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Posts posted by Steiner14

  1. I think, if a scenario-designer tries to think out of the box most of the problems resulting from it are a result of diverging player expectations and the designer's intentions, because (sadly) the vast majority of all battles are "winable" and balanced. I have not come across a single briefing, that was completely, wrong, demanded impossibilities and i as player had to be careful during the battle.

    Precious time at the beginning of a scenario is wasted in 95% of the time, if units are not rushed forwards. Once you have knocked out three enemy tanks without own losses, you can assume you are on a good path. This all has HUGE implications on the used tactics.

    Personally I'm very happy, if scenario designers think outside the box and offer more surprising and less predictable scenarios.

    But if they do not communicate to the player in the briefing or - even better - in an attached readme-file, that their battles - like in reality - COULD be surprsingly unbalanced, could even range from impossible to a walk in the park, or that the briefing could contain unprecise or wrong informations, then they should not be surpsied, if players will not understand the scenario. This must be communicated clearly from that kind of designers! Problem solved.

  2. All I can say is we do understand that uniforms are an important aesthetic aspect of the game and therefore we will get it in sooner rather than later.

    While this is important for uniform-grogs, i think a more important aesthetic aspect and also more important for a broad custumer base are natural motions of soldiers. Motions are recognized also from greater distances and they strenghten the impression of a human-like force.

    Please, is it possible to use another motion for hunting soldiers? They move, as if they would have dropped something in their underpants... :D IMO this reduces the atmosphere of the otherwise nice and realistic motions.

    And please, please allow soldiers to take a rifle into one hand when running.

    Additional handsigns of officers or NCOs when a team is split and ordered into a direction would also be a nice atmospheric enhancement.

    Or a handsign of the leader to stop, after a longer movement path.

    How about soldiers scratching on the face or in the neck.

    Wiping sweat form the face if units are tired.

    Or how about smoking soldiers if units are not feeling threatened and not moved for a longer time?

  3. What i don't understand, why there seem to be no restrictions or a priority system for the AI's rules in case of traffic-jams that force the tank's AI that it will never ever be allowed to plot a path resulting with the rear torwards the threat. If it's too difficult to let the AI make semi-intelligent reverse and traversing maneuvers, then IMO it could be better to give the player a message, that he shold deal with a certain vehicle manually.

    And why doesn't get the unit that's faster or heavier or on the right get priority and the rest is paused until the unit with highest priority has left the area, instead of silly pauses of a few seconds making the jam worse?

  4. The discussion about range estimation as one decisive factor in gunfights, brings into focus that defending ATGs/tanks/TDs already have a priori knowledge about the distance of their targets. Resulting in reduced range estimation errors.

    An idea to model this: cover arcs working as TRA (target reference area) for guns/tanks/TDs on the defending side (in case of attack/defend scenarios). As long as the unit is not moved a certain distance, in the shooting equations the error of range estimation could be reduced.

  5. It should not be forgotten that all these numbers are referencing ONLY the accuracy of the gun: distance is exactly known and aiming is 100% accurate.

    But on the field the distance must be estimated.

    The flatter the trajectory of a gun, the higher the estimation error may be.

    And after the range is estimated, then it must be aimed (optics come into play!).

    For example the Tiger's 8,8 KwK36 IIRC was shooting SPOT ("Fleck") up to 1000m (1100 yards).

    This means an accuracy of 100%!

    But additionaly to the extremely high accurcy it also had a very flat trajectory compared to other guns. What does that mean? It means, that the flat trajectory allows a wider estimation error, and therefore a wider range of chosen sights, while agun with a stronger curved trajectory, would already have no chance to hit with the same sight.

    When it comes to hit small targets, i.e. dug in ATGs or hulldown tanks/TDs, the importance of a high precision gun becomes even bigger: if the range is correct and aimed correctly, then it will hit. Not so with the less accurate gun: it still has a high probability to miss.

    And as third important point comes the much better optics into play: it increases the capability that aiming will be precise.

    That makes three additional factors adding on each other in favor of the german guns. I think this really needs further investigation.

    Another question is, if BFC really wants to model it accurately...

  6. If there didn't happen a mistake with the textures and as long as this is purely a texture problem, i don't think this is a problem at all. Actually i think the oposite is the case and it has advantages: the modders finally have some room to really increase the look, which is good for the community and the benefit for the customers is a faster release cycle if manhours can be spent on things, that cannot be solved by the modders.

  7. Not to disturb the new 81mm-dispersion thread, i have started this new thread.

    Fun fact: quite a while ago someone tried this (or a similar) loophole to not have to pay a speeding ticket(!) to the non-existant state of Saxony...

    Guess what? He lost. But the court probably had a good laugh.

    But you should not forget the power that makes this "laughing" possible: it is not the law but sheer executive power. I have read several personal homepages from such people and their struggle, but what i find most interesting are the "answers" of the courts.

    Most of them have clearly expressed, that they do NOT refuse to pay the fine, but only express their legal reservations about the legitimacy of the court itself and they simply want an answer, before paying a relatively small fine, about the laws, that are the foundation for the court's competence in their area.

    So far I have not come across a single answer from a court referencing the laws. If someone knows about the FRGs problem since 1990 and the missing Art. 23, then this becomes very understandable - but amusing?

    It reminds me very much about the discussion about the legitimacy of the IRS in the USA. On one side is the power, on the other side the powerless pro-constitutional argumentation. The case of Joe Banister was an eye opener for me in that regard.

    Or think about the fact, that only US-Congress can declare war - and what has been left of it these days.

    Or the whole EU-agenda: although it is strictly forbidden that countries pay for the debts of other countries (IIRC in the Treaty of Maastricht), exactly that happens.

    Therefore, if one believes it is a far fetched theoretical discussion, if the German Empire still exists and the FRG has lost it's scope, or others find it amusing, then they shouldn't be surprised at all if people like Jon Corzine are walking free, private banks are supported with hundreds of billions, or banksters can fake mortage-papers and walk away with bonuses while families are becoming homeless.

    That this is possible today, with thousands of TV-stations, and the "free press" goes back to the root we also have witnessed in the other thread:

    The ignorance of the masses about the law as long as they believe not being negatively affected by the consequences: Things are good, if they please me. And if they don't please you anymore? Then the sheeple will wake up. But then it will be too late - for them.

  8. Sburke,

    you are mixing completely different aspects, lies and propaganda together. But rabulistic can not replace valid arguments about the factual discussion of deletion of Art. 23 GG and the non-existance of the FRG since and the parallel existance of the Reich.

    So if you are not interested in this topic and have no factual and objective knowledge, then please do not disturb a pure factual discussion about the existance of the Reich with your anti-german hate.

  9. This looks very much improved.


    A very important correction: It is common misbelieve, that the DR did cease to exist in 1945. A state does not cease to exist if it's government is arrested by occupying foreign forces. According to international law this was and is an illegal act. Also according to internatinal law occupying forces have no right to dissolve states. The legal german government and Karl Dönitz, the head of state was arrested (against international laws) and the DR still exists, the constitution of Weimar is still in place, but the state is not capable to act.

    Don't believe me? Even the high court of the FRG had to admit on 31.07.1973 that the DR never ceased to exist (BVGU 2BvF1/73)!

    And it get's even more interesting:

    On July 17th 1990 the Alliies, represented by James Baker, US foreign minister, deleted Art. 23 of the Grundgesetz! On Sept. 29 1990 this was officially announced from the FRG in the "Bundesanzeiger", that Art. 23 GG was officially deleted!

    With the deletion of Art. 23 the FRG completely lost it's territory of validity, because this article named the countries, for which the GG was valid (http://lexetius.com/GG/23#2 (scroll down at bottom of page)).

    Two years, after the FRG had ceased to exist a new Art. 23 was written down. But since the FRG had ceased to exist at last on Sept. 29 1990, it could not declare a new Art. 23 in 1992.

  10. I just stumbled about an idea @wargamer-forum, that seems quite brilliant to me:

    It would be great if that during the loading time we could see a jpeg/bmp/whatever of the OOB, tactical map, even the debrief of the loading mission. That is instead of the regular splash screen photos.


    If it is too much labor, to display the briefing early, it should not be too difficult to give scenario designers the option to include one "loading" pic for each side. In case a scenario contains such a pic, it is displayed immediately instead of the loading-pics of the game; if there is none, things stay as they are now.

    With this neat little trick the waiting time would be transformed into briefing-time. :cool:

    CM Battle of the Bulge

    New Features:


    ZSLT © (Zero Scenario Loading Time) :D


  11. Elmar, you've been around long enough to know that if each individual person's pet peeve and wish list were put front and center you'd never, ever see a release of any sort. Ever. So yeah, obviously we choose what to include and not include so we can release a game every once in a lifetime. Or should we never release a game until everybody has exactly what they want in it?


    IMO that's quite an understatement, if you are saying, the missing cover arc making a comeback was something like a new feature.

    The ATGs are already too vulnerable, because they can't be dug in. But this was the case in CMx1, too. But in combination with the missing ACA this gives not so realitistic results in CMx2 which can also be seen more as "bug" and less as a missing feature.

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