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Everything posted by Doomsday1

  1. What gives? How does one obtain full member status? Is it that you blitz through the Ardenes, surprise, paralyze, and demoralize the French? Is it that you sucessfully pull out the B.E.F to fight another day while blowing ME 109s out of the sky? Is it that you take the "green" US troops across a vast ocean, land on a hostile shore and be drinking French Roast in Paris during the day, and enjoying the *finery* at night? Or maybe its you pull a second Stalingrad and encircle a couple of Panzer armies as well as Leeb, Block, and Kesselring and make the your captives. Maybe its you avoid having your entire Mediteranean Navy sunk at anchor? What gives? maybe its bestowing praise on that guy from the Great White North, H. Cater for such an awesome game! (Am I a Member now?)
  2. I hear yah on the global thing. I just broke out my Milton Bradley Axis & Allies" from deep storage. Hmmm...Looks like only the major Pacific island clusters are represented. They could like have a MPP of 1, or disrupt supply. War in Siberia is pretty good thinking, assumes the Japanese might fan out of Manchuria....bak to A &A ...and look...South America....a haven for my untersee boots (I did say boots) would be more useful against the Allied navies
  3. I hear yah on the global thing. I just broke out my Milton Bradley Axis & Allies" from deep storage. Hmmm...Looks like only the major Pacific island clusters are represented. They could like have a MPP of 1, or disrupt supply. War in Siberia is pretty good thinking, assumes the Japanese might fan out of Manchuria....bak to A &A ...and look...South America....a haven for my untersee boots (I did say boots) would be more useful against the Allied navies
  4. Re: French Ships on surrender I had that happen where my allied forces retained 3 of the French naval units on surrender. I had them "quarantined" in Scapa Flow, Liverpool and NY harbor under guard of the Royal navy. I re-commissioned (in my mind) them as HMS units. Historically, (crap there's that word again) I think the Richeulu sp? was detained in NY for the duration of the war. As far as french units fleeing to England, with DeGaulle, many did, during the Dunkirk debacle. As far as air units...I think that most of them were destroyed on the ground during the opening days of the war. Bringing them over to England is fine with me...they aren't really effective w/out a French HQ. Whats fun is to have the Free French slug it out with the Vichy later on. I wish there was a way to land/use Algeria as a US base w/out having to declare war on Vichy. Declaring war on Vichy frees up their BBs and lets the Germans (and the Italians) operate from S. France during D-day
  5. Wish List: A bit of South America ( Urugway) to reinforce/supply my undersee boats....and maybe the Admiral Sheer as a surface raider/decoy...just a wisp. My subs are getting trashed....how far to the Indian Ocean?
  6. Yeah its (renaming units) is pretty cool. With the Soviet hordes I took to labelling the newly trained corps 1, 2,3...30 etc. Poor blokes, never around long enough to know their names.
  7. I thought it would be easy to drop Patton and the third army in on Italy, seeing they were on the Volga taking in the sights!....It went well until Italy operated units home to counter. Moving around on the penisula sucked, so I thought, "why not an end-run" (no not Enron), so I landed the 2nd army in northern Italy. In three weeks, these uits were toast. Can't leave without a port...no retreat...no way to re-enforce (airdrpos would have been nice) So if you go in, better have back-up...and go in strong!
  8. First...I am really enjoy the game, both as Axis and as Allies, and against AI or my PBEM nemisis. but... I have a few questions: How can the Italians hang on for 4 years, in the desert, being pummelled by two aircract carriers, the Malta air fleet, 2 British Corps and the Canadian army? Don't they need ammo, or bodies. Did I mention their port is being reduced to zero every turn by 2 British cruisers and a BB. Granted, there are Canadians involved, (just kidding Tom) but come on, look at what they did on D-Day. Next...how can a tank group defeat my US jet, full on strenght 15? Air power spelled doom for panzers. Why did I spent all those MPPs, spent 56mpps to transport, only to have a ragtag 1 Luftwaffe and 1 panzer force anihilate me? Seems hoky to me. Again, as the US progressively eliminated Japan from the fray, shouldn't their MPPs go up? Just reinforcing 1 jet fleet uses up almost their entire allocation. US with about 390 MPPs seems about right. The US is what kept Russia alive with the Murmask lifeline, not to mention England...and it was the US and the marshal plan that rebuilt Europe( Oh I get it...we are saving it for after the war)! The minors...yeah, like the Romanians were ever going to be on the outskirts of Leningrad, or the Italians weren't going to pack up and go home once Sicily is invaded and the threat of Anzio is looming. Last...is it possible to get to any of the post '41 campaign scenarios from any 1939 start in even the most idylic conditions? Lets make it a little more real! :cool: :cool:
  9. How about "no effect" for an allied bombing of Paris....or? Historically, the Allies went way out of their way to make sure that the City of Lights was never bombed or destroyed. Eisenhower wanted to by-pass it completely, but politcal pressure brought on by the French forced him to act, then let the Free French march in symbolically. maybe the same for Rome?
  10. My game just crashed. I had'nt loaded the second patch yet. Does this patch solve the problem. Things were just getting interesting with a June 1944 Allied invasion of Greece and a link with the Russians. Man, I can't belive it just died like that.
  11. That's some screenshot. What level are the jets? It's pretty incredible what a little R&R can do. Rain, sleet or snow...whats up you postal maidens? No mail on Sunday. Guess I need a break. My wife told me that I said "They just sunk the Warspite" in my sleep, & Bloody poor luck" whatever that means.
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