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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Sorry, but Berli's ego alone, takes up enough space to park an aircraft carrier......how about over here, in this dark corner near the communal loo...yes that's about right. [ November 26, 2003, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  2. I don't know what eachoter owes to whom, but I believe I deleted the files from the game we were playing...I think...send something new and I will continue to strip your skinny Swedish hide.
  3. I think you might want to use it then, before the back pressure created by your posts collapses the universe.
  4. Neanderthals didn't have descendants. See what emoticons will do to you? </font>
  5. Notice that Malakovski's voice is a few octaves higher than it was last year? Happens to all newly married men. Over time the rich baritone strains may return, doubtful though, when one's yarbles are continually restrained by a vise...tightening...ever tightening...the chances of reversing the damage are slim.
  6. :confused: :confused: Wot is this "CeeMack" thingymajiggy you strange-yet-somehow-familiar-folk speak oft of, Mr Lardeedars??? The only word that vaguley resumbles it for me is SMACK. Does it have a similar effect on your insensibilities? Or is it a shortened misconceived derivation of the word "SHMACKO" - a popular dog food most commonly consumed by Grue? Hmmmm.......wot's that funny smell ??? *sniffff* oh no - not him again!! </font>
  7. The Queen has spoken, however even considering the idea of making AJ a prince is quite horrifying indeed. Just think of what that would do to his already inflated dome.
  8. While looking at Andrew's excellent SPW mod, a question crossed my mind. Not being a modder myself and also too lazy to look up a topic that has probably already been covered, I will ask.... Why are road wheels and bogies on tanks and haltracks round, but the front wheels on HTs and the wheels on other vehicles not?
  9. Happy Birthday Berli . Twice in one month, this is really getting tiresome. Hope you get some nookie for your birthday...of course I mean the Australian version....no decent woman would have anything to do with you...and knowing the Oddsies, their "nookie" could not possible have anything to do women.
  10. At least they are "keeping it in the family" so to speak, and like Boo, she has ZERO posts.
  11. I'm sure that Boo was in the midst of some dazzlingly clever plan to bring down the Gawdawffle thread, and you MrSpanky, have blown his cover! I'm prepared to meet any challenger who would dare impugn the integrity of any member of the House of Croda [bursts out laughing] Sorry, I almost got that one out with a straight face. Anyway, I stand with Boo, well actually upwind, a little to the left and out of arm's reach, and am ready to do to fight, to endure anything up to but not including physical discomfort in the defense of my former liege. So send me your set-ups. Force me to endure the peril of interrogation after interrogation from your exquisitely curvaceous stenographers. Here I stand, I can do no other. God help me! Lurk I was serious about the stenographer part. </font>
  12. I thought I saw you in the helicopter videos over Never Land. Did you get to pet the giraffe? (not really a bad thing)
  13. The ambient sounds of the Arty are EXCELLENT, the first thing I noticed, after firing up the desert battle,(after the birds that is :eek: ) The better metallic sounds of the tanks is cool as well along with the gear shifting sound of other vehicles. BTW, I was playing a TCP last night and my opponent claimed to hear a "swishing sound" which he likened to a whip antenna on a vehicle snapping back and forth as the tank moved...I couldn't hear it....is there such a sound? or has my hearing gone bad?
  14. Is he trying to light that thing with one of those new nose hair trimmers?
  15. The not so bare bear barely reaches six feet, while Inga (who is not barely bare) rides upon the bear bearing her head high, since she herself is not (six feet). Get it? /SirReal </font>
  16. I happen to know for a FACT that she liked me. </font>
  17. Can we skip the part where he rules us, and just get straight to the bit with the guillotine? </font>
  18. Why do we need friggen' royalty anyhoo? We can just appoint a petty dictator, allow that person to steal,pillage and plunder the MBT **rolls eyes**, and then after an agreed upon time we can have a popular uprising, arm ourselves with RPGs and make improvised explosive devices, and hang said petty dictator from the nearest yardarm. I nominate MrSpkr to be the first of such petty dictators, next we have to think of a grand name such as Steve Dada, Ruler of the Cess for Life ....... well maybe for a day or two. [ November 18, 2003, 06:38 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  19. Ah, that one always makes me laugh. SSN Hint Of The Day: Draw mustaches on posters. Now sod off. </font>
  20. All this flow of warmth is worrying me.....It is appreciated however. BTW CMPlayer , please don't try to involve me in any of your family events...doing things to small rodents, especially cute, furry hamsters, is not my cuppa.
  21. You will all be pleased to hear that I have returned to the labour (how's that you demented Gnome ?} force once again. My last visit to the opthalmologist has produced excellent news...well for me anyway, my retina is firmly re-attached to the eyewall once again (if I hear any more references to wallpapering, I will lose it, or perhaps just bash CMPlayer with the butt end of an AT Rifle). Other than some vision distortion..which takes the form of curving all straight objects..I have complete eyesight in the eye. The doctor said it might take some time for the distortion to go away, I hope not as long as it takes Seanachai to go away, but the Gods must be thanked for small miracles. To all of my opponents who figured out that attacking my right flank would be an advantage...I say Feh!!! to all of you, and I wave my private parts at you. Now that I can see again, I hope all your pixelated forces are out in the open and unsuspecting. That is all....... [ November 13, 2003, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
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