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Posts posted by Reichenberg

  1. Have not read the forum for 6 days and all hell broke loose.

    After reading the announcement of CM:SF I am very disappointed with BFs choice. But it is still THEIR choice and they have to decide what's best for the company. And even if I do not like the decision they made to go for the modern warfare, I can see their point that it would be the best for the engine to challenge it at the beginning....assuming that only BF knows their engine this well to figure out how to challenge it in the best way.

    I just came to CM:BO in 2000 because it had the WWII setting. I would not call computer games my hobby - the interest in German history (as a German) and WWII-axis side in particular brought me to pc games. Computer games for me are nothing else than to bring my hobby/interest to a different level. Therefore, unfortunately, CM:SF will probably be nothing for me and I have to wait for the second CMX2 game ..... hoping that there will be a German campaign included, not only the American campaign :(

    Nevertheless, thanks so far for CM:BO, BB and AK and I hope that CM:SF will be a comercial success. So that you can make the second one even better....and even more for me ;)


  2. Things to change/implement:

    1) Campaign mode / In addition to the very good operations, have an easy campaign mode ala Steel Panthers. No historically correct battles, but keep your troops....for the beer and pretzels time.

    2) Convoy command / E. g. follow road or follow leading vehicle or replacement of thereof to a designated waypoint. Would be nice to have that enhanced with a formation command.

    3) Full movie playback / Chance of editing the full movie (cut / replay from different angle...) and converting it to a common file type.

    4) More than 1 player in a multiplayer game / In a PBEM or even against the AI (for specific scenarios that are in favour of the AI).

    5) Destroyed tanks and vehicles being able to provide cover

    Do not change:

    1) Focus on realism

    2) WeGo system

    3) WW2 setting

    4) WW2 setting

    5) WW2 setting


  3. Panther Commander, sorry that I can not respond with the offer to playtest right now, but hopefully you can share some info with me.

    A while ago I asked here on the forum about Lafayette Poole and how to 'read' his kill number of 258 German vehicles. Nobody here had any info about it back then. Did you come along some information of what kind of vehicles were all considered kills during your research for the scenario??

    Tanks? APCs? Trucks? Jeeps? Motorcycles? Bikes? Where did the American system stopped counting?

    Hopefully you can help me out a little.

    But anyways, good luck and lots of fun with your scenario!


  4. The flame thrower 41 "Fm. W. 41" was the standard light German flame thrower with roughly 70.000 being produced. It actually had 7,5l of inflammable oil (as Dandelion pointed out) and used Hydrogen instead of Nitrogen as a propellant. First it used the older ignition device (Glühzündapparat), but after problems especially in cold weather they switched to "ignition bullets" (Zündpatronen).

    Improvements of the Fm. W. 41 were the Flammenwerfer 43 (rejected because of too high a weight of 24kg) and the Flammenwerfer 44 (rejected because of too little amount of fuel with 4l). The next flame thrower that actually saw production was the Einstoß-Flammenwerfer46 (One-shot flamethrower 46) also called Volksflammenwerfer46. It weighed only 3,6kg and had only 1l of fuel, enough for a burst of 0,5sec at a distance of 30-40m. Production started in Oct.44. It looked like a tube of ~5cm diameter and 50cm length with a handle with trigger underneath.

    There was also a stationary flame thrower called Abwehr Flammenwerfer 42.

    The smoke developement was considered very important for the moral effect on the enemy. A huge wall of fire and black smoke rolling at you was not exactly boosting the defenders morale. But there were fuels for the flame throwers with way less smoke developement for more "covert" operations.

    Source: German Waffen-Arsenal Magazine, Vol. 154, Flammenwerfer des Deutschen Heeres bis 1945, Fred Koch.


  5. rexford, can you post more of the context of the abbreviation 'oM'. I would assume the 'o' stands for 'ohne', what means 'without'. But the 'M' is somehow odd. It is obviously a noun, but I can not make the connection to a 'failure of some of the results'. Could stand for 'ohne Meldung' - 'not reported'

    Nowadays the abbreviation 'oM' in German stands for 'ordentliches Mitglied' what means 'regular member'..... :D

    So, I'll give it a try once you posted some more of the context.


  6. Misery,

    it was quite simple:

    1) Finish the actual game in the old excel sheet (1.00) with entering the losses, rolling the dice and clicking the arrow (saving and creating of new file in the old version).

    2) Open the newer version of the excel sheet (1.01e in this case) and copy everything in there like the manual says (copy and paste special/values). Be careful with the top of the Control Sheet, because a few lines were added there in the newer version. Copy the data from the Control Sheet up to 'Step 2: Prepare the core force' included. (Edit: Type in the new lines by hand - all the possibilities are written beside the new lines) Copy all the columns content B9 to Jx in the core force sheet too. Don't forget the history sheet of your previous battles, they have to get copied too.

    3) Roll the dice on the control sheet in the newer version and keep playing from there on.

    Hope I have not forgotten anything now. If so, I am sure the famous Robert O. will step in and correct me :D

    Robert, I had the whole weekend off, because my wife went away for a short trip. I hope you know that it is your fault that I am in big trouble on her return, because I have not done anything I was supposed to do. And I don't know if she will accept the excuse that I had to play your campaign in CM for the whole weekend.



    [ December 07, 2003, 03:36 AM: Message edited by: Wassermann ]

  7. It works now!!

    Yesterday I opened the Excel file, saved it at a different directory (no complains about a different Excel version) and entered the needed data. This led to the reported errors. With all prepaired campaigns and data. Saving again (this time with Excel complaining about the newer version the sheets were written in) did not help.

    When I tried to prepare an Excel file for you today I opened the Excel file, entered the data first (I saw the same errors in the sheets than above!!!) and saved it afterwards (with the Excel complaint)........and everything is fine, no errors anymore!!

    I got no idea why but it works for me now. I have send you both Excel files (with and without the errors) and a screenshot of the Auto sheet with the errors in it. Hopefully nobody else runs into similar problems with our friend Billy G. :rolleyes:

    Regards and thanks again for the tool and the rules!!


  8. Hi Robert!

    Great work to bring another CM-campaign to life.

    Unfortunately it is not alife on my rig yet :confused: I am using Win98SE2 and Excel97, both German.

    But first, what I wanted to do:

    I thought of trying out one of your prepaired campaigns. (the following happend to me with all the excel sheets / all nationalities that came with your package of campaigns). I just jumped to the Excel sheet (e.g. Long Walk), entered the the rank and Favor used ('0' to begin) and then I rolled the dice..... and I get the typical Excel failures in some cells.

    On the control sheet / setup sheet under Briefing only the cell at 'Operational Situation' gives a result, all the other cells under Briefing show '#value'. In Editor setup and quick battle setup I see the same (e.g. battle type and others)

    Is it a problem with my early Excel version or am I missing something essential on the way. From what I read in your rules file this is the right way.... It would be great if you could enligten me here, because a simple and easy to use campaign is -for me personally- missing more urgently in CM then the CMAK-sequel.



  9. The 30m limit on the German FT is realistic.

    The 2 portable FT produced in highest numbers by the Germans (schwerer Flammenwerfer 41 / heavy FT 41 and Einstoßflammenwerfer 46 / one shot FT 46) both had a max. range of 30m. Prototypes of FT with longer range were build, but not used in combat AFAIK.

    Nevertheless there is one FT with a range of 50m. It is the Abwehrflammenwerfer 42 (defence FT 42). It was not portable and was dug in at fortified positions. Ignition was done by the FTs victim through touching of strechted wire. 50000 were build after 42 and.....it is not in CMBB :mad:

    I have no info about the ranges of allied FT.


  10. Originally posted by John D Salt:

    Also, change the speech clips for the Anglophone nations to include utterances such as "Share that among you, sausage-eaters!" and "My God, they got Kowalski!"


    I am German with not the slightest clue about Russian. So obviously a mod for German would be useless for me and therefore not being installed. An English mod for the Russian .wav files (or for that matter: a German mod) on the other hand could be ok, but would take away from the atmosphere of the game. So, I would probably not install if it would be American English and I would definitely not install it, if it would be some English with a Russian accent.

    My advantage over all the people out there with neither knowledge of German, nor of Russian is, that by understanding the German, I know roughly what my Russian pixel soldiers are screaming and yelling. As soon as you can understand one side, you know what the others are talking of.

    This is valid for all the Germans on this forum (and for the Russians, of course). To it adds the point that in synchronised American e.g. war movies in German, you will always have the Americans talking German without an accent to each other. In NA most of the (at least a little bit older) war movies have Germans talking with the strongest accent ever. And it seems totally off for you as a German (ok, it is probably to generalised, but you all know what I mean). Knowing that, I would assume the discussion of the usefullness of such a mod could go on forever, because we all have totally different backgrounds for that matter.

    Result: If the pain is big enough for all you English speakers out there: Go for it and make such a mod. Hopefully you will find some native speakers that will see the need for it too and will help you with the accents.....but as a native speaker of Russian or German you probably will not see it at all.



  11. Originally posted by Jack Carr:

    Should I look at this from the two man teams point of view or from a cold hearted General's point of view? What do you do? Just curious.

    I can not switch off my conscience during a game vs. the AI (it is hindering me now and then, but I think it is more fun to play that way). In this tank hunter situation I would not take on the tanks if there is no chance of survival for the team. But I would definitely go for an attack as soon as there is a chance for survival - e.g. only 1 tank of the 3 is left close by and so few infantry that there is a escape chance for the tank hunter team.



  12. I think pushing a bogged tank, at least if it is bogged/immobilised due to poor ground conditions or AT mines is definitely not the smartest thing to do IRL. Chances are pretty high that your vehicle is bogging too (soft ground) or is increasing the damage on the immobilised tank (AT mines).

    Pulling a tank on the other hand would be doable.....but if it is in the time frame of a typical CM battle?? I don't know!! If you have to be right behind the immobilised tank (as ApexOfMan wrote in his example) includes the same risks than pushing a tank. One has to attach a towing rope and pull the tank off the battlefield. Before that you have to find and engage the enemy (at least on a large map), get damaged and bring another tank close by. Seems to be tight to me.

    Same counts for a recovery vehicle.

    Conclusion: I will not fight it, if it is in a later CM engine, but I will not miss it, if it is not included.



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