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Posts posted by GJK

  1. I see compassion's issue, posting binaries in a text group. He suggests a.b.g.reposts (alt.binaries.games.reposts) which is a pretty empty group, but I have one that is about dead that I've used for things like this before:

    alt.binaries.w-software. I have no idea what w-software is, probably warez, but it's dead.

    If everybody can see that group with their news provider, I propose that one as a temporary mod hosting group until I can get the ball rolling on getting an a.b.combat-mission.


  2. Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    I loved your response to GB, even though he is technically correct about posting binaries to a nonbinary group.

    Thanks, couldn't help it. It's a shame because when I first saw that group like 2 years ago I thought, wow, great place to swap mods, scenarios and general chat. But nothing is ever posted there except GB bashing the game then everyone coming back bashing him. And that's like maybe 5 posts a month.

    But, I understand if it is a non-binary group (it's basically a non-ascii group too...) I think that I would like to try to persue getting an alt.binaries.combat-mission group going.

    We'll see. It doesn't appear that the newsgroup thing is too popular of an idea, I think maybe a handful have checked it out, or so it seems.

  3. My views:

    1. Problem/issues with Kazaa or PTP serving (including Hotline): You have to search for the mod you want and if your search criteria doesn't match the filename, you wont see the mod. We would want to adopt a universal naming system of some sort but searching will still be a hit or miss.

    2. Subscription based fee for bandwidth: I could go for this, but the free bandwidth is there, we just need to find the best ways to utilize it.

    My suggestion as you all probably know is the newsgroups. I don't see why it hasn't been mentioned. I believe most ISP's provide NNTP service with their accounts and if not, there are newsproviders that cost as low as $10/month for 6 gigs of downloads. I believe you can subscribe to lower bandwidth/rate plans.

    Complaints against newsgroups that I forsee:

    1. You don't see what your downloading? True, but you don't either with PTP file swapping. On the newsgroups, I can upload screenshot images that can be opened in the browser though.

    2. I don't know how to use newsgroups, what are they and aren't a lot of viruses on them? I recommend using Forte Inc's Free Agent (free) for newsgroup reading. It's easy to use and their website Free Agent has a good FAQ and instructions. You can also have any file downloaded route through your anti-virus program. Plus, if you're just going to alt.games.combat-mission to grab mods, I would think you'd be ok. Wonder off to other areas and you might have problems unless you know what your doing. Yes, some hack could discover the group and think that it would be fun to load virus infected "mods" in there, but that group has been there for some time and hardly anybody ever posts there. If you don't recognize the poster, don't download it though.

    The websites could also be used as a visual reference for the newsgroup posts. My site for example my list mods that I will post on a regular or per request basis, along with the filename, screenpic and description.

    If your curious about the newsgroups, go check out alt.games.combat-mission. I posted about 140 mb of mods there last night. I'll put up the screenshots and/or make the filenams more descriptive if that helps anybody.

    My 2ยข


  4. Thanks Manx for the words. Smaller mod sites might work, I still see an issue of bandwidth though. If the mod is 2 mb in size but it's getting downloaded a 1000 times a day X 5 mods, it's still going to chew up some bandwidth.

    I think the newsgroups/Kazaa thing might be an option for those that wish to get their mods out but can't find someone to host them. I've got a good load full up on the newsgroup now.

    I'm going to talk with my host tomorrow and see if the scenario/opponent finder thing would be too much still to host (my hosting is free, so I don't have much leverage there). We'll see.

  5. Well, for those that do like using the newsgroups, I'm posting my collection of mods that were on the Proving Grounds to alt.games.combat-mission now. Some of the mods are on another computer that I can't get to until Monday, but a good number of them are being posted now.

    I suggest a descent newsgroup reader such as Free Agent (www.forteinc.com) and not Outlook Express.

    P.S. I don't advocate going to newsgroups that cater to pirated material or pornographic material, so don't go there smile.gif

  6. Yet another solution is to use newsgroups. There is already an alt.games.combat-mission, yet I never see any mods posted there, only bashing of some guy that downloaded the game from the newsgroups most likely.

    Yes, the mods won't always be there, but a simple request and I could upload a mod to the newsgroup in minutes. Retention on the newsgroups varies by news provider, but it's usually 4 days or so. If you miss a mod, you simply put in a nice request for somebody to post it. Larger mods would need broken down into segments using something like winrar (there is a Mac equivelent).

    I use easynews (www.easynews.com) for my newsgroup provider, but most ISP's provide an NNTP server already. It's $10/month for easynews.

    I would be more than willing to post mod's there for anybody that has requests (provided I still have the mod of course).

  7. Hi all,

    Yes, the news is bad, the plug has been pulled already. Appologies to Manx who I jumped on just yesterday about mod sites. His reply was that "it got too popular". Well, same here already.

    Over 10 gigs of bandwidth per day from all over the world. My client/buddy who's the host said there's just no way to keep it up without him having to charge me a pretty hefty rate to keep it.

    I have most of the mods that were on the site locally on my home system. I can try to email a few requests for some of the smaller mods but I obviously will not be able to fulfill everyone's requests.

    I'll make a more formal post on the forum next. Sorry guys, is was good while it lasted (so briefly). Damn, lots of programming had gone into that site already to.

  8. Hi all,

    Yes, the news is bad, the plug has been pulled already. Appologies to Manx who I jumped on just yesterday about mod sites. His reply was that "it got too popular". Well, same here already.

    Over 10 gigs of bandwidth per day from all over the world. My client/buddy who's the host said there's just no way to keep it up without him having to charge me a pretty hefty rate to keep it.

    I have most of the mods that were on the site locally on my home system. I can try to email a few requests for some of the smaller mods but I obviously will not be able to fulfill everyone's requests.

    I'll make a more formal post on the forum next. Sorry guys, is was good while it lasted (so briefly). Damn, lots of programming had gone into that site already to.


  9. It's still under development and I've been working overtime to get it finished, but eventually my site will offer a place for scenario designer's to have at his disposal, playtesters for their scenario with feedback from those playtesters.

    With backing from Admiral Keth at the Scenario Depot, my site is the place for the unproven, untested and in the rough scenarios but hopefully a place where those scenarios can become polished and fit to appear at the Scenario Depot.

    Should my site become popular enough, it would become an excellent marketing tool to get the word out on new scenarios, scenarios under development and scenarios that may be just about ready for prime time.

    I'm wrapping up the databasing for the mod's section and then will begin the scenario Author's administration/profile area and then onto the scenario housing and rating system.

    Link is in the sig, stop by, I welcome your comments.


  10. Originally posted by Manx:

    I don't know. Looking forward to a site that releases mods the same day they are released. What's going on! Is no one offering this service these days?

    And where is your site? Seriously, I think I've been pretty good at getting mods up in a fairly rapid manner, but if I get a mod from someone "across the pond" at 2 in the morning, it's not going up until the next day when I get around to it.

    Obviously, all of these sites are not for profit and are there because the site designer's enjoy the product (game) to a point that they wish to offer this service simply because they can.

    I'm happy that we even have such sites and personally thank each webhost and designer that has taken their personal time to put it together so that you (we) can all scrounge off of them.



  11. Originally posted by Abbott:

    i ke3P 9e+tiNg @N 3Rr0r TelliN9 m3 +o CH3cK My 5PelL1Ng.

    (edited for spelling)

    It let me right in. Since you didn't set up a "secret word" in the first place (I hadn't added that feature yet) leave that field blank when logging in. Just enter your username and press submit.

    Yes, not very secure right now, that's why I urge all that created profiles without "secret words" to edit the profile by adding a "secret word".

    [ October 17, 2002, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: GJK ]

  12. The option to modify your profile has been added to the site. If you didn't have the option of putting in a "secret word" at the time you created your account, that means that it was still in development and thus your "secret word" is blank. So, it is advised that all that have created accounts so far and didn't enter a secret word, to go to the site when you can and modify your account. You can login from the "Opponent Finder" page, by selecting the "Modify Profile" link. From there, enter the name of your profile (handle) as used when you created the account and if you don't have a secret word, then leave that field blank.

    The option to add a text comment is also present. Good for ICQ's, game play notes, or other.

    Questions/comments/bug reports welcomed! (well, I hope to not see bug reports) smile.gif


    P.S. The ability to have your "missing or lost" secret word emailed to you and the ability to delete your profile should you choose is coming up next.

    Also, I believe the timezone offsets bug is fixed, so you might want to double check that the time it displays for you when you edit your profile is the correct ones (else, reselect please) Thanks!

    [ October 16, 2002, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: GJK ]

  13. Originally posted by catnip:


    Is there a way where you can make the opponent finder list everybody based only on their skill level? I tried leaving all of the settings on default and changing the skill selector to veteran, but still couldn't get my own profile to come up.

    Also, adding a text field to our profile would be nice.


    Btw, site looks nice.

    When all is told, each of the columns will be sortable (asc. to desc./desc. to asc.) and you will be able to select which criteria to search on. Right now I having searching all the form fields but will be breaking that down.

    By adding a text field, do mean for general comments? I will be adding that so that people can put notes like "remove the extra X from my email address to email me" (in the event someone is nervous about giving out their valid email address.

    Still need to add the login feature for it as well, so that you can edit or delete your profile.

    Also have a major bug with the timezone calculator as everyone probably noticed. Worked on it late last night and I'm about to get back after it this morning.



  14. Originally posted by Abbott:


    Should a player feedback/rating option be available? A simple rating as in if a player finished a PBEM game that was started? Knowing the Internet I am sure there would be occasion where it would maybe be abused for reasons other then its intended purpose. Maybe a field where a player could enter an explanation as a counter?

    Hmmm, maybe like an Ebay rating system? If you're a player that sticks to the committment of finishing PBEM games (or even TCP/IP for that fact) maybe others can rate you as an available player. This could be done, I'll let you all decide.


    A field available for both players of a PBEM/TCP could enter a brief written description of their battle? Spoiler alert automatically included in page/field description of course.

    This is something that will be implemented but it will go directly to the author of the scenario so that they can use it for debugging purposes. I'm not sure that we'd want to have it show on player profiles, would we?

    Thanks for stopping by!


  15. Thanks,

    Tonight I need to add a feature that will let you modify your profile once it's been posted.

    I also need to fix the display of time if the person filling out the profile selected "Anytime" as the time from/time to available. I just took out that option for now actually.

    I think I might need to add a time available week/time available weekend, but with the world in mind, not everybody's weekends are the same smile.gif

    I do have the time conversion working though. I just entered my profile. You can search and find me by leaving all the options as default and then just enter your Country (location). It will convert my time available to your time zone and display it.

    I'm finding more tweaks, but I'll get to them over the next few days.

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