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Posts posted by RockinHarry

  1. Originally posted by JonS:

    Assuming 63rd A-Tk Regt was a Corps asset (which I think it was) the SPs in 146 Bty would be M-10C Achilles (M-10s mounting a 17-pr).

    Det 100 Radar Bty - Detachment from 100 Radar Battery. Presumably one (or maybe two) radars used for counter battery and counter-mortar work, and also at a pinch to adjust outgoing fire. No relevance to CM, although you might up the level of British FOOs by one step, or reduce the amount of German indirect fire assets. Either - or both - of those also make sense as far as the AOP Flight is concerned.

    Tp 356 SL Bty - a Troop from 356 Searchlight Battery. Presumably four searchlights. No real relevance to CM, although you might make the environmental conditions a little better (i.e. longer visibility) than otherwise - e.g. dawn instead of night.



    PS Just checked 63rd A-Tk Regt - yes, it was a Corps asset. Therefore Achilles, organised as three troops, each of four vehicles.

    thanks, that answered my remaining questions! smile.gif I also worked through most of a website dealing with Brit/CM Arty and methods, which leaves nothing unanswered actually. :cool:

    "Det 4 Svy Regt" seems to be a surveylance unit, similar to german "Beobachtungs-Abteilung", dealing with counter battery/mortar tasks ect.

    now back to scenario making.... smile.gif

  2. Here´s support and attached units during Op Veritable:

    51 (H) Inf Div

    under command:

    107 RAC

    6 Fd Regt

    146/63 Anti.-tank Bty (SP)

    Det 4 Svy Regt

    'C' Flt 652 AOP Sqn

    Det 100 Radar Bty

    Tp 356 SL Bty

    in support:

    'B' Sqn 1 LOTHIANS

    1. FF YEO less 'B' & 'C' Sqns

    42 Assault Regt RE less 16 and 617 Sqns

    79 Med Regt

    Tanks obviously is mostly from 79. AD; Crocodiles, AVRE´s and Churchills from 34th TB.

    'C' Flt 652 AOP Sqn sounds like "C flight of 652 Aireal Observation Plane Squadroon, but what is the remaining units "under command"? 107 RAC is clear ( a Btl. of 34. TB) as well as the self propelled AT (Archers?) and the 6 Fd Regt.

    Det 4 Svy Regt??

    Det 100 Radar Bty?

    Tp 356 SL Bty??

  3. Originally posted by John D Salt:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by RockinHarry:

    Yet need to check divisional Arty and AGRA support for the period and under XXX corps command, I should have that stuff in my docs somewhere.

    See if it matches this:

    CRA 30 Corps (Rawlins)

    2 Cdn AGRA (Leggat)

    3 Cdn Med Regt

    4 Cdn Med Regt

    7 Cdn Med Regt

    10 Med Regt

    1 Hy Regt

    3 AGRA (Cleeve)

    13 Med Regt

    59 Med Regt

    67 Med Regt

    72 Med Regt

    59 Hy Regt

    4 AGRA (Hambleton)

    53 Med Regt

    65 Med Regt (less 1 bty)

    79 Med Regt

    51 Hy Regt (less 1 155mm bty)

    5 AGRA (Yates)

    7 Med Regt

    64 Med Regt

    84 Med Regt

    121 Med Regt

    52 Hy Regt

    9 AGRA (Crosland)

    9 Med Regt

    11 Med Regt

    107 Med Regt

    53 Hy Regt

    Additional arty:

    74 AA Bde (Smith)

    106 AA Bde (Jones)

    6 Fd Regt

    19 Fd Regt

    86 Fd Regt

    147 Fd Regt

    73 A Tk Regt

    27 LAA Regt

    1 Cdn Rocket Unit

    3 Super Hy Regt

    Div Arty for 51 (H) Div (Rennie)

    CRA (Shiel)

    126 Fd Regt

    127 Fd Regt

    128 Fd Regt

    61 A Tk Regt

    40 LAA Regt

    The total number of weapons, by type, in the Corps arty appears to be:

    1 A Tk Regt --> 48 17-pdr

    1 LAA Regt --> 54 40mm Bofors

    2 AA Bdes --> 144 3.7-in AA

    4 Fd Regts --> 96 25-pdr

    18 Med Regts (less 1 bty) --> 32 4.5-in and 248 5.5-in

    5 Hy Regts (less 1 bty) --> 36 155mm and 40 7.2-in

    1 Super Hy Regt --> 2 8-in and 4 240mm

    1 Rocket Unit --> 12 32-barrel Land Mattress

    ...all from the Staff College battlefield tour guide for Veritable, 1947.

    They really shouldn't be short of indirect fire support.

    All the best,

    John. </font>

  4. Originally posted by David I:


    Oddly enough it was your scenario project that inspired these. Main difference is the change from Jump jackets with the thigh wraps to Ground Combat Jackets. Additionally the ammo bandoliers and gas can cases are replaced with regular ammo pouches and cans. Also gone are the jump boots, replaced by low boots and gaters.


    PS. I may try making a water/tan ground combat jacket as well.

    Thanks! smile.gif I´m just about to download the mod and I´ll check it later when I´m back home!

    I was inspired myself to make 3 new mods for my oncoming Veritable scenario project: Clay field (grain), brick masonry wall (stone wall) and another variation of wire fence (wooden fence). No wonder scenario making takes that long! :D I´ll upload that stuff next week i think.

  5. Originally posted by David I:

    These represent the very late war FJ. Gone are all pretense of being parachute units. Included is a new LW Stug Crew.

    Read the comments at CMMODS for a full description.


    Wait for it,

    They look like this:



    cool! :cool: looks like just what I need for my current scenario project. Currently using AndrewFox excellent stuff and like to see how it compares.
  6. Thnaks again! smile.gif I think I will go with the snipers and the engineer platoon, but not the Wasps and single man flamers. A platoon of MMG should be ok. Yet need to check divisional Arty and AGRA support for the period and under XXX corps command, I should have that stuff in my docs somewhere.

    My main sources is the "Veritable" report files (PDF format, detail maps included!) that can be found at:


    as well as some stuff from


    Book sources I use is Whitakers Rhineland..., Thompsons book, The 51st Highland Division, The Victory Campaign and some german stuff dealing with german paratroopers.

    more questions may pop up soon...

  7. Originally posted by NCrawler:

    Sometime this week I should be finished with the weapon sound fx for my new sound mod. I need like 5 or 6 people that would be willing to test them for me and make suggestions for changes/improvements. If you would like to help, please send me an email to jjohnson@sherwoodpolice.org and I will send them to you when I finish. I will also be updating explosions, vehicles, etc. and will send them also when I finish them. Thanks...

    Do you make the MG34 and 42 sound with the correct RPM? The sounds in the game represent anything but the original MG34/42 (too slow RPM) Same for the generic german tank MG sounds. RPM appropiate for a russian DPM or 30cal maybe, but not MG34! :rolleyes:
  8. Originally posted by John D Salt:

    I assume you will not be bothering to represent the signals and admin platoons.

    All the best,


    Just recognized that CMAK obviously represents both these platoons as extras combat platoons in the support company. Or is these integral part of the SC?! CMBO does not have these extra 2 platoons, as well as the sniper squad. I assume these were directly subordinated to the combat companies? Same for the infantry flamers. CMBO has an inf. flamer squad in the engineers platoon, while in CMAK single man flamers were directly attached to the infantry platoons?

    So does BFC gives in CMAK a more "accurate" british infantry OOB, by including extra infantry platoons and the snipers in the normal infantry Btl. OOB? Or was that a real difference between forces serving in italy and NWE theatre?

    CMBO has an extra Inf. Btl. variation with MMG support attached. Was that a standard procedure to attach (Vickers) MMG´s to infantry Btl. and if yes how many? :confused:

  9. Originally posted by John D Salt:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by RockinHarry:


    Deleting the flamethrower section from the infantry platoons appears to be one measure, but I´m uncertain about the "correct" composition of the regular support units of an infantry bataillon (engineer & AT plt.) CMAK adds a platoon of Wasp flamers, but I know the particular battle has added support, a squadroon of Crocodiles (from Fife and Forfar Yeomanry/ 79th AD).

    The ATk platoon is scaled for six 6-pounders, and has 6 Loyd Carriers as towing vehicles, a Universal Carrier for the platoon commander, and 15cwt trucks for ammunition supply and the REME fitter section.

    The mortar platoon has six 3-inch (81mm) mortars, which I assume you will have off-table. If you want it on-table, you need a Universal Carrier for each mortar detachment, another for the platoon commander, 3 15cwt trucks and a 3-ton lorry.

    The carrier platoon has 4 sections each of 3 Universal Carriers, plus a carrier for the platoon commander and a couple of 15cwt trucks. Each carrier has a Bren gun, each section has a PIAT, and I would give each section a 2-in mortar as well.

    The Assault Pioneer platoon has two assault sections and one pioneer section, and a total strength of 1 officer and 28 men.

    I assume you will not be bothering to represent the signals and admin platoons.

    The above is mostly drawn from George Forty's "British Army Handbook 1939-1945". Obviously the se are the nominal strengths, and what was actually fielded might be quite different. Only inspection of the unit war diary for the action concerned is likely to tell you exactly what they had on the day.

    All the best,

    John. </font>

  10. Hello,

    I´m currently preparing a CMAK scenario portraying a particular battle (attack on HASSUM station) that took place during operation "Veritable" on february 16, 1945. The Brit unit in question is the 1st Black Watch, a bataillon of the famous 51. "Highland" Division. Since this is a CMAK battle, I now have to work with those OOB´s as offered for the italian campaign, which appear to be somewhat different than those for NWE in 1944/45. Comparing to he OOB´s in CMBO (a normal infantry bataillon) I obviously need to make some adjustements to get the 1st BW force composition right for the CMAK battle. Deleting the flamethrower section from the infantry platoons appears to be one measure, but I´m uncertain about the "correct" composition of the regular support units of an infantry bataillon (engineer & AT plt.) CMAK adds a platoon of Wasp flamers, but I know the particular battle has added support, a squadroon of Crocodiles (from Fife and Forfar Yeomanry/ 79th AD).

  11. Originally posted by David I:


    There are a number of bitchin Fall scenarios including "Bidberg Heights" and "Rhino by the Horns" to name but two.


    thanks for the hint. I guess these are included in the ETO Fall scenario pack? Did not unzip yet for lack of time (playing). :rolleyes:

    Currently preparing another mod (Vineyard) and scenario (Brits or canadians in "Op. Veritable"), so time is scarce usually. :(

  12. Mods installed (and also my recommendation for battles taking place in germany and lowlands) is David´s ETO mod, J2D Fall Trees mod (excluding the hedge which does not quite work). Installed on top of this is my Pine Tree, Sandbag and Rough mods, available at CMMODS.

    Supplementing mods is a Trenchpack mod and all the great uniforms stuff from AndrewFox! (they rock! :cool: )

    Installing my Pine tree, sandbag and rough terrain mod I would call a requirement as otherwise you have the inappropiate italy looks. tongue.gif

    Well, actually lots of stuff for playing a rather small scenario, but it´s really worth it! ;)

  13. Originally posted by George Mc:

    Like your ideas which I have also used (notably on Panzerkeil Am Mius)to good effect.

    I very well remember Panzerkeil Am Mius! :eek: Had to overcome these nasty AT gun nests cleverly placed in keyholed, enfilading positions with lots of infantry and artillery! Leads to a further issue; protect the AT guns with at least light MG vs. enemy infantry and don´t put the guns in any sort of woods! Tree bursts kill everything, even when placed in trenches. Another thing to consider is placing the guns far enough (30-50m) from any friendlies who open up fire on the enemy sooner (IE. supporting infantry, LMG ect.)to avoid colateral damage from enemy return fire. Enemy fire aimed at a friendly which is very close (below 30m) also makes the gun oftenly turn toward the enemy firer, ignoring set covered arcs in bad moments.

    Adding section or abteilung HQs to AI guns in an AIP Defense scenario is always a good idea, as GeorgeMC states. Not sure if the stealth HQ bonus is used though, since the game assumes the guns (and other units) to be camouflaged (unless moved from initial setup position) anyway. Do the bonuses sum up, can anybody confirm?

    TRP´s also seem to encourage the AIP to make more and better use of any its guns (both direct and indirect).

  14. The scenario is now finished and beeing uploaded at SDII RHZ Death Factory #1

    The scenario ZIP file contains a PDF file that offers a command map, the US player briefing and further notes.

    Comments (or curses) welcomed! smile.gif

    Edit: Deleted TPG link, since the server still hosted the old file unexpectedly! :rolleyes: Please anybody who downloaded from TPG lately, redo from SD2! SD2 hosts the correct file. Sorry for that. redface.gif

    [ October 11, 2006, 06:17 AM: Message edited by: RockinHarry ]

  15. Originally posted by Sequoia:

    There is a list of which phrase goes with which wav for CMBB Germans, Russians, and CMAK Italians at the Band of Brothers site. I've noticed that the phrases for each language for the same wav number (the first number would be different of course) are more or less the same. For example wav 31234 would say "Achtung Panzer" and wav 51234 would say "Tank spotted".

    I got to check the BoB website again. I have the link somewhere....


    Yes, phrases are mostly the same and only the file offset number makes the difference. Thus if one has figured out trigger events for a particualr nations voice files, one just has to consider the offset (first figure) for the other nations files.

    IE german voice files 33300 - 33323 appear to be some sort of "Idle sound", used for (stationary?) unengaged infantry. Athmospheric filler. Might be these also indicate established contact to HQ units. Got to check this with "out of contact" units again.

    Equivalent US voice sound files would be 53300 - 53318, obviously 5 sounds less than the german ones, but triggered from same game event. Example phrases: "Pay attention", "Ok Seargent", "Yes, Sir!", "Did you see that?"..and so on. German voice sound files are direct translations and resemble little to actual german command language used in WW2. Obviously only german native language speakers will ever notice this. Thus I call it "Hollywood style". :D

    German voice sounds 32200 - 32208 are triggered by a (successful?) "rally" attempt. Not sure if this is self rally or with friendly HQ rally combined. Particular german phrases are partly funny. "Get up you cowards" (Steht auf ihr Feiglinge) or "Get up you pigs" (Steht auf ihr Schweine) is complete nonsense and can probably only be heard in bad Hollywood films from the 50-70 era. tongue.gif

    The german phrases used for tank or AT combat are a little bit more realistic though.

    I guess other nations voice files include similar Hollywood style phrases. Hopefully BFC makes their homeworks better for ToW! A little bit of research is all that needs to be done actually. :D

  16. Did anybody make one for CMBB/CMAK and found out when they are used in the game? Example: when an infantry squad rallies successfully, a particular speech/voice sound file is played, something like "Get up and fight" or "Steht auf und kämpft". There´s about 4-5 variations per language and file. Might be I´ll mod a few files to include more realistically ones. Lots of the stuff is just "Hollywood". :rolleyes:

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