugoslavia and Sweden. USSR readiness is set to 0 but jumps up quickly after 1942 rolls around. The Axis player can only take Vichy and Spain if they knock out France quickly, which is not always a given since the allies start out with the Low Countries. It is still undergoing serious play testing so I am not sure if it will be ready by the end of the first round. I would like till the end of the second round to make sure it is fully balanced.

  2. No one has addressed the air problem yet, and I really don't know of a house rule that would fix it. I do have a quirky idea that I wouldn't mind trying out in PBEM.

    What if you were only allowed to have the fighters and bombers you start with? You could replace those air fleets but could not build anymore. Jet tech could start out around level 3 to give them a punch. Tanks could start at a higher tech across the board to force break throughs.

  3. The problem with a 1936 start date is that the game would be awfully boring. In Hearts of Iron, it is a lot of fun because you research techs along a tech tree that need a certain time to complete and you can influence other countries diplomatically. Neither of these options exist in SC. What we could do is create a "set up" turn prior to the start of a 1939 Scenario where the players get to purchase whatever they want with a set amount of MPPS and place them on the map. Or maybe have 3 year long turns leading up to 1939 so that the player could make research gains (higher percent chance of getting one) and move units around inside national boundaries.

  4. The new topic got me thinking on how much I hate the fact that France can receive any MPP value for disbanding its fleet. Just as large warships took years to build, they also took a lot of time to scrap. Once scraped, the material would have to be processed before it would be able to be used again, this again would take more time. As we all know, time is one thing that France has in short supply. I do not think that scrapping ships should be done away with, but I do feel that their should be a penalty.

    My solution.

    1. Ships scrapped by France still generate the same amount of MPP that they normally receive.

    2. However, these ships have a 25-35% chance of being reborn as Axis ships at half strength when France falls.

    3. This would represent the chance of capture they would suffer from being in dry dock, being taken apart, when the Germans roll through.

    4. However, if France holds out for a certain amount of time, the percentage drops off to near nothing.

    Solution 2.

    1. Any ships scrapped would not generate immediate MPP's

    2. Instead they would generate 5 MPP's (raise the MPP value of the port where they are scrapped)until they pay off.

    3. Once again, if the port where a ship is in the process of disbanding is captured, the ship has an X amount chance of falling over to the other side at half strength.


  5. I don't like how the surprise contact works either. Since the turns represent somewhere between 2 weeks and 1 month intervals, I don't see how units moving can really be "surprised" especially to the point where they can lose massive strength points. Recon divisions most likely would have noticed the large formations SC represents on the approach. As for fleets, they had search planes and radar for just that reason, not to be surprised. A BB bumping into a Carrier should surprize the carrier more than the BB! Or are we to suppose that they are waiting for just that moment? Ok maybe if a land unti is entrenched, but I doubt that when a sub bumps into another sub that a ambush was planned. Same goes for when an Army bumps into an HQ or air fleet. The defender, not the attacker should be penalized in the latter cases. "Hey look at all those planes on the ground, I'm so surprized I'm going to let them bomb me!" I don't want to see surprize contacts go, just refined a bit.

    Maybe only entrenched units can surprize attackers?

    [ June 11, 2003, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

  6. To tie in with this, I do not fully understand why units go up in strength as well as getting attack or defense bonuses. What does a unit's tech level have to do with its size? Why wouldn't I be able to have 12 squadrons of level 1 tech planes in the same air fleet? Perhaps tech level should only effect unit stats, not strength level? Or maybe their could be a new tech called Organization level that would allow you to over strength units across the board with out adding to their attack or defense levels?

    This way, a player with low level jets could still put up a better fight with a player with higher level jets, thus taking a little bite out of air power. Of course this would alter the game greatly, but perhaps worth thinking about.

    [ June 11, 2003, 11:06 AM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

  7. I thought of this last night, and want to bounce it around the forum. Excuse me if something similar has been discussed before.

    We all have seen large scale invasions in SC that could not have been conducted in reality. German large scale landings in Russia anyone? So I propose a new tech that would lend reality to the situation as well as add a bonus to anyone that placed a lot of MPP's into its development.

    1. Creation of Amphibious landing tech

    2. A country is limited transports according to their landing tech times a multiplier. For example, level two landing tech would allow the player to transport 6 divisions. Tech level 2 X the multiplier of 3 gives you 6. Level 0 would still provide 3 transports for the player, however with a slightly lower movement rate than level 1.

    3. Germany and Italy would start at level 0, however 3 transports would still allow them to transport 3 divisions so a defense of North Africa is possible, as well as an invasion of Norway. However, to conduct a Sealion, a German player would have to invest some MPPS to get his level up to 2. I believe this better reflects reality. The MPPs devoted to this research would also reflect the time it took to build real landing craft.

    2. England would enter at level 1 and the USA would enter at level 2, allowing D-Day.

    3. Tech increases would also increase transport movement values. Level zero would be about two hexes shorter than it is now and level five would be about two hexes further.

    4. As a bonus, level 5 would allow the player to move transports and land on the same turn!

    [ June 11, 2003, 08:34 AM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

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