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Posts posted by TaoJah

  1. I always sell my rocket research immediatly with Russia, but not Intel nor Infrastructure.

    Intel level 1 gives you a 1% bonus on research, so that's nice and definatly worth 37.5 MPP.

    Infrastructure is more debatable, but I seem to operate alot with Russia : I think I win back those 50 MMPs fast.

    By the end of 1940 I re-evaluate. If I still need alot of infantry hits or Production with Russia, I sell the chits in Intel and Infrastructure if they didn't hit yet. It will cost me, but I need those two extra chits elsewhere.

    All in all, I think you should get more starting MPPs and no chits at start-up, so you can decide yourself.

  2. Yes, I managed to get Noray with the Axis...

    Instead of attacking full-force in Poland, Low Countries and France, I decided to take take some units away on turn one and go to Norway : I took it on turn four, the same turn that the Allies can take it. Except that the Axis play before the Allied, so I got Norway, hehe.

    A scout-plane in Denmark had to make sure that the Allied didn't have ships in front of Norway in turn 4, so I knew the coast was clear.

    On top of that, I could see a clear pat towards the amphibian transporter, so I sank it with a sub... The sub survived the next turn and was adjacent to a carrier, so I sacrificed two cruisers to sink the carrier. Not a bad deal, I think.

    Due to the fact that I could not use al my forces in France, I lost one tank there. That will cost 125 MPP to rebuild, which is much lower then the MPP gain from Norway coming to me instead of to the UK.

    And yes, I let the UK (and France) have diplo hits in Iraq. My German troops will convince them who they belong to !!!

  3. Originally posted by Terif:

    Chance for this to happen once (5 chits, 4 years, no success) would be 0.00000319 % = 1 game out of 31 million 356 thousand and 256 games :D

    Chance for it to happen twice: astronomically low... tongue.gif

    Sorry, but this only proves the selected awareness of humans concerning luck - I am pretty sure this event never really happened as described, only a result of selective memory

    I fully agree with you. The odds for this happening is -what we statistians call- "infinitismal little", meaning so little that you don't have to take it into account. And yet it happened. Twice.

    In all my games of AI plays, I never had this, ever : I always bought 5 chits in IT and usually got it before going to France with Germany and before Barbarossa with Russia. In my first four or five HvH games I did the same, twice with the results mentioned. Three - four years and nothing.

    I mailed Hubert when it happened AGAIN with only 2 chits (end 42 and no hit). He insisted that it was not a bug. I have no choice but believe him, but it's hard with my old statistic degree on the wall.

    I would REALLY like a non-luck research system, shouldn't be too hard to implement, me thinks, but Hubert doesn't want it so it won't happen :( Too bad, it's a good game for the rest.

  4. If a player invests 5 chits in IT for Russia and doesn't get a single hit in four years of play time, you can twist it around all you want, but that player will lose.

    This happened to me TWICE, once with Allied and one with Axis : taking 5 chits in IT ASAP and not getting a single breakthrough in four years. Not. One. Single. Succes.

    And you can say that "luck evens out", but it doesn't. With 500 MPPs wasted and low level German or Russian infantry in 40, 41, 42 and 43 the game is over, plain and simple.

  5. Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

    Occassionally timing of tech/diplo can look like a game is completely skewed to one side or the other if an experienced player knows how to make full use of the opportunity.

    Experienced or not, when you got the REALLY bad luck in research, there is nothing you can do, you lose the game.

    That's why I think that with two players of the same experience, the luckiest one wins with the current research system.

    Like now... I am playing as Allied in one game and the opponent has infantry level 3 when he invades France. In the other game I am Axis and I have infantry level 2 when invading Russia.

    It's pure luck. We might just as well throw a dice at the start of the game to see who wins and don't bother playing.

    I am all for a optional research system that garantees a certain advancement in research, so that you can actually have a say in the outcome of the game. But Hubert is against it :(

  6. Originally posted by Terif:

    Todays, veteran axis players use 3 main strategies concerning Spain:

    - either they leave it neutral throughout the game, concentrating on Russia

    - or they leave it only neutral till Barbarossa and then first leave Russia alone, concentrating on collecting the neutrals

    - or they diplo Hungary+Romania and conquer Spain+Vichy in 1940

    Euh... Or number 4 : leave it alone until the Baltic joins, then quickly take Spain, take Portugal and move your troops each, just in time for Barbarossa.

    Aside from that, I think that Spain is too easy captured by the Axis : with only 3 units and a HQ, you can take it in two turns without the Allies being able to do anything at all.

  7. <grumbles>

    I thought the game would end in August 45 if I had Moscow and Paris... It seems that I got to have those cities in 1947 and not 1945 ?!?

    If I knew that, I would have played totally differently with the Allied. I even sacrificed alot of my planes, most of my UK troops and all US troops to hold on to Paris until august 45, grrrr.

    This game (and my other simular Allied game) is gonne be hard !

  8. Originally posted by Liam:

    1 corps in the Donetz, 5-6 Russian Units and an HQ in the Danzig Pocket. 3-4 UK units in the Danzig Pocket with HQ...

    Plus 1 US Army in France... ;)

    Lies, all lies !

    That's spread out over 5 turns ! You know the 5 turns that you needed to get into Russia in 43, the 5 turns that I had research break-through, the 5 turns that I build two more fortifications, the 5 turns that I had an extra 3500 MPP for the Allied, the 5 turns where I could place an extra 10 Russian troops, the 5 turns that...

    /takes a breath

    All lies !!!

  9. /shakes his head at all the lies

    What REALLY happened is that the German invasion of Russia was stopped dead in it's tracks by a brave group of Russian and British soldiers that attacked the Germans troops from behind, by landing in a suiside mission around Koninsgberg.

    The target of this brave attack wasn't Warshaw but was to buy Russia more time... Time to get some vital tech advances (check), time to get some extra tanks in the field (check), time to form some extra armies (check), time to get some extra fortifictions up (check)...

    The rear-attack ensured that Germany will most likely not be able to take Moscow in 1943 even though it's only defended lightly.

    Oh... one more itsie pitsie tiny detail that the German propaganda machine doesn't want you to know : the Americans just liberated Paris...

    Try to spin THAT fact around !!!

  10. Why isn't there an option to just pre-order the digital download ?

    I have to pre-order the "Download AND Mail" option, which costs me 56 dollars (a whooping 11 dollars to ship to Europe) and would be a total waste of a box that I won't open anyway.

    So, why not add an option to just pre-order the download version ?

    (edited for the right shipping price : I live in a 11-dollar shipping country, woot !)

    [ March 22, 2007, 04:21 PM: Message edited by: TaoJah ]

  11. Originally posted by DAK_21PzDivision:

    AAR nº 5: DAK_21PzDivision (axis) Vs TaoJah (allies)

    <snip> <snip> <snip> <snip>

    Once again, I wonder if my opponent talks about the same game that I do !

    The REAL situation is that the Germans never got further then Riga and Minks and that Minsk is even back in Russian hands ! The Germans didn't even try to recapture Egypt and the Middle East, so those 35 MPPs go to the UK every turn...

    On top of that, alot of the German troops are commited to the continuous harrasement of the British in Scandinavia and Germany, of the Americans in the Low Countries and of some Russians in Finland and the Balkan.

    In the mean time, the Russian are building up the most formidable warmachine that has ever been build and is waiting to march west !

    The only draw-back at the moment is the German airfleets. I got the same problem that I have in all games : I grossly underestimate the importance of airforces :( But I am learning !

  12. Gee, you can spin the truth around very well, hehe.

    The entire German and Italian navy were sunk except one single ship and you call it "it's unwillingness to wield". I won't hand out classified information about how many Allied ships survived but it were a hell of a lot more then you say !

    Your summary of "they managed to kill off two panzers and a corps for nothing" should read "he managed to make me pay 250 MPP to operate half my units all the way east to countries that I thought were save, he regained alot of ground in Russia, he built extra fortifications all over the place, he made me pay 2O0 MPP to operate all back east AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT he managed to kill three units."

    That should set the record straight :)

    Now, back to Russia !

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