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Posts posted by Archibald

  1. Originally posted by Oak:

    As I recall, Braveheart died under torture. Is that the fate we can expect for Archibald in this game? Will Archibald be painting his face blue as he sits down to do battle against JerseyJohn?

    I don't plan to, but then I'm not an Australian pretending to be a Scot when I'm actually in Ireland. smile.gif


  2. Originally posted by Oak:


    You showed the Scottish flag, if I am correct. I thought you were English. What part of Britain are you from, exactly?


    I'm not English. Calling a Scot english is like calling a Canadian an American. <ahttp://community.battlefront.com/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png' alt=';)'> I live in Edinburgh.

    [ August 17, 2003, 09:36 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

  3. The Oxford Companion to World War II has a table which gives the projected size of the Kriegsmarine under the Z-Plan on a yearly basis.

    The projections for 1944 were as follows:

    Battleship Type H - 6

    Battleships Gneisenau and Bismarck - 4

    (It was intended to upgrade the armament of Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in 1941-2)

    Pocket Battleships Type Deutschland - 3

    Battle Cruisers Type P - 3

    Aircraft Carriers - 2

    Heavy Cruisers - 5

    Light Cruisers Type M - 4

    Scout Cruisers - 9

    Destroyers - 47

    Torpedo Boats - 54

    Atlantic U-Boats - 133

    Coastal U-Boats - 39

    Special Purpose U-Boats - 22

    You'll find useful information about each of these ship types here.

  4. That map's a Mercator Projection, which grossly distorts the size of the polar regions.

    Do you know what would be really cool? - hexes overlaid on a three dimensional sphere. Everything would be to scale and it would look smart as hell. Anyone know if it's ever been done in a WW2 grand strategy game before?

    I think this could really make the game stand out. I'm so convinced of this that I'd even help you play test it Hubert. ;)

  5. I have to admit to being surprised that R m R executed Sea Lion when the USSR came in. I was even more surprised when a dozen air fleets began pummelling me - there's not a lot the Brits can do against that.

    The good news? The Kriegsmarine's destroyed, the USSR have liberated Norway, Sweden's isolated from the Reich, and the British have liberated Greece and conquered Iraq and Eire. I have Americans and Russians in position covering Gibraltar, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo and Suez, so that if and when Manchester goes then the whole Med won't collapse. The worst that will happen is that I'll lose Malta when the UK capitulates. Bad, but survivable, and nothing to the carnage the first few turns of Barbarossa would have caused.

    The Americans have four armies ashore on the British Isles and will make a fight of it for Edinburgh. The longer I can keep him occupied there the more time the USSR has to get big and ugly, especially as they'll take over the Iraqi oilfields when the British surrender.

    Credit to R m R for selling me a beautiful dummy though. I was so sure that he was using weak ground troops as bait to draw both the Russians and The Brits into a major battle too early that my first turn as the USSR saw them conducting the usual flying retreat on the first turn. When a dozen Air fleets started pounding the UK I had to sheepishly turn the Russian war machine round. He's very stretched though, which has allowed me to liberate two countries already and deprive the Reich of 81 MMP a turn.

    I've lost the game before as the Axis after a successful late Sea Lion and won it as the Allies after having the same done to me. We've a long way to go yet.

    Wish me luck. :rolleyes:

  6. Archibald (Allies + 170) succumbs to Zappsweden (Axis). The Luftwaffe was unstoppable.

    Very busy with work right now, and can't guarantee free time for TCP/IP for the next few months. Rather than hog a place near the top I'm accordingly resigning from the ladder. I'll rejoin in a few months when the current contract's finished and I get some time to relax.

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