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Posts posted by tracer

  1. Thank you Pascal, it appears you got the point, And I already stated it once before, if someone has a problem with a vehicle model, TAKE IT UP WITH BFC, I just mod em for myself and then post em for anyone who wants them, I get nothing for doing this, I do it because there are others out there who mod too, and I download there mods if I need one, and I figure they download mine if they need it, I don't design the model.

  2. Well I give it a 10, Why?? well if the game were anymore graphic intense, (and yes it is a little behind) you would have to have a mega machine to run the game,(I have and so do some others, but the majority don't have mega machines) because the eye candy isn't all that make this a great game, people b***h about the AI, but it is excellent compared to some of the other games and the command and control is also, so with all this combined, (you see my point about mega machine, try to run the Volga battle) As far as the game goes it's the best I've found so far, maybe someone will make a better one some day

  3. by "moron" I was referring to the ****heads that would try to post a mod with a virus in it and mess up a good thing. I don't think you are trying to post a mod with a virus,2nd, it always helps when you have a tech prob to list what type of system you have, because a lot of times, (and as I wrote earlier in the thread, this is a "tech support forum" issue}it helps to know what kind of system you have to diagnose a prob. Hope that helped :D

  4. that's ok, no offense taken, it's just that the people who mod, do it because we like to, very few of us (if any) get paid for it, we do it cause we like to. But there is always some moron who will try to mess up a good thing by posting something infected with a virus,so if someone is new and only has posted a few mods I check the zips for a virus. But as for the old timers,(I mean people who were modding waaayyy back, when I first got CMBO, I know they are good people.

  5. I always check for a virus if I get a mod from a new designer who hasn't been seen much at the data base. As for folks like me,noobie cannon, juju, andrew, tanks a lot,Gautrek, and a bunch more, we post there on a pretty regular basis,so we are trustworthy, it's the "unknowns" that I check, just to be sure, cause there are a lot of folks who download mods and that would be a prime place for a Crap Head to place a virus at.

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