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Everything posted by gnuif

  1. Place you're infantry to defend the victory flags. Not too close, he can get ideas about pounding those locations with artillery. Use you're snipers and other scout troups to find his area of assembly. He'll probably have an area where he'll concentrate his inf assault forces. When you find it, pound it with all the arty you got, including mortars, SP guns, etc. This should send his assault forces back to the stone age (with treebursts et al) Further, use your Pz's to flank his troops, get his mortars, inf guns, support troops, reserves etc and harrass his ass off, or use them as a flexible reserve force. Tanks (especially the heavy ones likes Tigers, KT's, Pershings, etc.) tend toget bogged down or immobilized in forests. Keep yours on solid terrain and in reserve, and you'll have the last laugh And let us know how the battle is progressing. Would even like to see the turn saves. [ March 27, 2002, 08:11 PM: Message edited by: gnuif ]
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