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Posts posted by TaoJah

  1. Well, France fell but the British managed to, euh... pacify the Middle East and are now contemplating their next move : stay in Egypt to defend it or pack up and go someplace else.

    The Russians are building up their troops but are staying far, far away from the war and the US are still doing nothing, except releasing press notes.

    Just the standard start of the game, so far.

  2. Originally posted by John DiFool the 2nd:

    I'm still trying to figure out how Terif can afford all the crap I see in the screenies (and tech too) by mid 1943...

    Yes, I am trying to learn that too in my current games : how to save MPPs.

    The key is -like he said- not to operate or transport things. And use your airfleets and ships wisely. The only time the Germans have to transport/operate is after France, to Africa. And perhaps the HQ from Spain/Portugal to Russia (I only operate my HQ, the rest can walk or is used as garrison).

    Also, make sure that everything is always in supply 5 or more, so that you can build it back at half the cost.

    And don't buy all tech for all units. Will those garrison corps in weastern Europe really need movement tech ? Tank tech ? Do all corps in Russia need extra movement ?

    The only thing that I do not save MPPs on is research : I get the UK, Russian and US research up to 750 and keep it there : everytime I get a breakthorough, I buy another chit.

  3. I wonder if it's worth it to let Hubert Cater make time to make two mods for SCII himself : a great Waterloo scenario (perhaps working together with the one that was posted last week here) and a great US Civil War scenario.

    Perhaps that would give the game publicity and extra sales, no ?

    That plus a few extras (swapping sides with AI, units swapping places, putting units "asleep", better D-Day AI) would make it even better !

  4. <reads and learns>

    I thought that once the Allied got as far as Stalingrad, Russian would be knocked out. How do you defend the mines south after Stalingrad falls ? And the loss in MPP when those mines are cut off from the captal must hurt badly, ouch.

    Supply is of course a big, big problem for the Allied in Russia. And they got to garrison ALOT of places. But still, I thought it would be over for Russia.

  5. Even though I am one of those old-fashioned people that think that a game where you get points for riding over an old lady should not be sold, I don't think that this game "glorifies war".

    You don't see pictures of Generals with a bio explaining how good they were in sending killing people, you don't see Hitler giving speeches, you don't see Hitler giving medals to children for manning the AA-guns...

    It would be kinda stupid to make this game "18+" in a time where people read in detail what soldiers do to Iraqees 14-year-old girls and their family, wouldn't it ?

  6. Originally posted by Terif:

    ground units are much more powerful and cost efficient than airfleets for itself.

    Yes, if you calculate the MPP cost and the damage they do, they're of course worse then ground troops.

    But you can concentrate for much better with them : you can't attack a fort with 9 ground troops, but you can attack it with 6 plus 3 airplanes. And they scout alot better. And you can relocate them easily.

    But the thing that overpowers them is the experience. By the time the Germans get to Kharkov, they can have 3 planes with 3-4 stars. That's alot of punch, they can basically rip through any spot they want.

    IMHO the experience is too big of a factor with the planes or too little for ground troops.

  7. Originally posted by Terif:

    After the ground bombardment by 9 airfleets, 2 dozen heavy german ground units positioned just outside enemy spotting range, simultaneously go into a full speed charge

    That's the only way to take Russia against a good player, I think : buy all airfleets you can, put all grounds troops together, smash hard at Krakhov and keep hitting all the way to Leningrad.

    There is absolutely nothing the Allied can do against those airplanes, so you can pick your targets and kill the key-point Russian troops where you want : airplanes are overpowered.

    Perhaps the Allied should be able to place UK fighters in Russia, that should make a difference. But even that is probably not enough : you can buy a whole lot of airplanes with the Axis.

  8. Originally posted by Exel:

    The world has seen hundreds of nuclear detonations of varying magnitudes, and one Chernobyl. We aren't dead yet. What prohibits the use of nuclear weapons is the fear of massive retaliation, not fallout per se. That, and the bad rep, as long as politicians care about that.

    Euh, no... Chernobil wasn't a nuclear detonation : it was a steam explosion that started other non-nuclear explosions and theyblew up the mantle of the reactor, releasing radioactivity.
  9. Even when facing the wrong way in-game a fortification is quite strong : entrenchement 4 at the start of every turn is quite strong.

    You could say that you should get MPPs for taking a fort, but you could also argue that they should get MPPs if they destroy a fort, taking equipement with them. Except when it's all surrounded. Or that building a fortification with engineers should cost MPPs.

    If you want to make it too historically correct, it would get complicated very fast IMHO.

  10. Originally posted by Normal Dude:


    In a long line of naive and outright dumb things you have said, this has GOT to top them all.

    Yup, Iran.

    Read the next mail and you'll see why...

    Originally posted by Night:

    Much more likley we will use tactical nukes on Iran, but even then it is more likley the Israelis will do it first and save us the trouble.

    People are openly talking about using nuclear weapons against Iran.

    That's why I stick to my point : a world where every mayor nation has the same weapons is a safer place then a world where only a few nations have them.

    Originally posted by Night:

    FYI most people inside the U.S. who have the full story do not consider nuking Japan to be a "stain" on us at all. I for one am glad we saved so many lives both in Japan and American.

    The full story is known : the US killed 100,000 civilians with nuclear weapons of mass destruction and yes, they saved x lives with that.

    No one knows what x is.

    But everyone knows what 100,000 is : that's 33 9/11s.

    What exactly is the rest of the full story ?

    [ February 20, 2007, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: TaoJah ]

  11. Naaaah, way too doomy for me. I don't think the US leaders are the smartest ones in the world, but even they won't nuke anyone !

    They got away with nuking 100.000 innocent japanese civilians in WWII, but even that is seen as one of the great stains on US history. And the Japanese attacked them first, so they had an excuse (even when it was a lousy one).

    Can you imagine the outrage around the world and inside the US when the US would first-strike nuclear against Russia, like the article suggests ???

    Not a chance.

    There are too many countries with nuclear weapons in the world, it's way too dangerous to actually use them first.

    The nuclear weapons that the US dropped on Japan killed 100,000 innocent people. On 9/11 3,000 inncocent people were killed. That kinda sums up exactly how devestating a nuclear attack is...

    All these countries have nuclear weapons :

    - France

    - UK

    - US

    - Russia

    - China

    All five of these countries have an undisclosed number of submarines with nuclear weapons on board.

    - India : a country that never signed the nuclear treay and thus is free to do whatever it wants. And the US now signed a treay with India to actually exchange nuclear information and agreed NOT to check a dozen military nuclear installations.

    The US is betting that India will become a power to stand against China. That's a dangerous strategy : they betted that Sadam Houssein would become a power against Iran and Osama Bin Laden against Russia. We all know how THAT turned out...

    - Israel : a country that is more and more becoming a political problem for the US. The Israelian actions are becoming impossible to defend : building nuclear weapons (how can the US say that they'll attack Iran because it is maybe building nuclear weapons, when they accept that Israel already has them ?), expanding the settlements dispite their agreement not to, building walls (sounds familiar ?), invading countries, using cluster bombs on civilian areas and assasinate members from a democraticly chosen parlement in a neibour country. And that's just in the last year !

    - North Korea : enough said.

    I think the world is safer because of the fact that several countries have nuclear weapons.

    It would be even more safe when even more countries had them, like Iran, Taiwan, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Canada, South-Africa, Australia and Italy. Then even the most war-hunger leader wouldn't think of using them.

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