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Posts posted by tracer

  1. Thanks, and one thing on the CMBO conversions, I have to thank the original authors of the mods. Converting the mods is time consuming because of the differnt 3D engine between the two games, where as CMBO vehicles were flatter, CMBB ones aren't so it is a b***h to convert them, but I had a lot of favorite mods in CMBO and it's worth it to convert them to CMBB.

  2. A future game soumds good, but what about a game based on older historical wars like in the time of the roman legions, or the civil war, that would be nice to, but Iraqi war?? it would be awfully short. What kind of battles?? sounds kinda dull. I mean look at the Iraqi armored vehicles, T34/72s and 4 wheel drive toyota's?? I think if a company is going to make a game like that, they might as well go for the death blow and make a game based on something like the operation in Panama or the falkan islands or something really dull like that. Or hell just make a new version of "Pac Man" or something.

  3. Jaws,

    The message I posted earlier (if it was read right) simply means how can anyone compare two games together that are based on two differnt game engines and wonder if one of the games "will die" because of the graphics of the other. There are people who like one type of game play, and people who like a differnt type, (you know some like the first person shooters, some don't} I think CM will be around for a long time to come if the folks at Battlefront keep up what they are doing, a great job in customer service. They care about the people playing the game and listen to what they have to say, name me one other game (of this type, not some game like G.I. crapbat} where the game designers are involved with the people who play the game like battlefront folks are,just read the forum and you'll see what I mean. So ask yourself "Jaws" what do you think, will it die??

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