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J Wagner

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Posts posted by J Wagner

  1. Has anyone ever tackled SPI's War in the West and War in the East combined? The playing board was 7x7 feet and there were so many charts, you had to spread out, that you needed quite a bit of real estate to play the game. I had the map layed out for so long, that I was able to recreate Russian winters with the thick layers of dust that accumulated on the board... smile.gif

  2. I didn't like reading in Scott's summary that the Allied AI kept on launching invasions toward France, only to get their collective butts kicked. I wouldn't want to see the AI in some type of "Dieppe Loop" without having the for sight to change it's strategy. If the Allied progress is stalled by these fruitless attacks, it could make for a lousy game. If my evaluation of Scott's report is wrong, perhaps he can be kind enough to elaborate on what the Allied AI is doing and if they have a shot at beating him in spite of these failed invasions.

    [ July 28, 2002, 02:48 PM: Message edited by: J Wagner ]

  3. I'll start off, like many with the Axis '39. I already have my music ready for my CD player to accompany my game.

    1. Soundtrack to The Battle of Britain

    2. Soundtrack to Is Paris Burning?

    3. Shostakovich's Symphony #7 (Leningrad)

    4. Film Score for The Battle of the Bulge

    5. Soundtrack to Patton

    That ought to get my blood boiling!.... :D

  4. I haven't had enough time in the demo to figure out the long term affects of Sealion and the Russians. If you throw all your eggs into the British campaign, you may get burned really quick. Perhaps there will be a need to fortify the Polish border a bit before launching Sealion. By doing this though, you will not have all the resourses you initially had for Sealion, which will make that battle more difficult. Of course, if you do fortify the Polish frontier, then the Russians may become aggressive before you wanted them to. The possible causes and effects in this game certainly make it interesting!.... :D

  5. You can transport German forces over as well to assist the Italians...the biggest quandry you have is with the 1 hex width....it seems best to try an end around amphibious invasion so you can attack the Brits on both sides, then continue east...

  6. Originally posted by gunnergoz:

    Anybody consider the fact that thousands of paras need hundreds of transport aircraft and the air superiority fighters to go with them? Doesn't this need to be factored in as a loss of resources? And won't this impact how many aircraft (esp. medium bombers) one can go about fielding?

    I personally don't see much value in having para units in the game unless these issues can be factored in...

    Para dropped units can lose a random amount of strength points to reflect this...perhaps 0 - 3 points..but agian you are trying to instill a micro management sense of realism into a game that is in no way geared for it....

    [ July 25, 2002, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: J Wagner ]

  7. If you are going to spend much time concerned with "historical accuracy" in the game, then consider that no game on such a grand strategic level as SC, 3R, or WIF can truly be such an animal. The purpose of these and all games is to entertain. Bring on the paratroops even if only as an option. As mentioned in other posts, if the unit is expensive, and the drop zones limited (perhaps within 2 hexes of a friendly units ZOC) then perhaps their use wont be abused....

  8. Hubert also mentioned that there was a bug which decreased the effectiveness of air units in the Gold demo...so Paris should be a bit easier to take when this is corrected in the full game...

  9. There was a poster somewhere around here who lamented that taking Yugoslavia was very difficult, and that the Germans shouldn't have such a tough time. It was pointed out that if the armies had no Headquarters unit attached to it, you would indeed have difficulties. He in fact had no Headquarters unit attached so understood where the problem lay.

  10. As Hubert mentioned, I had the exact same problem so I uninstalled the game and downloaded it again. I've had no problems since....that was with the Beta demo however and on my home pc...I downloaded the Gold demo only on my notebook though and have a smooth game....The error message usually occured right after an attack was resolved...you might find a debug folder in the SC files which gives a rather archaic (for me anyway) explanation of the crash...If I recall, my file said something about a harmful signal occured which caused the program termination. Sorry I couldn't be more help, but I never did discover the true reason for the crash...I suspect it may be a problem with my NVidia video card and XP but I'm not certain...

  11. Originally posted by Mozzer:

    That North African territory looks a bit tight! The distance between the Meditteranean coast and the southern edge of the map looks like about 2 hexes. This was a problem with COS too! Surely if the map doesnt give enough Western Desert to play in there is no way that you can recreate the tactics of the Afrika Korps. Don't forget that Rommel was numerically outnumbered by the 8th Army and used the open flank of the desert to use his panzer forces to turn the flank of the British forces- sometime successfully (Tobruk, 1942) sometimes now (Alam Hafa, 1942). If there are only 2 hexes it will always mean a battering ram of a battle always trying to force yourself through the narrow gap rather that the open thrust and parry of desert warfare. The only place where the desert narrowed that much was El Alemain of course where the Quatara depression narrowed the available front considerably! Oh, can you build new fortifications? Like in COS where you had that nifty engineer unit that you could build the Atlantic Wall/Siegfied Line?

    I was checking out John Prados' Third Reich and decided against shelling out close to 50 bucks for a board game when I will be able to get get SC for almost half the price. I played, and enjoyed, the original Third Riech more years ago than I care to remember. I will note however that I do/did like the 3 to 5 hex width of North Africa in TR than the 1 hex width of SC. I am curious as to why North Africa is so limited in SC. Is the map scale, 60 miles per hex v. 50 miles per hex that much of a difference?
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