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Posts posted by tracer

  1. yes, just make sure that you get the driver for WINXP, it'll say WINXP/2000 drivers. And if they don't work right for you, you can "roll back" the driver by right clicking on my computer then click properties, then hardware, then device manager tab. look for "display adapter" double click it then choose to roll back your driver.I used them, and they worked fine for CM and some other games, but some they did'nt so I went back to the 38 series drivers.

  2. Lt Hortland,

    I have been trying to do just what your asking for a while now. MikeyD, I think, a while back sent me some BMPs of a mod he was trying to do, a Finn Stug mod where they used logs on the side for extra armor. The problem I have come across is that I can put the branches and leaves on the Pz, but due to the 3d effect it looks "flat". I will go ahead and post a Pz mod with foliage as camo and see what people think, they might like it. I try to get it as perfect as I can and maybe that's my problem. But anyway I will post and if people will comment we'll see if it is realalistic enough.

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