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Everything posted by Milkbone99

  1. The reason you do not want to leave units behind to defend is because everyone knows in the demo that the end of the world occurs in May of 1941. You acually start playing the demo with that hanging over your head. I am sure when the full game comes out that I will be leaving garrisons behind but with the demo its a grab it and go situation. WIth fog of war on the computer does not know what you have behind your lines and for me in some games going up against the USSR that consits of a corps in Berlin and every force I can muster pushing to Moscow. Does make it tough when a pesky Partisan pops up but a amry built the next turn right next to them tends to keep them occupied. My two cents (I want change) Milk
  2. Ok, so it was only for three turns but it did save France from falling for four more turns. The AI did a quick double take as I landed three armies just to the East of Berlin and then I never heard so many train whistles as almost all of the German Units attacking France ran home to guard the Fatherland. Great game Hubert hope to see the full version soon so I can take my time and not have the End Of The World Demo Message looming over all of my plans.
  3. I should say something but I cant think of anything.....
  4. :eek: :eek: Thanks a lot......I think I soiled myself....but now all of my freinds will too...
  5. Thank you Sir.......was exactly what I was looking for.... Milk
  6. Does anyone know where this Mod is located. I spotted them when I was at work and now I can't remember where I saw them. Thanks Milk
  7. Well, the thanks went out to BTS for their incredible game so I figured that I would start this thread. I just wanted to voice my thanks to all of the very helpful people on this forum. I purchased my copy of CMBO about a year ago after playing the two demo missions to death. When it arrived I played the game to the point where I could not see any longer for the first three weeks I had it. Then it sat on my computer stand with the rest of my games. To be perfectly honest I didn't understand some parts of the game and I would read the manual but I was always one of those people that if you showed me how to play I would start beating you at your own game before you knew it. I had heard rumors of CM:BB and I had to see for myself so I came back to the website That's where you all have come in......I have learned more about this game in the last two months just lurking here and watching all of your posts. I would let others ask the questions and then go and try them out against the AI and see what damage I could do. You have all also turned me into a Mod Fanatic (closet Modslut), and at this time I have probably downloaded more MB of Mods than you can imagine. Thanks to all of you the game is new and fresh (and know that I know how to hold my own) and enjoyable. Well, before you all start to weep let me wrap this up, thank you all again for showing me what a great game this is and can be and I hope to see you all soon when we look east to fight the sleeping bear. (Sniff Sniff) (Group hug) Milkbone99
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