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Posts posted by wbs

  1. Parabellum:

    Ah, OK, NOW I've got it. You're right--I had forgotten that US paratroopers faced similar situations during 'Market-Garden'. I would volunteer to play-test but for the fact that I am losing my e-mail/internet access in about three days (my employer is going out of business--I have been part of the skeleton crew needed to wrap things up) AND I have to spend my time interviewing for a new job so that I can get back on the board on a regular basis.

    [ March 18, 2002, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: wbs ]

  2. From what you describe, it sounds as though it could easily be a "Bastogne" scenario, where elements of the 4th Armored division (CCA, I think), were attempting to break though to the 101st in Bastogne.

    The Germans, I believe, were trying to prevent this, while bringing up reinforcements to take Bastogne.

    You could make this a historical scenario by changing the date to December, 1944 and making the composition of the attacking/defending forces consistent with those involved in that engagement. I don't think that you would have to change the force composition very much, if at all (I don't know what you've chosen at present--you may already have historically accurate forces chosen)

    [ March 18, 2002, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: wbs ]

  3. From Patgod:

    i'm reminded of a moment at the battle of gettysburg(i think) where a lower level officer(col. maybe?) noticed an important section of high ground was completely undefended. he sent a small unit(brigade maybe?) to guard it. the hill later came under heavy attack by confed forces.

    very vague i know, but its saturday....and i never said i was a grog

    Perhaps I can help...

    On July 2nd 1863 Union Brigadier General Gouverneur Warren noted that the top of Little Round Top was empty, and the Confederates were headed that way. On his own authority, he commandeered a passing brigade (Strong Vincent's, I believe)and rushed them up to the top of Little Round Top just minutes ahead of the attacking Confederates (damn it!).

    You may read more about it at:


    Two of my however-many-Great Grandfathers were confederate officers who participated in the attack. Both survived uninjured.

    [ March 16, 2002, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: wbs ]

  4. From Charlie Rock:

    If you can convince me that Tony Williams knows more about .50 cals than the US Army, OK.

    I do not know anything about Tony Williams, but I would point out that there are tens of thousands of "Tony Williams" (i.e. specialists in their fields) who have taught the army most of what it knows on most subjects. They may be DOD civilian experts, highly specialized consultants who work for a "beltway bandit", or university professors who run experiments on various topics at the request of the army.

    So, although I do not know Tony Williams or his background I would think that, as a specialist in the field, it is QUITE possible that he knows more than the Army, in general, does IN THAT FIELD.

    [ March 15, 2002, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: wbs ]

  5. I once played a TCP/IP scenario where I received 6 HTs and one tank in opposition to his two tanks.

    We both had roughly the same amt. of infantry.

    In the course of the game, I exchanged my one tank for his two, and THEN I brought up my 6 HTs.

    At the time, I did not know that a .50 caliber could hurt HTs at anything other than point-blank range (<40m).

    He had a .50 caliber MG on the 2nd floor of a bldg, and I brought all 6 HTs up to about a 100m range and laid down a blistering firestorm of German MG fire.

    When the turn was over, the .50 caliber MG was still there, and I was scratching my head trying to figure out who had killed 4 of my 6 HTs in one turn. The answer of course, as I eventually figured out, was the MG.

    I now NEVER bring my German HTs within 300m of a MG, and never into LOS of any blast weapon.

  6. From rick614:

    A question YankeeDog. You are firing a weapon from a fixed mount, a very fixed mount, straight into a 450 mph headwind. What does that do to the velocity of the projectile?

    It would have no EXTRA effect, Rick, because there really isn't a headwind (assumes calm conditions) but rather the plane is moving through calm air at that speed.

    The "drag" effect would be identical to that applied to a bullet fired at normal muzzle velocity plus 440 f/sec.

    [ March 13, 2002, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: wbs ]

  7. From IronChef "Sakai"..er, I mean "4" ;)





    Well, then, who ARE you, mr. masked man?

    What is the difference between your "IronChef" and the Other "Iron Chef"?

    What is the reason (or origin) of the "IronChef" moniker? Were you twins separated at birth?

    Inquiring minds want to know..... :D

  8. Alright, alright, here's what happened--

    Played the scenario once as US. Normal forces on both sides. Won Tactical Victory.

    Played second time as the US side, and increased the US forces by 50%. I wanted to try something a little different (tactics-wise) and wanted to offset the number of tanks that would bog and become immobilized.

    Unfortunately for me, it seems as though nearly EVERY @#^$& Sherman bogged, and they then became tasty Panther snacks. :(

    I eventually did capture all three flags, and force the Germans to surrender, but my own losses were so heavy that the result was as 'Combined Arms' described.

    I just thought I'd mention the experimental nature of the second game before y'all tripped over yourselves and each other trying to line me up for a game... ;)

  9. From Murpes:



    Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    I've got a better method:

    Shoot all the bad guys, while taking as few losses as possible. Works almost every time.


    One would think so, but this guy might disagree with that logic.

    LOL! :D You got me, Murpes!
  10. I just finished playing "Singling Shootout" against the AI as US + 50% forces.

    I took a pounding and was losing badly when, with two turns left in the game, the AI surrendered and the result flashed on the screen:


    The score was something like 59-41 in favor of the Germans.

    All of the remaining German forces had surrendered to me. Their morale level had sunk to 9%.


    I've never seen a result like this before--should I interpret this as a win or a loss?

    Who would be declared the winner in this case in a tournament game??

    [ March 10, 2002, 12:38 AM: Message edited by: wbs ]

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