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Posts posted by Euri

  1. Basically you need to find and kill the jav teams.  Then you advance the T-90s to spot and kill the Bradleys. For the rest improvise on how to kill everything else. 

    The tough part is to spot the jav teams because for so long as they are on the board you cannot risk your T-90s. You can either be lucky with pre planned artillery, or advance recon teams in good vantage positions and sacrifice a couple of BMPs. 

  2. Do you have anything more cooking Euri ? :) I realized that playing with modern warfare is a BLAST. Esp, with 'devgru' style missions. Is it probable to have some modtag uniforms with seal insigna ?

    I am in the beginning of something new but more of "combined arms" this time. But it is proceeding very slowly due to work committments. 

    Re "pickup trucks: Do you mean the M1153 Humvees?

  3. @Oakheart

    Thanks for trying it. This mission was designed as a race against time. If you managed to complete it and exit in a relaxed manner before the arrival of reinforcements, maybe I should shorten the qrf repose time. 

     If you wish a more complex and bigger scenario with replayability , I invite you to try my "leave no stone unturned". I think you will enjoy it. 

  4. Played Myrne Roadblock. That was a good one. My only comment relates to the crop terain of the north-west approach. There is the well know glitch of small teams lying prone all the time and loosing sight of the battlefield. This results, for example, in javelin teams hunting, spotting a BMP, stopping, going prone and becoming permanetly unable to fire (although they had eyes on the traget in the first place). It is a furstrating feature. 

  5. Hi there. I have played Night Jump and Bradley Speedbump and enjoyed both. Map work is great. In the latter i was very luck to spot the Bradley within the first five mins and kill easily with the tanks that arrived later. My only comment is this: In Bradly speedbump there is no higher HQ unit connecting the group with the second on (the reinforcements). As a result information about spotted enemies by the first group cannot be disseminated to the second group.

    I will try Myrne Roadblock and report back.

  6. Here is my new year's modest gift for the community. Enjoy


    As usual, here is the briefing as teaser:


    A veteran Russian Recon Company has established temporary headquarters in the factory complex shown on your map. The factory complex is full of workers which for the moment are held captive. The Russians carry with them key pieces of information and our agents among the workers of the factory have identified the locations where the relevant computer rooms have been established. Same agents have also given us have a pretty good idea about the buildings in which the enemy is established. Further we assume that the Battalion commander and the Company commander are in possession of vital information as well.  Intelligence suggests that there are some BMP-2Ms in the vicinity as well as two SAM platforms.

    Your mission is to search the designated locations and if possible question or otherwise search the bodies of the commanders.

    At your disposal you have a full company of Seal Team 6 supported by two Apaches and 3x155m Howitzers. An UAV is also at your disposal.  IMPORTANT: The Howitzers have been assigned to you for their precision & smoke capabilities only. Do not use them against buildings as we do not want to inflict any casualties on the factory workers.

    A russian quick reaction force (QRF) is stationed 30 minutes away more or less. We know that they conduct radio checks every thirty minutes with the forces occupying the factory. Based on this we will launch a strong electronic warfare attack over the area of operations (AO) immediately after the 03:00 comms check. We assume that upon missing the 03:30 comms check the QRF will rush in support of the compound. This gives you roughly one hour to complete your mission and exit the AO.

    One last point: As a result of the strong electronic warfare signal the capabilities of the SAMs will be substantially degraded. Do not spent too much time trying to locate the SAMs with your UAV and take them out with precision fire. The Apache pilots are crack and the electronic warfare signal offers them an advantage.

    [….. ]

    It is now 02:59….We have intercepted the radio check...Electronic Warfare signal is on….Go Go Go….



    The mission map is a section of the fantastic crossroads maps by Keime - with only very slight modifications on my part to some buildings




  7. Here is the file (from a playtest of a mission I am designing)

    There are only two movement orders for blue to make it easier to find

    At the north compound you will see an assault team hunting accross a "door-only" wall and getting shot throught the walll, before reaching the door (the reported problem)

    Further on the south T-shaped building there will be exchange of fire through a wall!


  8. I want to report that while a wall migh have only one door and no windows, the soldiers inside the relevant room behave as if there were a wall with windows. They are able to shoot enemy soldiers approaching from the outside alongside the wall, prior to reaching the door (they should not, as they should not be able to been seen through the wall). 

    This is tactically very frustrating, as it negates some very natural tactics.

  9. Hello Euri.. :) Albeit very very late with my AAR. Im so happy to say - i have finished the level on Veteran, WEGO, with flying colours.

    I had artificial bright Lights ON.

    I never encountered the Russian QRF (thankfully)

    I used the Main Force to infiltrate the crossroads, slowly via the forest as cover, used successfully the Javelins to get rid of the tanks, and also controlled the households.

    SEAL TEAM 6, and its breach teams was the BEST bit.. I divided them into two, i moved the breach teams at the very back of each tower, used the HIDE command for the rest of DEVGRU, and popped some Gas Canisters inside the compound.Before you know it, i Used the two towers for my own cover, and suppressed all Russians inside the compound. I sort of Trapped Them, rather than me. The remaining Tank INSIDE the compound was taken care by Grenade Launchers from one of the teams. I can't embed my AAR.. i'll try in my next post.  In brief, i had 87 Men ok, 13 killed and 9 wounded :) 



    I am glad you like it. And even more glad because your play was close to what I envisage as blue plan. Be my guest and try my other mission: Leave no stone unturned. It may look big but essentially there are three separate submissions that you can save an play at your fee time (Bomb the brigde - search the village - escape).

    Unfortunately, this last month I am working like hell in my RL work, so I dont have time for new missions


  10. I did not envisage anyone using the units order to clear the town to cross and attack the tower instead. This was not HQs plan! #LOL. 

    I will upload a refined version of the mission soon with minor refinements. Direction of wind from S instead SW (a slight benefit to ST6 using smoke canisters). I will add a second sniper team to ST6 and substitute a .50 cal for the sniper team attacking the town.

    How much time did it take you to free the prisoner and clear the town for the transport to cross the bridge?

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