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Everything posted by SwedishPSK

  1. I just wanted to inform all of you how you can make a little mini campaign... the campaign will last for one week.. Take a look at the opponent finder to find out how.. PSK
  2. Yep.. the clip is of a 120mm.. the CV90120.. the CV9040 uses the 40mm.. but since that gun also whips up large dustclouds the issue is the same.. the 40mm fires 5-6 shots per second.. if you fire a gun in snowy or dry conditions the results will be the same.. and since alot of the guns during WW2 fired close to the ground it makes it even more important.. SWE [ May 06, 2002, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: SwedishPSK ]
  3. take a look at this. http://www.haggve.se/Mpeg/CV90120A.mpg this is what happens when you fire a relative big gun on a dry(normal european) day. The 40mm Bofors gun in CM is a Swedish Construction used on the CV9040.. I've fired that gun several times during my time in the army. Even that gun raises a very big dustcloud that won't settle for several minutes. That's why in the heat of the battle new firing positions all the time is so very important. Can/Will this be considered? SWE
  4. I'm playing CM with XP and experiencing no problems concerning that.. Try to take a look if you have some kind of Firewall protection with XP.. Might be something along that line.. SWE
  5. Is it possible to add more of your own sounds to the game? As it is now It's only for example one sound for armor penetration hit. I want to add at more different sounds than just that one.. It sounds pretty stupid like when you hit a bunker and knocks it out and it sounds like a Vehicle being knocked out. And for voices.. The Americans has 10 wavs for the forward command (00001000-00001009) while the germans only have 8.. (00002000-00002007).. is it possible to add a 2008 and 2009... would that be used by the game? And again.. for the weather.. for what weather is each sound in the game.. (00005000-00005007) rain, snow, clear..? can someone help?
  6. The sound for idle tank is 00000133.wav. But removing that sound will just remove the sound when a tank is idle. Including the sound during the action phase when the tank isn't moving. SWE
  7. Yeah.. I'm thinking about changing the background sounds.. Now I think it's too much "background war sounds" like explosions and MG fire. I want those sounds to be less frequent. just more of the usual country background sounds. Just need to know for what weather each sound is. Like 5000 for clear weather, 5001 for snowy weather or whatever and so on. So it won't sound like Snowy cold weather on a hot summer day. I haven't found any site with just those particular sounds and what they stand for. SWE
  8. I have a problem with Cocat. I get an error message in Cocat under windows XP . "runtime error 5 - Invalid procedure call or arguement" Anyone have a clue of what it can be? It happens when I try to add a unit to the map. I've tried to reach the author of Cocat without success... is anyone still using it? SWE [ April 29, 2002, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: SwedishPSK ]
  9. From what I know Rommel never drove a tank.. at least not in action.. Tank Aces were those commanding a tank in battle.. not the strategic generals.. Wittman was destroyed by an aicraft rocket in the enginecompartment behind the turret.. probably by a Typhoon.. Joe Eskins didn't knock Wittmans Tank out of action.. But I agree with Lt Bull on the subject about only German Aces in all branches of the war. If you do a search on the Internet on "Tank Aces", 99% of your hits are about german ones.. Anyone know why??
  10. Can someone give me the names of any Tank Aces during the war? Like: Michael Wittman - StuG and Tiger (the vehicles they commanded) Write down the ones you know and the vehicle they drove... BOTH German and Allied.. SWE
  11. Can anyone help me with Background weather sounds in Combat Mission. I know from the soundmap compiled by help from Madmatt that sound 5000-5007 are the background weather sounds... But for what weather is each sound? like 5005 is for night.. I think.. and does anyone know for what command each voice sound is.. like 2000-2007 must be for the germans when they advance... The CM soundmap only says that 2000-2142 is for german voices.. SWE
  12. Thanks for the info.. But when I look at old clips from WW2 it looks like most vehicles are plain gray.. or is that because the movies are black and white? And on modern movies at also looks like the panzers are all gray..(BoB, Saving Ryan) I haven't seen any camouflaged ones like most skins made are.. were they not common at all? Or is it because they have mud and dirt all over them that makes them look gray? Why not any muddy and dirty skins?.. I've been in the army myself and our CV(Combat Vehicle), was painted in green color.. But just a day or two out on the battlefield it would look almost gray or black because of the dirt and mud.. or did the germans wash their CV's at a regular basis? and that discussion also includes most uniforms.. SWE
  13. What do you guys think are the most "historically common" skins available? I want my game to look as realistic as it can from the historical point of view. So can someone tell me which skins are the most historically common and where I can find them regarding uniforms, vehicles and terrain. Anyones opinion is appreciated.. SWE
  14. I correct myself... the Pershing was knocked out at a distance of 250m... not very far. SWE
  15. I read somewhere of a Nashorn knocking out a russian JS-II at a range of 4800m.. being one of the longest distances during the easternfront war a tank being knocked out on.. Also heard somewhere that the Nashorn was the only german tank during the war knocking out an american Pershing.. also at a distance.. anyone else knowing anything about these stories? SWE
  16. Here's a modern Swedish squad if anyone wanna know.. This is a mech squad consisting of 6 men.. 5 x AK-5 (same calibre as M16A2.. semi and full auto.. good up to ranges of about 500m.. ) 1 x Ak-5B (Scoped Ak-5.. ranges of about 600m with good accuracy) 2 x KSP-59 (One man carried MG.. same calibre as the US M60.. good up to ranges of about 1000m.. the same as MG42 I think.. each man carries about 500 rounds) 2 x AT4 (a fire and discard weapon.. penetrates about 30cm of modern armor at ranges from 30m up to 200m) 1 x Carl Gustaf GRG (Grenadelauncher.. same function,calibre and range as the AT4.. but reloadable.. with a loader that carries about 6 rounds) If anyone can translate that to WW2 weapons.. SWE
  17. Caligula Jones.. I agree with you a 100%!! merging a strategic part with Combat Mission.. that would be the perfect game.. SWE
  18. Already been in the army... you know what i mean.. realistic games.. please don't make any stupid comments.. SWE
  19. We are all looking for realism.. right? In real life battlegroups could attack several times a day depending on casualties, total ammo and how much time it took to replenish each unit(experience in the supply unit, distance to supply unit). For example a tank it could take a few hours to fill up fuel and load new ammo.. And if reserves were available they could also be thrown into the action after a given point. Why are battles time limited? Shouldn't the attacker attack until out of men or ammo? SWE
  20. Would it be hard for someone to program an external shell for Combat Mission? The program would simulate a campaign game for Combat Mission. My idea would be to take a portion of the western front. say for example the northern western front with Belgium and Holland and some of france. Then you divide the map into smaller maps.. maps you can make in Combat Mission.. say for example 2km x 2km or whatever the largest map you can make with it. The more important maps like Nijmegen, Arnhem, airports and other important bridges and places should be made manually. if it's not that important spot it could be made with the random map generator in Combat Mission. Then you should be able to start with different units on the map which you yourself would be able to input. say for example one division to keep it simple. with all the men,weapons and vehicles with ammo. After that the user himself should be able to divide that division into "battle groups". Then the program should be able to simulate movements with the different battlegroups on the big map in real time. This game would only function as a two player game.. no AI should be included. So both sides could give orders to each units on their side and watch their battlegruoups move. When two battlegroups comes within range of eachother it could go into "Combat Mission" mode where each player would buy whatever they would have in that specific battlegroup and simulate tha battle. After action you could yourself input your casualties and continue the campaign. The game would keep track of ammo and experience after you input them from Combat Mission. Next step would be to implement Artillery and Air strikes into the campaign. And also supply lines and logistics. Would this be hard for a programmer to do?? since no AI would be needed.. just a TCP/IP connection between two computers. Any other opinion? Since I can't program I can't do this myself.. =) SWE
  21. In my humble opinion the perfect game should be something of like Red Devils over Arnhem and Combat Mission merged. Like a big map where you have all troop movements in real time with supply routes, Fixed defence positions, all that in one big map. With different maps like Normandy, Ardennes and other important battlefields in WW2. And When two units come in firing range of eachother it would go into Combat Mission mode where you could give orders to your different vehicles and individuals. And after an engagement medals and experience should be awarded to those who are alive. Another step would be to control a whole country during WW2 with resources, diplomatics and tactics with different importans individuals during the war like Goering, Rommel, Montgomery, Patton etc. Like the upcoming game Hearts of Iron. Hearts of Iron Any other suggestion? SWE
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