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Posts posted by willbell

  1. I can't help but think that an AP could be modeled like a real big bullet and cause damage to the gun.

    I do recall a scene in a book where a machine gun in a bunker was hit by a round and made a nasty clang/bang/thunk kind of sound (to the best of my recollection) as it slammed into the back wall.

  2. The scenario designers should get some dough, with a royalty going to CM/BFC. What kind of business model could do that?

    Like play-testers, those who play beta versions should get some payola, if they create serious product (review), it would be an agrement between designer and tester.

    The rest of us schmucks who carry the battle forward, at the sacrafice of work, family, health and sanity are greatly rewarded with a fix for our addiction. A little sur charge might slow down the destruction of our personal lives.

  3. Juachim,

    IRL you don't attack in a place where your troops will get slaughtered when there are places better suited.
    I'm going to verge on impoliteness here and say, you are out of your freaking mind! In the majority of battles the highest rank you play is Captain. If you think a Captain could say "No sir, I have decided not to take that objective." your wrong. The history of war, not to mention WWII, is absolutely packed with stories of commanders being required to fight in utterly hopless situations.

    Charge of the light brigade?

  4. Sergi and Kobal2,

    After some thought I'm realizing you two may be right. The strength of my tactic lies in firing while out of sight. It does seem logical that tanks use HE on ATGs in direct fire.

    I think I'll run an experiment with different ATGs and tanks and see what happens, just to satisfy my curiosity.

  5. Kobal2,

    If you were referring to my post, no, you can't choose the type of round you are firing at a target, the AI does.

    But, if you select a spot to the side of the AT gun and just shoot at the ground, the little targeting message says Area Fire? For area fire the AI chooses HE. If the spot of ground is close enough the HE can knock out the ATG. Several shots means a good chance that one will stray right into the ATG.

  6. In terms of sighting only enemies in command, or any other borg sighting type of issues, you have to keep in mind the abstraction inherent in CM. You are not playing the commander only, or just the troops, you are playing both. Sometimes you are moving squads, from the squad’s point of view, sometimes you are moving platoons and companies from a commander's point of view. So there is no way to model sightings accurately, you either know too much for a captain, or too little for a lieutenant. The way they have it set up is to just maximize the fun and intrigue inherent in the WWII battlefield, and to do it in such a way that it feels realistic. But you will always be able to find some kind of logical contradiction due to the necessary game abstraction.

  7. In terms of sighting only enemies in command, or any other borg sighting type of issues, you have to keep in mind the abstraction inherent in CM. You are not playing the commander only, or just the troops, you are playing both. Sometimes you are moving squads, from the squad’s point of view, sometimes you are moving platoons and companies from a commander's point of view. So there is no way to model sightings accurately, you either know too much for a captain, or too little for a lieutenant. The way they have it set up is to just maximize the fun and intrigue inherent in the WWII battlefield, and to do it in such a way that it feels realistic. But you will always be able to find some kind of logical contradiction due to the necessary game abstraction.

  8. I don't want to get SPOILED, so I haven't read what has been written, so this might be redundant.

    Here is a little trick I've used in the past with success.

    Sneak your tank up to a vertical obstacle, like trees, a house, or a steep hill side (a very tricky move, use a unit to scout the position) that shields your tank, but allows you line of sight to an area right next to the side of the AT gun. Then place some area fire there. When you do area fire the tank crew switches to HE. A few of these will do the trick. Here is a bonus, if you do six shots or so the rounds have a tendency to land in a random pattern. The edge of the pattern closest to the AT gun will often have a round that lands right on the gun. It’s kind of like shooting around a corner. I have never considered windage, but that might be used to refine the effect.

  9. Here is what I would like to see in CMXX2, or what ever you are calling it.

    Command fog of war. You see only through the eyes of a leader, and the info you get from your units is incomplete.

    Command line of sight. A game where the leader sees the battlefield only through his line of site in 3D. He can also move to an overall battle map that gives him a sort of diagram of where his own units are, and markers where enemy units have been seen, but the diagram has a lot of FOW in it, missing patches etc.

    The more the leader cruises around the map, the more actual knowledge he will gain.

    Why these two similar characteristics? Because there is really nothing out there that gives you that kind of blind, FOW, play by instinct, sift through the conflicting intel kind of experience which is more common in the real world.

    But more to CM's current conformation, I would like to see a play at LOS of units only option for battles.

  10. I've been dying to tell this story for years.

    I downloaded the first CMBO Demo and played the scenario with the tanks. One of my (American) squads got around those trees to the right pretty quickly and caught a German squad off guard, while pretty much on the run. They cut the Germans down as they advanced.

    The last German stands up and raises his hands. I swear he said surrender in German, and one of the Americans shot him. It was a single shot, and down went the German. I've always wondered if that was an easter egg in the demo or what? Never had a similar type of incident since then.

    That demo was life altering!

  11. I've been dying to tell this story for years.

    I downloaded the first CMBO Demo and played the scenario with the tanks. One of my (American) squads got around those trees to the right pretty quickly and caught a German squad off guard, while pretty much on the run. They cut the Germans down as they advanced.

    The last German stands up and raises his hands. I swear he said surrender in German, and one of the Americans shot him. It was a single shot, and down went the German. I've always wondered if that was an easter egg in the demo or what? Never had a similar type of incident since then.

    That demo was life altering!

  12. Tom,

    That's pretty subtle. When you say fewer foxholes, do you mean you can't do those back up kind? Does the flag positioning and lack of foxholes make that much difference? I'm surprised. I guess I would now like to try being the attacker to see the problem first hand.


  13. I just recently played a Quick Battle Probe game. I was the defender. The attacker essentially assaulted, which didn't work that well since his force wasn't very much larger than my own.

    So here is my question, since the computer AI doesn't give the attacker a far superior force in a Probe, how does it score the result? It can't rely just on flags taken since that is the goal of an Assult or Attack. And the attacker is bound to have greater casualties. So where is the compensation? I think the attacker I played had the wrong objective in mind (taking my flags) but can't really say what his objective should have been.

  14. Thanks for the input. I'm going to consider the six or so scenarios I got from your suggestions for my next PBEM game. As a bonus there are some vs. AIs that I can practice on.

    Dorosh's operation looks cool, but I want something I can finish before in time for the roll-out of CMCW. (BTW, ideas are like an ass, more people think they have a great one than actually do.)

    Any suggestions on fighting in cities?

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