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Posts posted by Amidst_Void

  1. I never bothered to ask this but, what game settings are the most popular when playing CMBO? Are there rules when playing TCP/IP such as no unit bases? The answer is probably no since it's impossible for one player to know what the other player is doing.

    Myself, I keep bases on because frankly, I can't see anything that's going on when they are off. Also, my units scale is realistic which makes me wonder, does anyone play with larger unit scale (I hope not)?

    That gets me thinking, if the majority of people do in fact have unit bases enabled, I would find it surprising if these are the same people that argue against "gamey" tactics. Doesn't having unit bases on somwhat contradict every argument against "gameyness" that they ever brought up? Specifically, isn't commanding your units from a birds eye view "gamey" in itself? I don't believe, during WWII, that the Germans had grey boxes around them, or the allies neon green boxes that practically sends out the message: LOOK OVER HERE. YES, AT THE NEON GREEN BOX, OKAY NOW SHOOT AT US, YES THAT'S IT, KEEP SHOOTING!'

    Essentially, aren't we all playing a game? Last time I checked I wasn't playing real life, so I ask, what could be more "gamey" than Combat Mission, which is, dare I say, a game?

  2. Here's the deal with the 88's in CMBO.

    The 88mm Flak is, dare I say, sh*t. I did a little test with these flaks. I placed a huge ridge on one end of the map and placed 3 VETERAN 88mm flaks over the edge within woods. I placed 20 Shermans of various types (including 2 Jumbo's) scattered roughly 2000 meters away (1,600 being closest Sherman). The Shermans were on flat ground, no hills at all just out in the open.

    At turn one the three flaks had no hits, they were way off target most of the time. During the next 3 turns the 88's scored about 3 hits with no Sherman's KO'd. These flak 88's are flat out horrible from afar, they are just plain inaccurate!

    I did the same test with a standard VETERAN Pak(48?) 88mm cannon. These cannons are great at distance stone throwing. In 6 minutes (turns) all 20 Shermans were dead. These 88's are the real deal, they are worth the price. Every turn had at least 2 Ko'd Shermans.

  3. This is my first post in this forum, I've been off-and-on for a year now, not really posting anything. I don't really have a question, rather, I wanted to direct you to an interesting (possibly not accurate) site highlighting the Tiger I (yawn :rolleyes: ).


    If you make your way to the bottom there is a section titled "The Tiger I in action". This is a description of the Tiger tank from Tiger crews in the Eastern Front. What's interesting from these accounts, to me any way, is the pure power described. These Tigers, although not invulnerable, could only be characterized as raging bulls, they were truly gigantic in all features. I'm really looking forward to using these tanks in CMBB, it'll be fun using them to their full pottential, that being range, firepower, and survivability. The way I see it is that the Tiger I of the Eastern Front is a different beast than the one we are accustomed now.

    Again, I just wanted to comment rather than ask. I'd like some oppinions on the "The Tiger I in action" section.

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