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Posts posted by Lou2000

  1. Tank ditches can be by digging in the sides
    Engineer laid mines.
    Just MHO ......................

    If you take the 'average' CMBB game as being about 30 turns - that equates to 30 mins....

    Hardly enough time to perform these actions ... especially if under fire !

    combat medic unit in the game, ambulances, etc
    The medic ... maybe OK ... the ambulance - No thanks.

    {as mentioned in your other thread}

    Medics would be no good for getting troops back into the fight due to the time scale ...

    I doubt it would have much of an effect on preventing routing etc ..... Yeah if I was getting cut to bits by enemy fire, knowing there was a medic nearby would be nice .... but I wouldnt stop running just because some guy with a bandage and a red cross on his hat was sitting next to me :D

    Perhaps a factor in the scoring for KIA vs Casualties, but would probably be best just be factored into the Bn (or Coy) HQ units stats rather than an individual unit

  2. Found it ....

    A 1000m range is reachable only through the use of a parabolic trajectory, and I imagine that more than one round was fired. (...) Parabolic-trajectory firing of the RR80 was not cited in the manual for fighting enemy infantry emplacements (I suspect the tactic went against Wehrmacht doctrine as well and was used by soldiers as an ad hoc alternative to mortar fire) but it was allowed for avalanche detachment

    Using shreks and piats as ad-hoc mortars couldnt have been very accurate !!


    Some interesting reading for those wanting to fire shreks from within buildings ... especially operators of the early models having to wear a fire proof poncho and gas mask !!

  3. Originally posted by Andreas:

    Chalk up another reference for the use of the PIAT as a mortar in 'The Recollections of Rifleman Bowlby'. He was also in Bella Italia.

    Not only the Piat. I've seen a couple refs to Shrek being used in indirect fire mode and a mortar ... and also to start avalanches !!

    Not sure of the link (its on my work PC) - but I'll post it if I can find it again.

  4. My son (12) asked if they do a game like CM for Warhammer !

    After I'd finnished laughing and choking I realised that, although it doesnt interest me - After watching him play a game aginst his frined ......its not a totally stupid idea.

    Though futuristic, Warhammer is basically a desktop, Company/Squad level war game using a mainly infantry force with armour support !!

    Kids !! :rolleyes:

  5. Gents,

    Round 1 is complete and it is clear that the blue team have a comfortable lead

    Blue 7111

    Red 5701

    Green 3770

    Yellow 3668

    The tournament details have been updated -> NOWT Pages

    I'm playing a non-NOWT game against Jiggles at the moment using the planned settings for round 3. I'll post them once we have finnished and found any 'obvious' flaws in the settings.

    Good luck to those still in the knockout part of the tournament.

    [ December 22, 2003, 02:19 PM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]

  6. OK Gents thats the last of the Round 1 games complete.

    Congrats to Prester John. The last of the Round 2 games can now start and should be as follows:

    Prester John Vs SteveS (PJ doing the setup)

    Mark Gallear Vs Sandy (Sandy doing the setup)

    It may be best to check with the other player regards what CMBB patch !!

    I'll be starting a new NOWT thread later today ...after I've updated the web pages...



  7. GJK ....

    Nice to see the site membership is shooting up once again !!

    Thanks for the effort you are putting into the site.

    I've had so many game offers through the site that I've had to hide my profile for a couple of weeks until I can catch up ! :cool:

    Looking forward to the Scenario section and seeing some of the designers fine tune their creations there ..... I for one WILL give feedback to any I try.

  8. A couple more round 2 games are about to begin...

    Quarter finals.

    Wesreidau Vs Gary Barr - Wesreidau doing the setup.

    Team round.

    Apache Vs Athkatla - Apache doing the setup.

    Settings as follows ...................

    Dec '43


    Combined Arms

    German - Mech

    Soviet - Infantry

    Quality - Medium

    Allow Human

    Casualties - 10%

    Ammo - Full

    Sewer Movement - Allowed (but N/A due to map type)

    Meeting Engagement

    1500 points

    Map - Medium

    Handicap - None

    Rarity - Standard

    Time - Mid day

    Temp – COOL Weather - Overcast / Breeze


    Terrain - Farmland

    Trees - Moderate

    Hills - Modest

    Damage - Light

    Turns 27 +/- variable

    all with EFOW (or course)

    Still looking for an update on the Mark Gallear Vs Prester John game - Once that one is in and all the round 1 games are over I'll start a new thread.

    I'll update the NOWT pages shortly

  9. somewhere in the region of 94%
    at the very least 3-1
    100% of the battles
    That makes for 64 %
    (Sergei .... you counted them !! :eek: )

    Do you people realise that.........

    1. 79.36% or all statistics are made up .....

    2. 12.67% are only accurate to within 14.7%(+/-)....

    3. Leaving only the remaining 7.97% correct.

    4. Only 10% of all forum members will read this post and only 3% of that 10% will actually care !



    The author of this post offers no guarantees that information contained within this post

    does not fall into category 1 of the above list

  10. Personally I dont much like the group move command as it is (and I dont think that extra waypoints would improve it much) ..... I always end up adjusting the individual squads final waypoint from that given during the group move so it's not much of a time saver for me.....

    I'd much prefer to see a 'Find Route' command with additional options like 'Find Quickest' where the units move by the quickest means to the waypoint or 'Find Safest' where they would find their own way using all available cover ... without me having to adjust the individual waypoints by a few meters to 'tell' them to use the trees rather than walking in open ground.

    But thats only my opinion.. and I'd really dont want to argue about it ;)

    If these are the sort of CMBB 'problems' that are now being hotly discussed, BFC can feel proud of their product ..... I mean, clicking the mouse 3 times instead of one, is hardly a game stopper is it :rolleyes:

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