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Everything posted by MajorTaktik

  1. BATTLE PARAMETERS FORM Meeting Force Points: 3000 Max Force Points that can be edited out (dumping 2" mortars, etc.): unlimited Map Size (small, medium, large): Medium Month: October Time Of Day: day Weather: clear Ground Conditions: dry Game Length: 40 Map Type (Farm, Rural, etc.): Rural Tree coverage: Moderate Hilliness: Small Hills Force Purchase Ruleset: Panther 76 Special Purchase Rules: - No ATG, Guns, Flak, Pupschen, etc.. - Max 2 companies infantry - Max 1 hand held AT per plt (thus max 6 hand held AT) - Max two 81mm FOs - All other points will be spent on AFVs Force: Single (Heer, Brit Airborne, etc). Mixing Prohibited. Special Setup Parameters: Each side sets up in opposite corners of the map in roughly 500 x 500 areas. There should be at least three SMALL flags on the map (Umpire will need to place these) - 1 in one player's end, one in the middle, one in the other player's end. Special Cheeeezzzzz rule: No targeting arty in the setup areas for first 5 turns or so force unknown to enemy Purchase Limitations: Infantry % : See special purchase rules Support % : See special purchase rules Armor % : See special purchase rules Artillery % : See special purchase rules Fortifications % : See special purchase rules Special scenario notes: This format, though containing several special rules, is really quite simple. It models a meeting engagement, doing away with perfectly placed hidden guns, very long, shallow setup zones and an over emphasis on holding flags. The focus is on speed, manuever and tank combat. There are enough Crunchies to entertain those who need them , but the battle will be decided on who manuevers his armored forces in a superior manner. Tournament note: If this is too "specialized" for the tourney, then no worries. I figured with all the talk about infantry, arty that a tank battle should be thrown into the mix . Tanks, arm of decision!!!! Craig
  2. I like the unrestricted "type" for force purchase, but I have said before, the exception should be a definate restriction on caliber and amount of arty. And watch what you guys say about tanks. Craig
  3. Hello, Here are my preferences. I can objectively say that I am subjective regarding my preferences, but failure to comply is not a show-stopper for me - I like Scipio's medium class armor rule, which is similar to the Short 75. If not this, then I would prefer Short 75, but at least add M10s and Wolverines to provide the Amis with some dueling ability over 700+ meters. - Definate restrictions on arty. Again, I like Scipio's rules for this, but if only Aki and I have used these before, then at least keep the points down and nothing bigger than 120mm. - No Flak trucks - I would prefer no VG, FJ, GJ and Allied Airborne types regarding infantry. Actually, we don't need infantry at all and can have just tanks and vehicles Anyway, I will abide by the majority without putting up a stink Its all good. Craig
  4. Hello, My vote: -ROW II scenarios sound fine if the others think they are good. On that note, what are they like, exactly? A brief description, if someone wouldn't mind. Though I have read quite a few of these posts, I am not sure exactly how many games will be played by each person. Craig
  5. Hello, I am unfamiliar with RoW II scenarios, so if those that do know them think they would work, then that is fine. Generated MEs are ok, but I think something better can be used. I don't like the long horizontal setup zones in generated MEs and the quirky flag placements can be a pain. Perhaps maps created in the editor and "touched" up for balance with both players picking forces and sending them to a third party to make the selections would be a good compromise. Aki, I hope we don't face each other first, since I see enough of your troops already
  6. Hello, Reporting to this thread as requested by Les. I will represent the Blitz unless instructed otherwise by the Blitz CM staff. Craig
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