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Posts posted by LightningWar

  1. I guess I could call home to see if CMBB arrived.

    But what do I care? I am 1300 miles away and wont be able to get to it until the earliest late late Friday night.

    Edit: I live in Minneapolis MN, I am currently working in Las Vegas. Have been since Sept 5th, and will be until about Oct 2nd.


    [ September 23, 2002, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: LightningWar ]

  2. When I got laid off June 1st I was happy. My old employers were complete incompetents and I was hoping it was coming. I could stand the place any more. But I could not quit because the job market is so crappy.

    So they laid me off. I got vacation pay(chicken ****s) and my summer off. Until I finally landed a gig that pays twice as much as I was making before and it is a much better job :D

    I got to enjoy my summer and have been doing this since Aug 4th ;)


  3. It really depends on the company I believe. If they state it will take 4 weeks and you want to o ahead with it then do it. Personally if I know the time period would be that long I would call the company and arrange for something else. In that time the company could get the money from the CC and fold. Leaving me with a nice big CC bill and no product.

    If you want a horror story. Check out these morons. I tried buying some things from them. Amazingly fradulent.



  4. These two puzzled me.

    I can understand the faster turret, but better sights? US tank sights were very poor, making shots over 800 yards extremely difficult at best (if I remember correctly this had alot to do with the difficulty of estimating range to target through a US sight). Were the soviet optics really that crappy? "

    I was under the impression it could be due to the gun used on the shermans. Low velocity. Not very accurate. I know Soviet optics were notoriously horrible. This is what almost every book I have ever read on the subject talks about. And the lack of radios.

    "The Sherman was notorious for its poor survivability if hit. The T-34/85 on the other hand have very good armor protection. "

    Against what? Shermans saw some action in N.Africa and faired pretty good against the PZIII\PZIV. But what most people remember is what the German heavy armor did to the Shermans. Tigers\Panthers\KTs\TDs. This was late war and when the Sherman probably saw the most fighting. At the same time the Shermans were being brewed up by Tigers et al. The T34\85 was coming to the same conclusion. Tigers just shooting up columns of T34s on the steppes of Russia.

    The only thing the T34s and Shermans of the world had on the big cats was the ability to pump them out at a rate probably x faster than the Germans. As I have read a few stories on late war german tank commanders.

    Sending 8 tigers to stop an entire armored corps. Futile!


  5. Redwolf states: "LightningWar, please fix your quoting! You lead to attribution of statements to the wrong authors and many people here do not like that at all."

    I go over this on other forums. The reasoning behind not using the built in quote system is when you go over 1 quote it starts to lump the original quote and the new quote together and you get a complete mess IMO. I find that much more difficult to weed through which is the quote and which is the original quote. And if you go 3+ deep forget it. So I copy and paste peoples quotes and use the quote key for its purpose smile.gif

    As for not being able to tell who said it. I guess I am used to people responding to me who wrote the original quote. I mean afterall they did write it, they should recognize it. I will start putting peoples names above the quote.


  6. Why does everyone make it sound like the Daimlers are the bad guys. I'm proud of the little buggers for blowing up those big tanks and teaching their owners they have to learn a bit more about playing the game."

    Just looking for the most realism smile.gif

    Can anybody even pin a Tiger or Panther killing from a frontal penetration by a Daimler AC in real life?

    just curious.

    I understand it was bad luck. But jesus it is annoying smile.gif


  7. #1. 2 squads of Volks getting routed by rifle fire from a toon of US 45s. Big deal? They were 930 meters away WTF!

    #2. Daimler AC knocking out my Panther G @ 400+ meters from the front

    #3. My own spotters target round landed on him. Killing both of them and wasting 80 rounds of 120 mortars. The drop would have been perfectly landed on company of US rifles.

    I am sure there are more. Just cant think of them.


    [ August 20, 2002, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: LightningWar ]

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