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Everything posted by MacFreeman

  1. I have a theory, based on my increasingly millenialistic/apocalyptic speculations in the Any Chance of Release thread. CMBB was released on June 22. All BTS staff and anybody who has not posted to this forum since June 22 have been "raptured" in some sense, probably to secret bases in the Antarctic, where they are now indulging in endless games of CMBB. Ah but you say, we've seen postings by BTS staff members since June 22. Hogwash! You've been bamboozled by the anti-Moon, anti-Fionn, anti-et al. There's nothing, ultimately, left for those of us who weren't ready on June 22. Finis. . .Fertig. . .Kaput
  2. What no aquatic creatures falling from the heavens? The sun isn't going to turn feldgrau ? People aren't going to be telling their grandchildren where they were when they found out? I smell amillenial heresy here. . .and suggest a remedial reading course of all 139 Left Behind novels!
  3. Someone earlier mentioned checking the website every couple of hours to see if CMBB had been released. I think this raises a larger issue: How are we then to know that CMBB has been released? Let me elaborate. The Bible is full of signs of the coming of the end of the world. . .cosmic phenomena, wars, the abomination of desolation, apocalyptic horsemen. Other religious traditions herald their end of the world scenarios with similar "signs & wonders." So, then what will be the sign of the coming of CMBB?
  4. No, it was in dead tree format. Maybe somebody can scan it & post it. . .
  5. Battlefront.com took out a full page ad on page 37 of July's Computer Games magazine. Looks pretty spiffy, especially the new "screenshot?" for CMBB. At the top of the ad it simply says, "Online purchase only...Download demos now!" So I'm like trying to find the CMBB demo download page. . . :confused:
  6. You know, I wouldn't be impatient either about waiting for CMBB if it weren't for the following picture in my mind of the average BTS staff member's workday: 9:45am-finally wake up to celebratory phone call from stock broker 11 AM-peel into BTS lot with late model Jaguar 11:10 AM-After checking to see how many tens of thousands of CMBOs have shipped to customers, light up Cuban and head for desk 11:20 AM Boss comes in and suggests trip to Starbucks 12:30 AM On way back from Starbucks, stop at McDonalds 12:55 AM While eating Big Mac & shake, read earnest little pleas from would be CMBB players and laugh so hard shake comes flying out of nostrils 1:35 PM On way back from home changing shirt see that local bar has drink specials 1:50 PM Mention to boss that local bar has drink specials 1:51 PM head for local bar with drink specials 8:45 PM Order pizza while at local bar 9:20 PM While in restroom reflect briefly on day's accomplishments-key word here briefly 11:50 PM head back to office for LAN party 3 AM call hapless order fulfillment lackey to drive staff home in their late model Jaguars and Porsches and Lamborghinis. (the ones that don't yet have chaufeurs) 8 AM catch early flight to Cancun for some much needed vacation time at BTS private island 10 AM Call hapless order fulfillment lackey from plane to see how many tens of thousands of Combat Missions have shipped that day 3 PM while sipping Pina Colada on beach, dictate memo to hapless office assistant on delay of CMBB shipping date to Q4 2003. . .
  7. DFDR is the awful wargamers' shorthand for Desert Fox, Desert Rats, which modifies CM to simulate the North African front. It can be found in Windoze format at www.wargamer.com in their combat mission section. That's where the new Pacific War mod will be hosted as well.
  8. Seems to me I saw something a while back about a Mac version of DFDR that was supposed to be posted on the internet. Did it ever make it there? And if not, is there some FAQ-like thing out there that would guide me through the process of converting it myself? :confused:
  9. What emulator do you use & which games do you have problems with? I use Virtual PC 4.x and don't have any problems with any of the John Tiller HPS wargames. I couldn't get Operational Art of Warfare to run because of its copy protection software, and I haven't had luck with some of the older DOS games, but then again even Windoze people have problems with them.
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