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Posts posted by Archibald

  1. Originally posted by SeaWolf_48:

    Eye candy is pleasant, but marching one hundred miles in one hex and thirty in the next is goofy.

    It already happens in a mountain hex. You pay two APs to move in rather than the normal one, and it's the same for rivers. If it's OK for terrain to affect movement, why not the weather?
  2. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    The rules say the loser is suppose to report. BUT I won:

    Rambo (Allies) beat Archibald (Axis) -200

    And I hate to say it, but he just did it again...

    Rambo (Axis) beat Archibald (Allies) - Poland on turn one and Low Countries on turn two. Omigod!!! :eek:

    However we're playing again, and he's not finding Russia such an easy prospect - hur hur...

    [ January 18, 2003, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

  3. "Tankograd" was the nickname given to Chelyabinsk. It doesn't look like a fun place to live.

    Some excellent points made here about the relocation of Soviet war industries to the East. While only a fraction of Soviet industry escaped the German advance, that fraction comprised vital industries.

    In the semi final Christmas Tournament game I played a very historical game as the Allies against Irish Guards. The situation at the beginning of 1942 was very similar to reality, with the Germans stopped in front of Moscow on a line running from Leningrad to Rostov. I formed a two deep line in front of the recuperating Germans, but sensed rightly that I was stuffed.

    I'd lost the resource hexes in the Ukraine, Byelorussia and the Baltic States and without new factories coming on line in 1942 the Germans would simply outproduce me and roll over me. This is exactly what Irish Guards did.

    I can't remember for certain, but I think Russian Campaign and Russian Front both featured the evacuation and rebuilding of war industries. Including this in SC2 would give the Soviet economy it's historical ability to recover.

    With the ability to evacuate industrial hexes in the face of the advancing Germans, the Soviets would be required to balance the immediate economic benefit of receiving MMPS against the long term possibility of losing them altogether if they leave it for too long or are cut off from the rest of the Soviet Union. Once evacuated, the industrial resource would reappear on the edge of the map at resource level 0, and only increase by one per turn.

    This would place the onus on the Germans of maintaining the impetus of their advance or face running into supply problems deep within Russia as the bear begins to regain strength.

    With the capacity to evacuate and rebuild, the Soviets would have a reasonable chance of surviving if they lose what they did historically in 1941. At the moment the Germans simply have to achieve what they did historically to probably win the game.

    [ January 16, 2003, 06:33 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

  4. I suffered a well executed Baltic Gambit at Rambo's hands. It's a good use of the French Navy, which is completely expendable. The French should be used for the initial attack on the Germans, with the Royal Navy finishing the Germans off and gaining valuable experience.

    With the Baltic Fleet gone, Sea Lion is a much tougher proposition for the Axis, as they lose the ability to temporarily block RN access to the Channel from the North Sea. it also makes it easier for the Soviets to send swarms of transports later on to the aid of a beleagured Britain. If Germany goes for the Soviet Union instead, then the Soviet Baltic Fleet will survive and can be reinforced by the RN. This will greatly speed up the isolation and destruction of Finland, which can be a life saver to the Soviets during those desperate early months.

    Pulling off the Baltic Gambit for the British requires a firm knowledge of the enemy air's location and probable strengths. If he's canny, like Rambo, he'll keep the RN just out of range.

    As the Germans I'll kill any British fleets I can get, even if it means delaying France's fall by a turn. I weigh the probable sub-one hundred French income once Fall Gelb's underway against the loss of a 600 MMP battleship.

    [ January 14, 2003, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

  5. Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

    Want to start a "Ladder" game?

    Thanks for the offer Rambo, but it's quarter past four in the morning over here and I need to get some sleep. I'll happily play you later this week once I've got my head round the campaign editor.

    Thanks again.

    [ January 14, 2003, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

  6. Rambo's conceded. I don't blame him, as the imminent liberation of Sweden will make Germany unstoppable economically. This will allow me to win air supremacy, destroy his air force and start ranging deep behind his lines to kill his HQs. With his air and HQs gone, the rest is mopping up.

    That was one of the toughest games I've ever played. He is an absolutely ferocious opponent and makes the very best use of the resources available to him. He hurt me so badly in France that my only chance was a quick Sea Lion while Britain was still weak.

    My major mistake was not taking the Low Countries in one turn. If I'd waited one more turn, built another air fleet, got my existing damaged ones up to full strength, and operated a couple of armies in from Poland I would have taken it easily and still have been on schedule. Not doing so condemned me to a slogging match in France.

    One of the most exciting games I've ever played, and an educational experience. I think we taught each other a few tricks. smile.gif

    [ January 15, 2003, 01:50 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

  7. Jan 43 - I go onto the offensive in Norway. I block his attempt at evacuation by reducing Stockholm's port to zero. On the ground I move forward and breach his line on the right. He loses two armies this turn.

    In Russia he's moved a couple of corps forward to check my line out and finds that the former gypsy caravan of motley allied corps is now line upon serried line of steely eyed Germans in cool uniforms. I give his corps a wee punch to discourage them.

    Both Swiss armies get ground down to half strength.

    His air's increasing according to the report screen, but he's still holding them in reserve.

    My scientists have taken the month off and gone skiing.

    [ January 14, 2003, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

  8. 29 Nov 42 - Quiet on the ground in Norway. I've finally solved my supply problems there and have brought all my ground units back up to full strength.

    He seems to be pulling back in Sweden. He evacuates his fleet from Stockholm and moves Zhukov adjacent to the port. I hit Zhukov with five air fleets and destroy him. The Soviets have now lost three HQs in Sweden.

    I attack Switzerland as an outlet for my aggressive impulses. I completely surround the two Swiss armies and spend the whole turn just battering them down to entrenchment zero. they only take one hit each. Next turn I'll start hurting them.

    Quiet everywhere else. Germany up to Ind Tech L4.

    [ January 15, 2003, 09:05 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

  9. 1 Nov 42 - He's counter attacked heavily around Oslo and heavily damaged all three units on my front line. I launch another big air attack, unopposed this time, and knock out Popov's HQ. I also transport a panzergruppe through Oslo, as things will be moving on the ground soon in Norway at this rate.

    Everywhere else is quiet. The Italians get two tech advances this turn.

    [ January 14, 2003, 10:32 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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