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Posts posted by Amidst_Void

  1. I was playing a rather dull QB today when an idea hit me. I was thinking about reinforcments being implemented into CMBB. Specifically, the ability to be able to purchase reinforcments in a QB (or Multiplayer) before the action starts. What's the point and how will that work you ask.

    Well, here's my idea. Imagine a regular QB purchase screen for CMBB. At this point you will be able to purchase units as normal, but on top of that you will have the option of adding units to reinforcments, similar to the map editor, the big difference being that when you add a unit, the unit cost will be slashed a bit (a percentage slash) due to the fact that you wont actually have the unit to control at the beginning of the game, that's the price you pay for getting it cheaper. Now the problem with the map editor reinforcement feature in it's current state is that it allows reinforcments to arrive FAR TOO QUICKLY, 2 turns into the game and your reinforcements can arrive. People will easily abuse the early reinforcement/cost slash feature if it was added with the settings it currently has in the map editor. it takes time for an opponent to advance, there would be no reason NOT to add every unit to reinforcments (and get the cost slash) as the action doesn't even start on turn 2! (or 3 or 4...) When was the last time a QB heated up on turn 2?

    My solution is, guessingly, an 8 turn minimum reinforcment arrival for a smaller map and greater as the map grows. For instance a 2000 point QB might have a minimum reinforcment arrival time at turn 15 or 20. The QB reinforcments will have to be reworked a bit obviously.

    Here's how (theoretically) it will work. Let's say a Tiger in CMBB costs 400. I find that way too steep for the medium sized map I'm about to play so I decide to maybe add it to my reinforcments so I can enjoy a price decrease. Being a medium map the minimum arrival of the Tiger (or any other unit) will be turn 10. When I add the Tiger to "reinforcements 1 turn 10" the Tiger will be effected (guessing again) by a -5% price reduction. As I increase the arrival time of the Tiger the percentage cost reduction will be greater, say for turn 15 there will be a -15 percent reduction in price.

    So what's the point of all this? Well, it could add an all new element of surprise to CM. Imagine you are playing a large sized map against a friend, you're at turn 18. At this point you think you've seen everything your friend has to offer when, all of a sudden, BAM! A Jumbo 76, a halftrack, and a rifle platoon pop out of nowhere! The reinforcements have arrived! The 76 sends your untouchable (so you thought) kitty to the pound, end of story. And really, I think it would just bee cool. This will add an interesting, and realistic, (as reinforcments DO come don't they) element of surprise to QB and even multiplayer.

    I hope I made myself clear and haven't overlooked something, I'm known to complicate things.

  2. I'm the only one that's going to say this, but, I really do love the PzIV. Why? Because they truly bring a sense of humor to the game. There isn't one other tank, that I know of, that can totally let you down like the IV's can. I have difficulty remembering any instance where an IV, or groups of IV's, came even CLOSE to accomplashing a planed attack. I don't even worry about it anymore, in fact, I expect the IV's to fail misserably at whatever orders I give them. (except driving off the map)

    Don't even get me started on armor thickness. This tank will get taken out by a Conscript U.S. soldier chucking pine cones.

    My suggestion is to go for StuG's. (hippoes as I like to call them) The StuG's will absorb light guns (37mm) at times with their 80mm frontal armor and you don't have to worry about the FOAM TURRET that the IV's have.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JasonC:

    The sound is a random choice from among all weapons actually in the squad. When a squad is firing, all surviving members are firing all of their weapons; the entire firepower of the squad is being applied. I hope that helps.


    All surviving members are NOT firing all of their weapons. From all the squade level talk that I've read in the past, it seems that only 3 or 4 squade members are actually shooting while the rest are taking cover. I'm still a bit confused as to what's going on.

  4. I'm having difficulty understanding what exactly is going on when a squad "fires" at a target. Although I've been playing this game since it's release, I seem to have overlooked some aspects of the game.

    As an example, let's assume that a panzer grenadier squad is firing their weapons at a U.S. rifle 44 squad. At this point, the sound which I'm hearing is an MG42 (LMG). Does the sound of the MG42 truly represent the current weapon being fired? To put it differently, is the MG42 sound that I'm hearing when a squad attacks a target a random weapon sound used to indicate that a squad is in "attack mode" rather than that particular weapon actually being fired?

    If that is the case, than there's really no way to tell what weapon is really being fired, not that there should be. If the sound that I'm hearing is, in fact, an actual MG42 being fired than it's true to say that there is more than that one weapon being fired, say a few K98's, correct?

    Thank you, good day.

    [ 10-04-2001: Message edited by: Amidst_Void ]

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andrew Hedges:

    AV's not GB

    I think you've forgotten (or repressed smile.gif) how illiterate and, well...spastic...GB was. AV has mastered the compound sentence and the comma, which GB could never quite master. I don't think that GB would use a sig from Blake, either.

    I also get the impression that AV has played the game, which was never the case with GB.

    The posts are different, too. The "tiger tank crews" thread was productive, and I found the 2" mortar comment to be funny.

    GBs posts were things like how CM would be better if BTS sold out to MS (!), how he was being oppressed, and how CMBB would be worthless if it didn't have dynamic lighting.

    The Rommel post was sort of bizarre, but wasn't in GB's style at all: GB would never claim to have a gay latino lover; GBs style was more along the lines of calling everyone who disagreed with him (i.e., everyone) gay. (There was an extensive "Fionn! That's a girl's name!" conversation on usenet).

    So AV isn't GB. Also, he apologized, which denies him GBhood right there.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    So nice of you to come to my aid regardless of the 7.92's that viciously (and effortlessly) found their way through my rib cage.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B:

    Actually, I could have sworn I found an Unholy Crown of Shame and Feces while playing Diablo the other day. I think the Butcher dropped it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I too found this very same item whilst playing Diablo II a few months ago. It was, however, dropped by one of the zombies that I was mindlessly swinging my sword at. I instantly threw the crown away as right when I put the bleeding thing on my hit points permanently stripped in half and I was faced with a penalty to all my attributes.

    Or something.

  7. BTS will probably lock this up in a second but regardless, it really needs no reply.

    In a previous post I, as they say, "dissed" on Pvt. Ryan, so I will apologize, shamefully of course.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Amidst_Void:

    Are you bloody daft? You seem to be having the utmost difficulty understanding my post, should I baby sit you through its entirety? Am I, for some unexplicable reason, not making myself perfectly clear; not getting my point across, because I could have sworn the majority of people in here are not, in the slightest, confused by my wording.

    Also, if you, sir Pvt. Ryan, (the originality of the name, wow) are in fact a member of the Peng team, I should tell you that they made a big mistake.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Okay, here goes.

    I, Amidst_Void, shamefully apologize to Pvt. Ryan for my unquestionably rude, hateful, and utterly idiotic comment. For the above comment, may palestinians throw sharp rocks in my general direction and also taunt me (Whilst still throwing sharp rocks), and May they recite passages from the Koran (Qu'ran) for the purpose of, perhaps, purifying me of the perversity and sin that resides in my pathetic excuse for a conscience. May I also be banished to a desert of a rather large size (actually a smaller desert will suffice as long as it's horribly torturous). When in this desert, may vulures circle around me and deficate on my face as I am looking up at them. When fatigue, dehydration and stomach cramps set in, may the vultures land on my unbearably ugly and repulsive mug and peck away at it to the point where there's a gap. When the pecking ceases may they eat of my brains of which I have none ect. Also, may I be the accursed (I used this word again, yes) red headed, freckle-faced step child that nobody loves and may flaming arrows pierce my buttocks.

    So Pvt. Ryan, I apologize for my actions and hope that you will be kind enough to forgive me for my idiocy.

    Also, a big round of applause to Slapdragon for making such good fun of me. Thank you for taking the time to research every aspect about my profile and posts and blow everything out of preportions, you are very good at it. (NOTE: I have since then corrected the misspelling of the incredibly simple city San Francisco), thank you for that. Also, I am not proud of my Juno account and I'm sure a free ISP would be better, or equal to, it's performance.

    That's about it, may misspelled words not be present in my post (fingers crossed).


    Edited because misspelled words were in my post

    [ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Amidst_Void ]

    Edited again, I have lost all respect for myself at this point

    [ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Amidst_Void ]

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

    Void = Gunny Bunny


    Misspelled name of own city in bio.

    13 Posts and a member for 1 week, and knows Private Ryan is a Penger.

    Word choice is, "similar".

    Dissing game from the first post.

    Combative when told may be banned.

    Uses Juno e-mail address rather than AISF one.

    Further Proof:

    Anyone have any good observations that shoot my theory down?

    Idiotic Attempt to Cut Down Rommel

    Idiotic Comment on Mortars

    A legitimate poster makes at least one real post in 14. Even Peng.

    [ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Oh my, beautifully executed, no comments other than that. Gunny Bunny, man I donno, still gotta figure it out, perhaps it means combative(?).

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by argie:

    The heaviest vehicle I killed with a 2" was a Panther :eek:

    I'm not joking... I don't remember the scenario, I was playing against the AI (because Bullethead was playing such scenario against somebody and was spoiling it to me through ICQ :rolleyes: ), and this armored column pass just over my TRP. I unleash hell. That turn a lot of 25 lbers and 4.5" falls over the vehicles, immobilizing and damaging a few, and destroying this Panther.

    After the turn, I look into the kills of the FOs to see who was the killer... No one was credited... Further research showed that a tiniy 2" that was close to teh TRP open fire over the column as well, and was credited with the kill of the Panther smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Oh Gawd, faces everywhere. Quickly! Someone put a veil over my head, hide me from these accursed facial expressions that should not be! Oh the horror... the horror...

  10. Welllll, OOOOO and AHHHH and what-not, how FANCY, and also how SHMANCY, a big time meeting for all the big time, high-class, CM'ers like yourself, well aren't you so special making a meeting.

    Well I'm sorry I cannot come to this BIG TIME meeting of yours (that you have created), I'm sorry I cannot afford even shoes to come to this meeting which would be a first step to presenting myself properly.

    Snipped the Latino bit.

    [ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Amidst_Void ]

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    Your units are aiming at the enemy units. Your units won't see the bases under the enemy units until the see the enemy units first. The bases don't help your units spot the enemy, they are only there to help you locate the units since they are tiny and blend into the terrain easily. Whether you have unit bases on or not has no effect on game play, only on your enjoyment of the game. It's the same with smoke or fog. Tunring them off doesn't increase the range of your units' visibility; it only helps you see things better. If the smoke or fog is there, it is there whether you turn the effects on or off.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Are you bloody daft? You seem to be having the utmost difficulty understanding my post, should I baby sit you through its entirety? Am I, for some unexplicable reason, not making myself perfectly clear; not getting my point across, because I could have sworn the majority of people in here are not, in the slightest, confused by my wording.

    Also, if you, sir Pvt. Ryan, (the originality of the name, wow) are in fact a member of the Peng team, I should tell you that they made a big mistake.

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by securityguard:

    its funny, last time i remembered combat mission is a game<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I bleedin' know that, why don't ya take your head outta your arse an look at my post one more time, hmmm?

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vergeltungswaffe:

    The one thing that no one addressed in response to your post is that only YOU see unit bases, whatever mods you use, etc. Your opponent only sees whatever settings he uses. So leaving unit bases on does not make your troops stand out to the opponent, or anything along those lines.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The example of the American Infantry (above) was used in the situation that, if I have unit bases on and I'm Axis then I would also be able to see unit bases on for my opponent, hence, it's as if my units are aiming for neon green boxes ect.

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