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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Mercury

  1. So this is a glitch that needs fixing!

    On my travels through Europe I have been through plenty of railway cuttings that are very narrow and almost hug the track.

    It is not realistic to have a wide expanse of flat either said.

    I know, I know, its only a teeny tiny problem but lets make this game just that bit more perfect cos I can't design an accurate scenario! smile.gif

  2. Just done a search but couldn't find any mention of this bug...if it is one. I can't give you a pic just yet because I'm not on my home PC but maybe a description will help.

    I've designed a railway line that is at level 7, this moves in a straight line to a long viaduct over a valley.

    The rail is in a cutting with terrain starting at about level 10(can't remember precisely) above it and on either side, gradually fading down to 7.

    Now whenever I save this seemingly perfect setting and then re-load it I get a 'bump' on the railway line about two levels above what it should be.

    This always seems to happen at the crossover between, say level 9 and 8 above the railline that is on level 7.

    Confused? So am I!! What is going on?

    I hope you can figure this. If not I'll do it again with pix at the weekend.


    PS this is with v1.03

  3. Playing a game recently one of my squads was a little beaten up but seemed to recover well, hiding in a wood.

    However, as soon as I clicked on them to give them new orders their command line shot off way away from their commander, who wasn't far away and led to a distant clump of trees behind enemy lines where there was no unit at all.

    The line also indicated they were out of command ie, it was black.

    When they finally got round to moving the line remained with them, just as long, but as before, with no HQ there and out of command.

    I have a pic of this but can't seem to upload it right now....

    Anyone know what's going on here?

  4. Good point but as has already been mentioned the reviewing system at the depot falls between two stalls: do you review it in detail for the sake of the designer or do you review it for players, both of whom have different viewpoints.

    Ergo the problem, nobody gets a review that is completely satisfying. And loads of people just do not review scenarios for plenty of good reasons.

    Isn't it time that someone, somewhere was a little more proactive?

    I'd love to have my first published scenario reviewed....its in the depot and has no review, which I actually think means people will steer towards those that are reviewed.

    So.....since you say you are a flegling designer, why not send me your design. I'll happily look at it for you smile.gif

  5. I noticed a post recently about the inherent problems of getting scenarios reviewed....

    Here is my humble addition to the topic....

    Why don't the scenario creators send each other their designs to check out, test, review etc....

    Then we can get good feedback to act on....and hopefully our egos will be massaged by the good comments we get. I'll happily look at other people's designs if they will check out mine....

    Tehn we can form a sort of informal gropu of q2uality controllers.....any thoughts or am I existing in a ego free utopia of my own?

  6. My dad has the game on his PC with a Radeon 7500 VE DDR graphics card. CMBB runs very slowly and blockily (I know that's not a word but hope you know what I mean)

    I've added a tweaker....BUT can't remember what is required, can someone enlighten me please.

    Something to do with anti-aliasing/ z-mask and?

    I can't remember at all.....and I'm desperate, I've been pestering him to get off Sudden Strike and play CMBO/ CMBB for a very very long time!!

  7. I haven't played penny packets so no spoilers here!!

    The asterisks? No idea at all, is there anything in the intro briefings about this?

    Static operations remain on the same map throughout, the only advances you make will be shown on this map alone, you do not progress anywhere else so get to know the terrain and hold onto any advantageous positions you acquire.

    The trenches one is a good question....not sure myself but take it that if they are ON the trench they will be getting benefits.

    As for your lack of Groginess!! Well this is just a game so relax and enjoy it, Grognards who wish to take the piss out of your genuine questions have yet to discover the joys of the finer things in life such as wine, women and song!!

    And anyway, most people I've encountered on the forum are pretty genuine.


  8. Cutting comments but very true! ;)

    My challenge was that this was a battle that was picked automatically and the map was only about 1000m so there was no question of sitting at the back and taking them out....they could hit me from the setup zone anyway.....

    Still, I guess it shows how vulnerable Nashorns are, and what a plucky little tank the Stuart is.

    Did tankers actually enjoy being in a Stuart? I know I'd be very scared....

  9. This is an unfinished but first attempt at modding.....

    The camo pattern is based on a very unusual style, almost Picassoesque that I saw in an old Panzer Colours book from a StugIII.

    I decided to splash it onto a StugIV instead, I know, that's a criminal offence to the purist but what the hell!!!

    So far only the Schurzen is done, I just wondered what other people out there thought? Go easy on me boys, its my first effort.

    Advice and comments will be gratefully accepted.


  10. ok, so we've had funniest moments and favourite looking AFVs, now its time to celebrate the heroes.

    Its early days in CMBB land but there must be stories of heroism already.

    I have a CMBO tale to tell but no CMBB yet.

    After two turns of a 30 turn QB a Panther of mine was immobilised behind a house, seriously limiting its field of fire. But sure enough the entire enemy armoured column advanced and ended up losing a priest, 2 Jumbos and 3 half tracks.

    A Hellcat managed to sneak round the back of my Panther only to be taken out by a Panzerschreck that I advanced to cover just such an event.

    Then a whole platoon entered the house and one after the other squad after squad assaulted it to no avail, the Panther kept pumping rounds into the building until it collapsed!

    By the end of the game there were 45 infantry casualties lying around caused by this one tank!

    The Panther lived to fight another day and I won the battle.

    Heroes I salute you! smile.gif

  11. I'm with jgdpnzr on this one.

    Played it and took it apart with similar tactics....firebase on the edge of the woods and a right hook....

    It seems that to have successful assaults in CMBB you really have to build up suitable suppressive force before launching attcks from pretty close in.....find cover and use it to attack from.........blah blah blah, this has been said before I know!

    So come on jgdpnzr, I challenge you to a duel! ;)

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