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Posts posted by willbell

  1. Here is a note in support of what Sergi is saying. I am currently playing a Hans Op, Operation Sea Lion.

    I have ended up in a position where I am greatly outnumbered by the Germans. The game might be unbalanced, or maybe I made a few mistakes in the beginning. But the outcome is that I am hanging on in a practically hopeless situation. If I make one mistake my whole defence will collapse. I have a small band of poorly armed men holding off a battalion.

    At first I was unhappy with the situation, but over time I have started enjoying it. There is a kind of grim satisfaction in holding the superior forces at bay. Ultimately I know I will fail, but the game is to see how long I can hold failure at bay.

    So this has opened a whole new line of thought for me, what if a balanced game is not the only type to make. What if the critical decision is when to break off contact?

    Just some food for thought.

  2. Aviator, those are the realities of combat. You think getting a dozen men off a vehicle and set up for an assault is easy?

    The key to CMAK is to think in real time human terms.

    Those guys in the vehicle first of all would rather not get out and assault the MG. Secondly, they can't read your mind. So you have to get them down and into some cover so you can get their attention. Then you need to explain to them which MG you want to knock out and what your plan is for doing it without getting everyone killed. None of those guys want to die. Secondly, if the group leader is not in contact with a headquarters unit then he will be a little unsure if he has the correct position and will have to double check where he is. It helps if he is in direct contact with the HQ.

    Also, you can't expect humans to jump out of the back of a vehicle while being fired at and directly assault an enemy. With bullets flying they are all just trying to save their ass.

    Think how difficult it is to guide someone by cell phone to an unknown location and you will have a small example of the difficulty of directing men on the battlefield.

  3. When you say your guy, do you mean your squad? Do you have only one figure representing your squad? Have you checked how many casualties the squad has taken? My guess is this, in the last two minutes your squad has gone through hell, almost all their buddies have been hit and they just don't have it in them to keep going. The game represents humans, not robots.

    Also, that MG has a crew with other weapons on them. They aren't going to scatter, or die of a hear attack just because some loan survivor from a wiped out squad manages to flop into their fox hole.

  4. Originally posted by willbell:

    Senachai song.

    Fired one time but they kept a comin'

    Weren't neigh as many as there were a while ago

    Fired once more and they began a runnin'

    Down the Tellaro to the Golfo de Noto

    Come out, come out where ever you are my pretty.


    Don't you mean

    Down the Mississippi

    To the Gulf of Mexico?


    Jim Boggs,

    Not unless the Mississippi now runs through Sicily. It's an adaptation of the old song to fit Senachai's handling of a battle.

    Tick, tick, tick... ping!

    Now you get it.


  5. Yo Elvis, thank you, thank you, thank you. I was beginning to feel like CM, the best game ever created, was just a topic of conversation. Also, I have a feeling that my learning cruve is about to get steep!!!

    I would love to send you the game Senachai and I started, it was a nasty nut, and I worked hard setting up that one. But, I would be thrilled to playtest amy game you send. I'll do an AAR too.

    Sending a blank email now for the set up.


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