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Posts posted by Brightblade

  1. I found the threads now.

    Heavy SMG squad FP table (includes links to more threads about that topic)

    But the MG is still the only weapon which looses firepower and only for certain squads. Why? All other weapons have the same firepower in any squad. 8 Kar98k have twice the firepower of 4 Kar98k which have twice the firepower of 2 Kar98k. At any distance. The same is valid for the MP40 and the MP44.

    And where is the difference between the German Gebirgsjäger squad and the Sturm squad? They are similarly armed, only the Sturm squad has 4 MP44 instead of 4 MP40 and has a reduced firepower for the MG.

    I don´t understand that at all (which is probably my own fault, but maybe someone out there is kind enough to enlighten me).

    [ October 11, 2002, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

  2. You are right, this was featured in CMBO, but only for the heavy SMG squad, if I didn´t miss anything. The reason you gave sounds pretty good in RL as it is certainly better to take a SMG for very close combat than to assist the MG which usually is not flexible enough at very close ranges. In CM it seems like there is only a loss in firepower for the MG and no gain at all. Firepower for a single SMG seems always to be the same in any squad. Gebirgsjäger squads have many SMGs in BO and BB alike, but they don´t suffer the loss in firepower for the MG.

    You don´t know where or how I might find those thread you mentioned?

  3. When I compared the firepower of infantry squads I noticed great differences for the MG42. Most squads had 50 at 40m, 45 at 100m, 30 at 250m and 18 at 500m. But the Sturm squads had 23, 38, 31, 19 and the SMG squads 20, 39, 32, 19. All squads were from May 45. So, what´s the difference between these MG42?

    [ October 11, 2002, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

  4. Today I finally got my US edition of CMBB (thanks once more to the Diceman smile.gif ). Then I thought it might be a good idea to add a armor penetration table to Wolfe´s great chart, so a friend and I started with German armor. Everything was fine, until I wanted to check if all vehicles using a 88mm gun had tungsten rounds (PzGr40) available. At this point I already had penetration numbers for the L56 and the L71...

    For the L56 they were:





    and for the L71:




    These numbers seemed to be OK and came from a Tiger and a Nashorn (I think) bought in June 43. When I wanted to check the data, I had already deleted all vehicles which I had until then, but suddenly no 88mm gun seems to have tungsten rounds. I used the editor to get all vehicles for the data, I tried different points in time, but no tungsten rounds for 88mm guns (no tungsten rounds available when editing unit).

    So, was it a bad dream? Did my friend pull my leg (he read the data and I typed it in, but he swears he only read what was on the screen)? Or is it some bug?

  5. Of course is hull down only valid for a certain direction, but when you aim at a target and your vehicle displays "Hull down" relative to the target, everything should be OK. Then this specified target fires and you get a lower hull penetration (which is especially annoying if you have a Hetzer, whose upper hull is very hard to penetrate, much harder than its lower hull). Why?

    OK, there is a possible explanation. Modern tank shells are able to easily penetrate a few meters of dirt and have still enough power to penetrate the tank behind the dirt. I guess some of WWII tank shells had similar abilities, but I´m not sure if that´s in the engine of CMBO.

    [ October 07, 2002, 07:35 AM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

  6. Why would it take so long for a gun to setup? That´s OK for an artillery piece, which has to determine its exact position to fire at the right place, or maybe if the flak was to be used for air defense by a central director, but why should a gun used for direct fire take so long? I admit, I don´t know much about that, but the time given at http://www.achtungpanzer.com/88mm.htm seems much more realistic to me.

    After all, there were six to ten men who all knew what to do. What would they do in the remaining time? Smoking cigarettes? ;)

    [ October 01, 2002, 10:41 AM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

  7. Originally posted by von Lucke

    I assume büchse is German slang, kinda like "gun" is in English

    It may be a little bit off topic, but "Büchse" is not a German slang word. A "Gewehr" is any hand fire weapon with a longer barrel, that is anything which is no pistol or revolver. A Gewehr with a smooth bore barrel is called a "Flinte", mainly used by hunters for lead shot cartridges, and a Gewehr without a smooth bore barrel (unfortunately I couldn´t find the correct English term) is a "Büchse".

    But you are right, "Heavy Anti-Tank Rifle" is certainly correct.

    [ September 26, 2002, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

  8. As I said, the translation seems to be quite good, but there are some mistakes (which is not exceptional after a translation). I wouldn´t call the "Wanne kaputt" mistake a minor one, as I only found out what it means when I finally got my English version and it is quite an important feature in the game. But maybe I´m just too stupid to figure out things like that smile.gif

    Anyway, have fun with CMBO, as it is really a great game.

    [ September 25, 2002, 07:44 AM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

  9. You were surprised by the good translation? So tell me, what does it mean when you aim with one of your vehicles at an enemy vehicle and for one or both of them "Wanne kaputt" and an optional (if the vehicle has a bow MG) "Bug-MG blockiert" is displayed?

    But you are right, besides that the translation seems to be quite good (but on the other hand, I never played CMBO German too long as I got an English version (try amazon.co.uk), so I might have missed some other grave mistakes smile.gif )

  10. Is there a way to get the American version of CMBB in Europe? I live in Germany but I certainly don´t want the German version. I haven´t seen the German version of CMBB but what I read in some other threads is enough.

    It´s understandable why software producers translate their games. There are certainly many people who prefer a game to be in their mother tongue and probably they wouldn´t buy it if it wasn´t. But there are also many people (like me) who prefer games in their producion language (as long as it is English smile.gif ). I think it is hard to translate without really loosing something. In addition to that, European versions often seem to be censored in some way. That also is understandable, because there are some (IMO rediculous) laws in some European countries (Germany on the top of the list). It´s not only historical censorship (display of swastika, ss runes and the like, which I don´t understand because I don´t think it will promote Nazi propaganda) but also censorship of realism (blood and violence). If people don´t like violence, why not integrate a no-violence option?

    Anyway, even if anything stays as it is, why can´t there be access to uncensored American versions? BFC won´t sell CMBB in Europe. Why? I don´t think they will steal customers from cdv, because most people will avoid the higher costs of a direct import from the US. Those who won´t (inclusive me), can´t seriously damage cdv.

    [ September 21, 2002, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

  11. Thanks for all these answers, but I´d really like to know if there is some chance to successfully assault a tank WITHOUT special equipment, be that gammon, demo, `faust or riflegrenade. The statement I quoted in my first posting says it is possible, so is anyone out there who experienced anything similar? Under which conditions did it happen? Is it repeatable?

  12. Did the Panther shoot at the building? It might have cought fire by that (at least that happens to woods and wheat fields from time to time). Even 2" mortars can start fires, so your 81mm could have done it, but a mortar shell usually brings many brothers with it, so you would have noticed.

    Maybe even a muzzle flash is enough to incinerate a house. Does anyone know?

  13. Originally posted by ParaBellum in "In Memoriam CMBO ( or the funniest moments in CMBO )"

    A platoon HQ down to one man close assaults a Sherman, knocking it out.

    Does Panzernahbekämpfung (Close Assault) work in CMBO? If so, how? Can it be done by any infantry unit (especially the ones without special equipment)? Can even crews do it?
  14. Did anyone ever have a heavy PSW which managed to kill itself? I´ve seen a gun (American howitzer) shooting at 5m and getting knocked out by that. I heard about a Hummel doing such a thing, but then a Hummel´s front armor is paperthin and its blast is quite high. Although the PSW is not really heavily armored it´s much better than a Hummel and the blast of the 75mm gun is much lower.

    My PSW shot at a crew at 15m, but then after the 5th shot it suddenly got knocked out. As there was nothing else near I became suspicious and opened the kill list of the PSW and it actually got its own kill. Just great. The crew even cheered their kill before they bailed out...

    [ September 19, 2002, 07:06 AM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

  15. Unfortunately I don´t know any passages in WWII manuals about mine detecting, so I probably won´t be able to convince you (provided I would want to smile.gif ), but when expecting mines, I was told to look for signs of recent digging, furrows of a mine plough, bumps which seem to be unnatural (e.g. because they are too regular), empty crates or other package materials, etc. This applies only to recent minefields, of course, but older ones can be assumed where plant growth (provided there is any) is higher than in other spots nearby (animals tend to avoid mined areas, as does the native population).

    These indicators should be basically the same as in WWII. Even if most regular troops were not trained in mine detecting, I´m quite sure almost everybody was told what to look for, when mines were to be expected, either by instructors or by veterans in their squad, platoon or company.

    [ June 23, 2002, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

  16. Thanks, placing the disembarkment point near a waypoint seems to do the trick. When I tried this out (with regs and vets, both transport and passengers), it never mattered at which speed the transport moved, it just stopped at the waypoint where the passengers should disembark, let them get off and continued on its way. The only differce between reg and vet passengers was the longer command break of the regs. So if the transport passed the passengers´ dropping point before the passengers could comply their oders, they stayed on their transport.

    [ June 19, 2002, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

  17. Does anyone know if it is possible to disembark a unit while the transport still continues its list of waypoints? According to the manual, it should work, but up to now I never managed to make that happen. If the transport still had waypoints to visit, no unit disembarked, no matter how long I paused the transport. Only if the transport recieved new waypoints at a beginning of a turn and was paused then, the passengers disembarked. Did I do it wrong (if so, in which way?)? Does it depend on either the transport´s or the passenger´s or both experience?

    Is there any way to make a unit pause at a certain waypoint and let it continue its list of waypoints then, instead of pausing only at the beginning of a turn?

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