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Posts posted by Mercury

  1. Just playing a street fighting operation as axis.

    When I tried to get my mortar to move between two adjacent heavy buildings, rather than move directly through as my infantry squads did, they went on a convoluted route, stepping out of the building, exposing themselves to fire and then heading back in to the next building to get to the position they were ordered to!

    Is this a freak or does it happen all the time?

    Surely this is not realistic, my limited knowledge of this type of warfare leads me to believe that troops simply used enlarged loopholes or made their own entances/ exits between adjacent buildings to avoid exposing themselves to enemy fire.

    Given that the infantry can pass through why can't a support weapon?

  2. Well? You tell me. Every time I post a subject I get half a dozen constructive replies and twice as many holier than thou ones......

    Can't we all just get along and have a group hug? ;)

    I can cope with different opinions but condescension is something else.

    So what if the a particular topic or issue has been done to death. Amazingly enough there are some people out there who do not know this, let them have their say please.

    I always thought wargamers were a friendly bunch (except for arguing about interpretations of ambiguos rules in those distant days of figure gaming!) :D

  3. Some interesting points gentlemen!

    Although I knew the Battlefront team was small I did not realise it is just four of them! Very brave men indeed.

    I take my hat off to them for creating the first computer game I have never grown bored with.

    But those crawling soldiers make me cringe!

    I'd also love to see a few one off, unique buildings to dot around like a ruined castle, medieval town walls(there are so many walled towns in Europe that were fought over in WW2) and even a tower with Rapunzel in! :D

    And I guess I must be an evangelist too....I want to spread the word. And the word is good!

  4. I hear what you are saying BUT my point is that the graphics are not up to the standard of the gameplay.

    Yes, content IS the main part of any game but just imagine how mind blowingly great this would be if the graphics were as spectacular...

    The designers have clearly mastered the engine, but why do the graphics come in as a poor second? Certainly where animation of the men is concerned, the AFVs are fine.

    Why argue against improving the look? Awesome GFX would not turn this classic into a two week mindless shoot em up. It would create THE GREATEST game with no arguement. At present there are many knockers out there because of the stilted animation that turns them off, a shallow argument but nonetheless true.

  5. This is a fantastic, absorbing game with quite magnificent gameplay.

    The AI is pretty good, especially on defense but its beauty comes into its own when two humans battle it out(as with any great game I guess)

    However, the graphics do let it down. Not for the hardened gamers or fans of CMBO and CMBB, we can deal with a little stilted movement from our soldiers but when joe public is so used to fantastically slick animation of their human characters in most games, CMBO/BB just don't cut the mustard.

    To me it does not matter, to most wargamers out there it does not matter but this game deserves to take the gaming world by storm yet whenever I show this to many other gamers, they have a major problem getting past the strange looking characters moving into battle.

    There are many out there who take one look and turn away because of this.

    We live in a world where people expect to be hooked instantly and CMBO/BB doesn't quite make the grade where this is concerned for a large proportion of the population.

    So forget the engine rewrite, that seems to produce the most gripping and tense contests, please get those graphics nailed down to perfection, we know it can be done!

  6. I was soooooo looking forward to battling it out with a few lethal poodles.

    If they've got these beasts in Sudden Strike 2 I'm gonna convert to that game. Its got to be more historically accurate, right?

    My Dad, who is a hardened wargamer of 40 years just will not play CMBB or CMBO. He claims SS2 is far better, yet he aint played these games.

    Somebody please tell him he doesn't know what he's missing, he just will not listen to his son.

    Give me a post that sells it all so I can print it off and show him the error of his ways.

  7. I just threw together a dinky little battle where a group of SS are holed up in a village that is reminiscent of the original Squad leader map.....

    The AI played the Russkis with overwhelming force and I held it off.

    However, I'd like to get this playtested to ensure balance with two real live opponents, anybody willing to give it a go?

  8. Just got my copy after a long wait in the UK only to be met with this crap unit called waffengrenadiers!!!

    Who's fooling who here? I'd heard about this on the grapevine but it is just too moronically ridiculous for words(well almost anyway :D )

    Whoever came up with this decision? Whoever you are, wherever you live.....go see a counsellor...fast!! You have a big problem. Mind you it does smack of a committee type decision.

    The Waffen SS(please don't censor me) existed! Fact. For better or worse.

    Is this a CDV move? If so its pathetic.....and it sticks in my throat that some people can't face up to the truth..maybe even the truth of their own country's history.

    Reminds me of the time I visited Berchtesgaden to find that Hitler's eagle's nest had been turned into a cafe!!!! With no mention of the war except in a few books on a stand.....

    If we want to learn from the past lets come to terms with it.

    One way of seeing such events return to our world is to pretend they never happened. :mad:

    Ah well its only a game! smile.gif

    PS Why can my King Tigers drive through other knocked out ones? Surely they would block their path or require pushing out of the way?

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