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Posts posted by tracer

  1. From what I can tell from going to various links on the net, it was started in the eastern front. Most of the Pzs I have seen it on were pics dated from 41 on. So to answer your question probably started in the east and also was used in the western front seeing how the western front didn't really start till 44. I could be wrong though, someone else could have found a link showing it earlier.

  2. really can't say, it depends on what other mods you are using, because they will effect how other mods look. If you read the "readme" text that usually comes with a mod, it will tell you (most of the time} which mods that certian mod looks the best with. In CMBO, I usually have to try differnt mods to see which one looks the best combined with other terrain mods.

  3. One more thing on installing mods,some of the mods I noticed after you unzip the BMPs into the BMP folder Of CMBB or CMBO, don't actually install, What I mean is they will put themselves into a subfolder, so what you have to do is go back and look for the sub folder which will also have the mods name, then open the folder, copy then cut the bmps and paste them into the BMP folder I found this out when I installed some of Cannons winter mods and noticed they weren't in the game, so when I went back to check my CMBB program I noticed there were a crap load of sub folders. I don't know if this happens with 96se, but on XP home it has.

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