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Posts posted by tracer

  1. I think that the "feed Back" on mods is very helpful, I have gotten a lot of feed back and it helps me to produce better mods. I get "snow blind" a lot of the times because when I make a mod, I view it from my machine, and with mostly my other mods I have created. I forget that the mod might look a little differnt on some one elses machine, so please pop back in the forum and give a little feed back, it makes a differnce, and only takes a few minutes.

  2. I played WWII online, and man, when you drive a R-35, you are dead meat, slower then crap, and really not that effective versus infantry, and like spitting in a fire versus any (and I mean any) other Pz. And Panzer leader, nice model! I do some modelling myself, and diaroma making, have a real nice one which has a scene of a Flak 88 gun in a emplacement

  3. hey, I use the same tatics, throw my halftrcks in front as cannon fodder then take out the enemy postions, heck all army's use that atctic. I was stationed near the "Fulda Gap" back when there still was a wall, everyone called the "Grunts" (infantry for the newbies), "Bullet Catchers" because if the ruskys ever came through they would basically be catchin the bullets. Well crap, does that make me a "Pieper"??, hhmmm, I'll hve to think about that one

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