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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Posts posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Thanks for the list guys, I'll look through and see what will be feasible before the final release. ;)

    Not sure what you guys mean by units being able to resupply when surrounded. As it is now, if a unit is completely cutoff from a supply source (remember HQ's, Cities and Fortifications all act as supply) then it will not be be able to reinforce. If a unit is completely surrounded on a city or a fortification then resupply will be limited and maxes out at a value = 5. It must be completely surrounded in the sense that it is surrounded by enemy units on all possible land hexes, if there is a friendly unit in the bunch then this limitation will not apply as it is not considered to be completely surrounded.

    Hope that helps,


  2. Saw some requests for Hotkey information so here's what is included:

    H - Temporarily hide units on the map

    G - Toggle hex grid

    N - Go to next active unit

    Ctrl-D - Done

    Ctrl-P - Purchase Units Menu

    Ctrl-R - Research Menu

    Ctrl-W - War Map Menu

    Ctrl-O - Options Menu

    Ctrl-S - Save Game

    Ctrl-Q - Quit

  3. 1- Don't know if this is intentional but while trying to give reinforcements to a unit I hit 'OK' without actual giving it any and that 'used up' its action points for the turn. I wasn't able to reinforce or move it afterwards until next turn.

    Thanks I just fixed this one

    2- Subs appear to be really really weak. No 'Happy Days' for the German U-Boats? I had positioned one in the N.Atlantic which suprised an Allied battleship, results: 8 damage to the sub and only 4 to the battleship. I moved a sub adjacent(not into) to an unseen Allied transport and suffered a 'suprise' equalling 4 damage to the sub and none to the transport.

    In FoW, surprise encounters during your turn are generally at your disadvantage, so it is actually your unit that has been surprised and why you suffer the greatest amount of damage

    3- How come just moving adjacent or by an unseen ship will cause a sub to stop and suffer a 'suprise' result? Right now the subs have little freedom to manuever, especially north of England.

    Just a design decision for FoW

    4- Again maybe something intentional but when moving a unit without attacking then clicking elsewhere I can't attack with that unit until next turn?

    Yeah it's either move or move and attack and then your turn is up for that unit

    5- I tried to capture Malta but wasn't able to unload the transport while the fighter group existed. I guess it's a limitation of the game regards stacking but seemed odd.

    Correct, best way to avoid cheating and due to the design, you will have to knock out the defenders first before you can unload. This is the same everywhere, where you can only unload in empty spaces
  4. In the purchase screen you will see the general stats for units like soft attack, hard attack etc. Also when performing combat, you will notice two main areas that are the most helpful, the lower half of your screen will give you the current stats on your unit like readiness (as you've noticed) and stats like entrenchment etc on your enemy. At the top center of your screen a display of expected losses is given for both the attacker and defender, although this can be limited in FoW.

    I'll probably keep the purchase screen as is, since it could go the other way when a player just wants to purchase a single unit and the purchase dialog pops up again when they don't want it to.

    Hope this helps,


  5. Originally posted by Bill Macon:

    I tried looking at the large map display and only got garbage, but the country flags showed up fine. That's on a PII 333 with WinME. I also noticed delays with mouse clicks for actions, not bad at first but seemed to get worse as time went on. No other problems loading and running the game.

    I had the same problem once. When I was developing on win98 it ran fine, then when I switched to win2000 the large map appeared as garbage as well. I loaded the latest driver for my video card and the problem seems to have disapeared. As a workaround for now slowing your grahpics card down will have it appear properly, but it does get really slow ;)
  6. Originally posted by maurfal:

    I can't play the demo.

    When I click the sc.exe it appaers a black screeen (with music) but anything else...

    Pentium III 450, 256 ram, XP

    As a workaround for now please do the following:

    - change your system setting to 1024x768

    - set your refresh rate (Hz) to the highest setting at this resolution

    - launch the game

    This seems to have fixed it for others and should help.


    P.S. for anyone else that has encountered this problem, please send me a bug report to support@furysoftware.com with your system specs and the original resolution settings and refresh

    rate before any changes were made. Thanks!

  7. The code only uses generic windows routines and does use a test (pass or fail) before reseting the system, but for some reason it looks like even after testing the refresh rate and passing, it still doesn't work properly.

    But when you manually do it, the game then recognizes that the refresh rate is at the highest setting already (at 1024x768) and it loads fine without performing any changes. This does seem to be very rare and I couldn't tell you offhand exactly why this is, but I'll have to track it down.


  8. No problem guys, I should have done that already:

    Basically the game is designed to run at 1024x768 with at least 16 bits of color (can be higher with no problems)

    If your system is not at this resolution, then the game will try and set your current settings to 1024x768 and at the same time select the highest refresh rate at this setting. So if your system IS at 1024x768 (as was the case with agua) then it will try and reset to the highest refresh rate before launching. This is where it seems to encounter a problem with some video cards for some reason. As a workaround for now please do the following:

    - change your system setting to 1024x768

    - set your refresh rate (Hz) to the highest setting at this resolution

    - launch the game

    This seems to have fixed it for agua and should help.


    P.S. for anyone else that has encountered this problem, please send me a bug report to support@furysoftware.com with your system specs and the original resolution settings and refresh rate before any changes were made. Thanks!

    [ May 21, 2002, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]

  9. If you can, please send me the PBEM file at support@furysoftware.com.

    I should be able to tell you what's happening here but chances are the PBEM file may have been corrupted.

    In the mean time I would suggest to just make sure that new/transfered PBEM files are located in the 'Pbem' directory ONLY and all other saved game types (Hotseat/AI) in the 'Save' directory. I have to double check this but it could be a problem if it's not the case.

    Hope that helps,


    [ May 21, 2002, 01:23 AM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]

  10. Surrendering is not always necessarily immediate, it does vary from country to country and is generally related to how much of a fighting force is left once a capital falls. Although, some countries will have a tendancy to surrender a little quicker than others, i.e. France, Italy etc

    Hope that helps,


  11. Just scanning through some of the posts...

    Maginot has its own supply value like a city etc which is at a minimum = 5. This explains why fortified units can restrengthen themselves, although it will vary depending on the situation and current supply rules.


  12. Originally posted by Wesreidau:

    Having great fun invading France until I got a "segmentation violation" according to the exception trace log...bummer

    Well I guess I'd like to think that all bugs have been ironed out, but there is always bound to be something missed. :(

    Could you send the following files information to support@furysoftware.com

    - autosave.sav (last saved turn)

    - description of your system

    - a short description of what happened when it crashed.

    This will help me track it down. Thanks.


  13. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    Does anyone know exactly what the Soviet side gets to redeploy, and when? It seems from looking at the map, that just a couple of corps could really make a difference when the Germans attack.

    During the late fall/winter/early spring months of either '41 or '42 this transfer will be automatically inititiated by the game to the region in and around Moscow/Ural Mountains. It will only occur if the 'War In Siberia' option is left unchecked and if there are the right conditions, i.e. Soviet existence is threatened (so if the Soviets have already creamed the German army, you won't see this transfer). Tie this in with Soviet supply rules, scorched earth strategies and it seems to have really worked out well in re-creating the ebb and flow of combat on the eastern front. Roughly (off the top of my head) it's a something like an army/corps/tank/air fleet and an HQ.

    In total it works out to about an 'Army Group' at the default settings yet this could vary depending on difficulty settings chosen, i.e. be a little more or less.

  14. Sounds like the on map forts can be re-improved by the new tenant. I guess that means that the entrenchment value goes blooey when you move out of it. Do you lose entrenchment value instantly, or can another friendly unit move in to the hex during your turn and keep the value the "old" unit had built up in the hex?
    Exactly, you not only get the bonuses of being on a specific type of terrain like a fortification, but each one also gives you an additional entrenchment value that can really make it tough for opponents to knock you out. So with this in mind it is a per unit entrenchment value, leave that position and your unit will be at ent = 0, with nothing left over for subsequent units that decide to occupy that position.
  15. Btw, 3R had Leningrad a fortress on clear terrain (4x on defense), but A3R dropped the fortress and changed terrain to swamp (3x on defense). Subtle difference.

    I went with the idea that Leningrad was just a regular city that sort of became a 'Fortress' due to the war and the subsequent prepared defences. So keeping this in mind, I found that the entrenchment system works well since as the Axis player it takes you a little while (usually) before you drive your forces up to Leningrad and it gives the defenders a chance to sit there and entrench their unit each turn. Now I know that this is in itself not much different from other cities, but the fact that Leningrad is surrounded by water on 5 of it's six sides (Baltic, Lake Lagoda, and the Neva River) plus the fact that attacks across a river hex are reduced, it really worked out well and can make taking Leningrad a bit of a chore smile.gif
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