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Posts posted by Kuniworth

  1. March 3, 1940 (axis)


    The pressure on allied forces is mountin every hour. Surely a breakthrough must come any day now.


    Italians strikes back(at last). But the battle is not lookin very well.

    Mid march 1940 (allied move;)


    Surface-fleet tryin to hit axis units near the coast. Limited success.


    Vittorio Veneto sunk.

  2. (axis) January 7, 1940

    Italy joins the axis-side. France will surely be under pressure now.


    Italian forces immediately launces offensive into southern France capturin Marseille.


    British and french blocade of Italian fleet. Attempts made to try and breakin it. Success very limited to say the least.

  3. (axis) Nov 20, 1939


    Royal Oak sunk.


    U-29 severly damages british pride the HOOD.


    2nd french army destroyed. German 7th panzer division under Rommel leads german offensive through the ardennes!!! Brussels finally relieved.

    (allied) Dec 10, 1939


    u-29 sunk by destroyers surrounding task force; HOOD.


    British retreats.


    Panzers bleedin in the forests of the ardennes

  4. (axis)Oct 29, 1939


    Modlin-korps retreats and reach pripet-marsches before destrooyed. Polish resistance finally collapses and surrender follows. USSR occupies eastern Poland.


    German attacks led by Fieldmarshal Fedor von Bock hits 2nd French army hard. Allied assault on Brussels yields for a moment.


    Wolf-pack u-29 sunk.


    Allied forces attacks german surfacefleet: Scharnhorst sunk. British fleets hit hard.

    (allied) NOV 12, 1939


    Wolf-pack u-30 sunk by french forces.


    2nd french army retreats. Airattacks continue on Brussels. English BEF arrives at the front.

  5. October 1, 1939


    The polish defenders have formed a second line of defence with warsaw in the center. Wehrmacht smashes defence and destroys Warsaw garrison. Order from Hitler to destroy enemy forces is followed instead of capturin the capitol. Meanwhile Krakow Korps launches a counter-offensive in direction of Vienna.


    Danish resistance collapse. Surrenderin to Germany.


    German forces rush to aid the hard pressed forces of the Netherlands and Belgium.

    Oct 15, 1939


    Polish advance on Vienna continue.


    Air attacks against Brussels. Massive french attacks against the city by 1st, 2nd armies supported by XXI corps are unsuccesful.


    French fleets attacks subs

  6. Connection was lost, but we are in march 1940: My first game against a human and Im losing badly.



    Sep 3, 1939


    Fall Weiss commences with 3rd army attacking from eastprussia in the back of the polish frontal defence. Panzer-korps smashes central defence and reach outskirts of Warzaw.


    Germany attacks Denmark. The danish capitol however puttin up fierce resistance.

    Sep 15, 1939


    Allies replies swiftly to the german aggression and attacks the low country in hope to put up defence along the Dyle river. Brussels are under heavy attack but the belgians refuse to surrender.

  7. God dammit Jersey Im swedish not danish. Please read this;

    Some facts about my country;

    - Population; 9 million, monarchy

    - Socialdemocratic goverment

    - Part of the european Union, but no military alliances


    - Vikingland, ruled by the danish crown until rebellion led to creation of the monarchy in 1521. Sweden means the "svea reich" in swedish.

    - 1700th century saw the emerging of Sweden as the powerhouse of northen Europe. Dominated the baltic sea with control over Pomerania and northen coast of Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Finland and the finish bay. Crushes the imperialists in the thirty years war, destroys Poland-Lithuania in 1650 by offensive to the heartland of those countries.

    - 1800th century; Considered the best army in Europe in the year of 1700 Sweden faces 3-front wars from angry and oppressed neighbours(Denmark, Poland-Saxony, Russia). In this, the great nothern war Sweden Crushes the russians at the battle of Narva relieving the pressure on the fortifications in the baltic states. Denmark are knocked out of the war with help of England and the dutch. Poland are crushed during a 6 year campaign.

    With the last remaining enemy left; Russia, the swedish king Charles XII invades the country in 1708 with 40 000 men. Facing a russian policy of scorched earth and the gruelsome russian winter the swedish army retreats to seek help from allied cossaks in Ukraine. The king loses the battle of Poltava 1709 and therebye the war is lost. In 1721 peace is settled and Swedens status as a major power is lost once and for all to Russia.

    1900th century;

    Finland was a part of Sweden to 1809 when lost in war against tsar Alexander. The french marshal Johan Bernadotte claims the swedish crown and suprisingly attacks Napoleon, helpin defeating him at Leipzig 1813. Norway is annexed by the swedes in 1814, capturing it after centuries of danish rule. Norway remains in swedish hands until 1905 when released to independence. The Nobel peace prize is given by the swedish to Norway as a symbol of friendship. SO thats why the norweigans present the winner every year still today, while the other categories are presented by the jury in Stockholm.

    2000th century;

    Sweden remains neutral during the great war. During ww2, Sweden adopts a policy of strict neutrality when Finland is attacked(which cuts into the swedish hearts as a knife beeing our brothers and all) and Norway is occupied by the Nazis. Iron ore sells continue to Germany until late in the war in fear of the wehrmacht.

    After the war Swedens industry remains intact. That results in prosperity and the development of a higly effiecent and rich welfare state. The neutrality of the war and cowardness against nazism and communism however continue to haunt the swedish people.

    [ January 09, 2003, 04:20 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

  8. Im very disappointed at beeing proclaimed by mr JerseyJohn to have a fake identity and indirectly beeing pointed out as a Knuckle-head, crazy idiot or trouble-maker. Im just Kuniworth and I wont tolerate this outrageous behaviour by mr J.John anymore. Please lock this and other meaningless threads and take proper actions.

    :mad: :mad: :mad:

    [ January 09, 2003, 01:31 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

  9. Guys this is gettin out of hand. Les the Sarge; First of all I have the greatest respect for you. Please remember that.

    But Im sorry. I dont know if I feel at home here anymore. I mean (with all respect) we have to beg you(Les) to stay so you can feel that this is home???? Is this is some kind new social thing I missed? I visit the HoI forum and the Paradox Forum because I play the games, not because I want some social company.

    What I want to say is that this forum dont work properly anymore. Half of what is said is just strange and of no interest. Some players get booted, others wanna commit suicide and some starts 500 threads about Rambo cheating. Or discussin patch 1.07 even though we now it wont be anymore out. Strangely I think Rambo is one of the more sane dudes here. Come on get a life and chill out.

    So please everyone; get your act together. And Moon lock this thread in a while.

    Kuniworth. Over and out.

    [ January 09, 2003, 12:39 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

  10. Guys this is gettin out of hand. Les the Sarge; First of all I have the greatest respect for you. Please remember that.

    But Im sorry. I dont know if I feel at home here anymore. I mean (with all respect) we have to beg you(Les) to stay so you can feel that this is home???? Is this is some kind new social thing I missed? I visit the HoI forum and the Paradox Forum because I play the games, not because I want some social company.

    What I want to say is that this forum dont work properly anymore. Half of what is said is just strange and of no interest. Some players get booted, others wanna commit suicide and some starts 500 threads about Rambo cheating. Or discussin patch 1.07 even though we now it wont be anymore out. Strangely I think Rambo is one of the more sane dudes here. Come on get a life and chill out.

    So please everyone; get your act together. And Moon lock this thread in a while.

    Kuniworth. Over and out.

    [ January 09, 2003, 12:39 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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