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Posts posted by Reichenberg

  1. If you want to have the option of using SLI in the future you have to go for a mobo with nvidia 680 chipset. The intel chipsets 945/965/975 do not have this option. Most of the mobos with the new nvidia chipsets are quite expensive still.


  2. With this motherboard you have to use DDR2 - and nowadays I would go straight to 2GB (2x1024MB). On the Intel system DDR2-667 is the max that makes sense - as long as you are not oc-ing. Normally with the Intel FSB of 1066Mhz (quadpumped - actually they have only 266Mhz) DDR2-533 (with 266Mhz) would be perfect, but for some reason (that I do not know) the RAM faster than the FSB (DDR2-667 (333Mhz)) gives a bit more performance. There is no major difference in the price. The next faster DDR2-800 (400Mhz) is more expensive and does not bring any speed advantage - without oc-ing!!!

    If you want to save some money then I would replace the 7900GS with a ATI1950PRO. At the moment this gives you the most bang for the bucks in this price range. But the old CM-series always had problems with ATI cards. I assume this is not the case with ToW any more. So decide if you want to play the old CM without any visual fog (ATI) or spend a bit more money (nvidia).

    Your power supply seems quite a bit overpowered with 600W. Especially in a system that is not able to be upgraded to SLI or Crossfire.

    I am in the same situation like you right now..... just waiting for the preorders of ToW to order a new PC to it. I will not go higher than 400W with a good power supply. This should be able to handle every non SLI or non Crossfire system.

    When I am saying cheaper or more expensive I have €-prices in my mind - and I assume the price ratio is the same in $. Correct me if I am wrong.


  3. Thanks Anatoly!

    Good to see you back here. The cooperative positing of 1C and of Battlefront gives a warm and hearty feeling of some more joined efforts in the nearer future. Some effort we are looking forward to.


  4. Originally posted by franz:

    ....I could never understand why they decided to make a fantasy Syria CMx2....

    They officially said They would do that for stretching the engine to its max. If the engine would be able to handle modern weapon systems in all its nuances, it would be able to handle WW2 easily. With starting the other way around they could not make sure that their new engine would be able to handle the modern battles.

    Nevertheless, I am not interested in modern warfare - I would have as much fun playing the Sims than playing a game of modern warfare..... I guess and hope I will wait for the WW2 game of CMx2 - at least after ToW.


  5. Great to hear that we will not only have longer engagement ranges than usually in ToW, but we will have THE real engagement ranges of each unit. Borg spotting fixed in a way that hopefully works in the game - and I do not see any reason why it should not work.

    If you keep adding and fixing these kind of things - you can go one for a few more weeks (I wanted to write "months" first but I am not that patient)...... as long as you keep us informed about it ;)


  6. Thanks Markus for translating and adding the content of the patch.....

    And it is good to see the progress and the direction the game is heading too. After all the wait and delays and changes to this (hopefully beautiful) game I hope 1c sticks to it and it will be as successful as another big game from 1c. I assume on their side frustration is more likely than on ours, the customers side..... see "wait and delays and changes"


  7. IIRC you will only have a basic editor function by manually editing the xml files for each scenario (e.g. force mix, set-up ....)

    But the last news from around September/October (?) said, there will be no quick battle generator in the first release version - maybe in a later version we will get a better xml editor.... and who knows what all the options in there will be.

    After all the delays we had so far I think we just have to wait for some final statements what will be included and what not - quite possible that there will be some changes to older statements.


  8. Originally posted by Wolfseven:

    Here here; good post Rune and once again thanks for taking the time to give us the big picture.

    I'm still going to sit on the side lines here and wait becuase as soon as you release that demo. I will be up-grading my computer or building a new one.

    Same here!! I will buy a new computer especially for ToW - after a few years with the old PC (and mainly CMBB) it seems to be the perfect cause.

    I had to cancel an order of a PC already at the beginning of January. I do not have to tell you the reason ;) So please give us a few weeks before the actual release of ToW.


  9. So far there is no quick battle generator planned for the release - I think they had mentioned that the generating of maps is the issue here. It is supposed to be way more complex than in CM......

    Maybe something like a battle generator on already existing maps could be possible - but 1C or Battlefront have not touched that subject yet.


  10. Originally posted by Kalibri:

    Yesterday, when I hit one of the German tanks, I was surprised to see the APR going through the armor and flying out from the other hole in the back, hitting a house and killing one of German sodiers by accident, it was a bit funny but at the same time sad:) :( The round had no energy after flying through the tank so it did little damage to the house, but total damage to one of the ground troops.

    You must be paid by Battlefront and/or 1C for posting these amazing pics and telling us about the shell exiting the tank in the back ;)

    Admit it!! :D


  11. I assume that the pause feature will be essential for me too - I would even love to have the option to watch what happened on the battlefield with some kind of a rewind VCR function after pausing the game. And than you can start playing again at the point where you had paused the game...... dreaming on....


  12. Thank you Madmatt!

    Short and sweet. Good to hear that work is proceeding and you look into the known (and the probably not known) issues of the game.

    After my (so far only good) experience with your Battlefront games I can only say: Take all the time until YOU think it's done - and drop us a line now and then!


  13. Originally posted by MalcolmX:

    So give them the time they need and let them finish it and be reasonable and patient.

    Wasn't that exactly what Markus said???

    Originally posted by Markus86:

    Nobody here wants that they push the game. Many of us waited for years for this game. So one or two more month don't matter.

    I have to agree with Markus on the marketing issue here. Just a little line like "We are not happy with the results yet - more news in a few weeks" would do it for me.... Just an offical statement and not an announcement with the mentioned timeline going by and no statement at all (preorder before Christmas).

    As somebody working in project management, resource planning and presentation of the project results I can assure you that breaking deadlines is not the worst thing that happens - The worst thing is somebody not talking about it and letting people think everything is fine - until they find out and have to redo all their scheduling.... Not exactly the case here, but I think it is close enough.


  14. Originally posted by Darryl60:

    They said it was going to be released the end of January,and I for one would prefer that they spend their time working on the game and not posting in here every time someone asks the "when is it coming out" question. They already answered that.

    Darryl, in the same instance they talked about a release candidate in the middle of December and opening pre-orders before Christmas...... With both dates going by and no word at all from Battlefront I guess that the "end-of-January" release date is obsolete too - or Battlefront has changed their pre-order policy.


  15. Redwolf, I bought mine years ago. But how can you dare selling a book of Spielberger ;) You must have a second one, right?? If you want to sell your leichte Jagdpanzer too, let me know.

    On the other hand, if he doesn't explain why the name change took place...... Maybe I should invest in another book too.

    I was always totally frustrated by the binding of the Motorbuch Verlag books. After some reading you just had a bunch of loose pages in between the covers - annoying!! Now I bought the new version of the Spielberger Stug-book from Motorbuch. The binding seems to be waaaay better than the old ones.


  16. Originally posted by Redwolf:

    I am sure Spielberger will have the explanation, but I don't know whether I kept my leichte Jagdpanzer book.

    What Starlight has posted is more or less equal to Spielbergers comments in the "PzIV and its variants" book about the Jagdpanzer IV. Maybe the leichte Jagdpanzer has more info - I only have the PzIV book.

    The "upgrade" issue sounds like a decent explanation - especially for that time.

    I'll keep looking for any further explanation.


  17. JoMc67, your proposals sound like a really interesting game..... but I think ToW is taking a totally different approach in the use of time delays.

    AFAIK there will be no/less time delays than in CM. Therefore you can order your soldiers right away on the battlefield to pick up a weapon and they do it without delay.

    With the Pause/clickfest issue. In the old days on the codemasters board we had already some discussions about the pause option and a rewind possibility. At the time we got no final statement of Megakill - only the comment that it is based on the Il2-engine and that the Il2 engine has a recording feature implemented that allows, after a mission, to record, rewind, save.... But until today no further comment on such a feature - that I think is really important for the gameplay feeling of such a game like ToW, where you can go far, far down on the battlefield - and you would be likely to miss something else on the other end of the map.

    So, I hope it is in or Battlefront / 1C found another way to keep the "panic" out of RTS.


  18. Originally posted by Redwolf:

    The Jagdpanzer IV was actually only available with the L/48 gun.

    Both variants with the L/70 gun were called "Panzer IV/70".

    I came along this information now too. It is mentioned in quite a few sources, but none explains why the name "Jagdpanzer IV" was actually dropped for the L70 version. In other instances the Germans were satisfied with just changing from e.g. L48 to L70 with a new name-attachement to it. Why not in this case??

    Redwolf, do you have any information on the name change and why it took place?


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